The following Union Army units and commanders fought in the Savannah campaign (or Sherman's March to the Sea) of the American Civil War. The Confederate order of battle is listed separately. Order of battle compiled from the army organization during the campaign.[1]

Abbreviations used

Military rank

Union Forces

MG William T. Sherman, Commanding

Headquarters guard:


Right Wing (Army of the Tennessee)

MG Oliver O. Howard

XV Corps

MG Peter J. Osterhaus

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     BG Charles R. Woods

1st Brigade

   Col Milo Smith

2nd Brigade

   BG Charles C. Walcutt[2] (w),

   Col Robert F. Catterson

3rd Brigade

   Col James A. Williamson

Second Division
     MG William Babcock Hazen

1st Brigade

   Col Theodore Jones

2nd Brigade

   Col Wells S. Jones[3] (w),

   Col James Stewart Martin

3rd Brigade

   BG John Morrison Oliver

3rd Division
     Bvt MG John E. Smith

1st Brigade

   Col Joseph B. McCown

2nd Brigade

   Bvt. BG Green B. Raum   

4th Division
     BG John M. Corse

1st Brigade

   BG Elliott W. Rice

2nd Brigade

   Col Robert N. Adams

3rd Brigade

   Col Frederick J. Hurlbut


   Maj Charles J. Stolbrand

XVII Corps

MG Francis Preston Blair, Jr.

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     MG Joseph A. Mower

1st Brigade

   BG John W. Fuller

2nd Brigade

   BG John W. Sprague

3rd Brigade  

   Col John Tillson

Second Division

     BG Mortimer Dormer Leggett

Provost Guard
1st Brigade

   BG Manning F. Force

2nd Brigade

   Col Robert Kingston Scott

Third Division
     BG Giles Alexander Smith

1st Brigade

   Col Benjamin F. Potts

3rd Brigade

   BG William W. Belknap


   Maj Allen C. Waterhouse

Left Wing (Army of Georgia)

MG Henry W. Slocum


XIV Corps

Bvt MG Jefferson C. Davis

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     BG William P. Carlin

1st Brigade

   Col Harrison C. Hobart

2nd Brigade

   Ltc Joseph H. Brigham

3rd Brigade

   Col Henry A. Hambright,[6]

   Ltc David Miles

2nd Division
     BG James D. Morgan

1st Brigade

   Col Robert F. Smith

2nd Brigade

   Ltc John S. Pearce

3rd Brigade

   Ltc James W. Langley

3rd Division
     BG Absalom Baird

1st Brigade

   Col Morton C. Hunter

2nd Brigade

   Col Newell Gleason

3rd Brigade

   Col George P. Este


   Maj Charles Houghtaling

XX Corps

BG Alpheus S. Williams

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     BG Nathaniel J. Jackson

1st Brigade

   BG James L. Selfridge

2nd Brigade

   Col Ezra A. Carman

3rd Brigade

   Col James S. Robinson

Second Division
     BG John W. Geary

1st Brigade

     Col Ario Pardee, Jr.

2nd Brigade

   Col Patrick Henry Jones

3rd Brigade

   Col Henry A. Barnum

Third Division
     BG William Thomas Ward

1st Brigade

   Col Franklin C. Smith

2nd Brigade

   Col Daniel Dustin

3rd Brigade

   Col Samuel Ross


   Maj John A. Reynolds

  • Battery I, 1st New York Light: Cpt Charles E. Winegar
  • Battery M, 1st New York Light: Cpt Edward P. Newkirk
  • Battery C, 1st Ohio Light : Cpt Marco B. Gary,[11] Lt Jerome B. Stephens
  • Battery E, Pennsylvania Light: Cpt Thomas S. Sloan

Cavalry Corps

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Third Division
     BG Hugh Judson Kilpatrick

1st Brigade

   Colo Eli H. Murray

  • 8th Indiana Cavalry: Ltc Fielder A. Jones
  • 2nd Kentucky Cavalry: Cpt Joseph T. Forman, Cpt Robert M. Gilmore
  • 3rd Kentucky Cavalry: Ltc Robert H. King
  • 5th Kentucky Cavalry: Col Oliver L. Baldwin
  • 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry: Col Thomas J. Jordan
2nd Brigade

   Col Smith D. Atkins

  • 10th Wisconsin Battery: Cpt Yates V. Beebe

See also


  1. Official Records, Series I, Volume XLIV, pages 19-25
  2. Wounded November 22.
  3. Wounded December 13
  4. Non-veterans 18th Wisconsin attached.
  5. Detachment 10th Missouri attached.
  6. Sick from November 18.
  7. Company A, 24th Illinois attached.
  8. Detachment 11th Ohio Infantry attached.
  9. Wounded December 19.
  10. Detachment Battery E, Pennsylvania Artillery, attached.
  11. Captured December 12.
  12. 1 2 Serving with the Left Wing.


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