

Serhii Shumylo (Ukrainian: Сергій Вікторович Шумило; born 8 June 1976) is an historian, specialist in religious studies, and journalist. Shumylo is a candidate of historical sciences (PhD) and a Doctor of Theology (ThDr).
He is an invited science researcher at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom), director of the International Institute of the Athonite Legacy in Ukraine, a science researcher at the Institute of History of Ukraine (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), a member of the International Orthodox Theological Association (United States), a docent at the National Academy of Government Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts (Ukraine), a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union.
Serhii Shumylo researches the Ukrainian spiritual and cultural heritage, is the editor-in-chief of the scientific almanac "Athos Heritage" (Ukrainian: «Афонська спадщина», Afonska spadshchyna), a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journal "Local Lore" (Ukrainian: «Краєзнавство», Krayeznavstvo) and the popular science magazine "Landmarks of Ukraine: History and Culture" (Ukrainian: «Пам'ятки України: історія та культура»), a member of the editorial board of the All-Ukrainian scientific journal "Siveryansky Litopis" (Ukrainian: «Сіверянський літопис») and the editorial board of the popular science magazine "Liberation Struggle" (Ukrainian: «Визвольна боротьба»). He also made great contributions in research of the Eastern Orthodox churches during their persecutions in the Soviet Union and studies towards history of "catacomb" (underground) religious communities as well as other religious communities. The author of at least ten books and more than 100 scientific publications on subject of the history of Mount Athos, the Eastern Orthodox underground in the Soviet Union, the history of Eastern Orthodoxy in Ukraine during the Cossack Hetmanate, the early history of Eastern Orthodoxy in Ukraine during Kyivan Rus, as well as numerous publications in the mass media on issues of history, religion, culture, and politics.
Recognitions and honours
On November 9, 2020, by the decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi "On awarding Ukraine with state awards on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Culture Specialists" for a significant personal contribution to the development of national culture and art, significant creative achievements and high professional skill, he was awarded the title "Merited Culture Specialist of Ukraine".[1]
- The Soviet regime and the Church (Советский режим и церковь). — Saint Petersburg, 2006. — 136 p. (in Russian)
- Prince Askold (Oskold) and Christianization of Rus. — Kyiv: Dukh i litera (Дух и литера), 2010. — 120 p. — ISBN 978-966-378-155-6 (in Russian)
- In catacombs. The Eastern Orthodox underground in the Soviet Union: a summary of the history of the True Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union. (В катакомбах. Православное подполье в СССР: конспект по истории Истинно-Православной Церкви в СССР). — Lutsk: Teren (Терен), 2011. — 269 p. — ISBN 978-966-2276-52-7 (in Russian) online copy at catacomb.org.ua
- Schema-bishop Peter (Ladygin): an unshakable pillar of the Church (1866–1957) (Схиепископ Петр (Ладыгин): непоколебимый столп Церкви (1866—1957 гг.)) / Publication, preparation of the text, introduction, comment by Shumylo S.V., Shumylo V.V. — Glazov (Глазов), 2013. — 108 p. — ISBN 978-5-905538-16-2 (in Russian) online copy at catacomb.org.ua
- The "Spiritual Zaporozhye" on Mount Athos. Little-known Zaporizhian Cossack monastery “Chornyi Vyr” (Black Vortex) on the Holy Mountain. («Духовное Запорожье» на Афоне. Малоизвестный казачий скит «Черный Выр» на Святой Горе.) — Kyiv: The UOC publication department (Издательский отдел УПЦ), 2015. — 116 p. — ISBN 978-966-2371-34-5 (in Russian)
- Venerable Paisiy Velichkovsky and the Zaporozhye Sich. Little-known letters of Rev. Paisiy Velichkovsky to Kosh Otaman of the Zaporizhian Host Petro Kalnyshevsky. (Преподобный Паисий Величковский и Запорожская Сечь. Малоизвестные письма прп. Паисия Величковского к Кошевому атаману Войска Запорожского Петру Калнышевскому.) Kyiv — Serpukhov: International Institute of the Athonite Legacy in Ukraine; "Legacy of the Orthodox Orient" («Наследие Православного Востока»), 2015. — 128 p. — ISBN 978-5-9905423-3-4 (in Russian)
- Elder John Vishensky: Athonite ascetic and Orthodox writer-polemicist. Materials for the biography of blessed memory of “the great elder John Vishensky the Svyatogorets” (Старец Иоанн Вишенский: афонский подвижник и православный писатель-полемист. Материалы к жизнеописанию «блаженной памяти великого старца Иоанна Вишенского Святогорца») — Kyiv: The UOC publication department (Издательский отдел УПЦ), 2016. — 208 p. — ISBN 978-966-2371-40-6 (in Russian)
- Venerable Paisius Velichkovsky. "The Tale of the Holy Cathedral" and little-known letters (Преподобний Паїсій Величковський. «Повість про святий собор» та маловідомі листи) / Comments and editions by Shumylo S.V. — Kyiv: The UOC publication department (Видавничий відділ УПЦ), 2016. — 207 p. — ISBN 978-966-2371-39-0 (in Ukrainian)
- Elder Anikita: the spiritual path of holiness. Materials for the biography with the application of the works of Hieroschema-monk Anikita (Prince Shirinsky-Shikhmatov) (Старец Аникита: духовный путь святости. Материалы к жизнеописанию с приложением сочинений иеросхимонаха Аникиты (князя Ширинского-Шихматова)) / Additions, editions and comments by Zabelin K.V. — Smolensk, 2018. — 276 p. — ISBN 978-5-98156-814-5 (in Russian)
- Elder Anikita: the spiritual path of holiness. Materials for the biography with the application of the works of Hieroschema-monk Anikita (Prince Shirinsky-Shikhmatov) (Старец Аникита: духовный путь святости. Материалы к жизнеописанию с приложением сочинений иеросхимонаха Аникиты (князя Ширинского-Шихматова)) / 2nd edition. — Kyiv-Odesa: Athonite Legacy (Афонское наследие), 2019. — 328 p. — ISBN 978-966-139-103-0 (in Russian)
- Athonite elder from Transcarpathia. Hieroschema-monk Avvakum (Vakarov) and his time: 1899–1972. (Афонский старец из Закарпатья. Иеросхимонах Аввакум (Вакаров) и его время: 1899–1972.) — Kyiv: International Institute of the Athonite Legacy, 2019. — 336 p. — ISBN 978-966-139-107-8 (in Russian)
- The Church of the Martyrs: Persecution of the Faith and the Church in the 20th Century: Materials of the International science conference (Церква мучеників: гоніння на віру та Церкву у ХХ столітті: матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф.) (Kyiv, 6–7 February 2020) / editions by Shumylo S.V. — Kyiv: The UOC publication department (Видавничий відділ УПЦ), 2020. — 616 p. (in Ukrainian)
- ↑ "Президент України присвоїв директору МІАС Сергію Шумило звання "Заслужений працівник культури України"". afon.org.ua (in Ukrainian). 2020-11-20.