Sigma knowledge engineering environment
Written inJava
LicenseGPL-3.0 license

In the computer science fields of knowledge engineering and ontology, the Sigma knowledge engineering environment (SigmaKEE) is an open source computer program for the development of formal ontologies. It is designed for use with the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. It originally included only the Vampire theorem prover as its core deductive inference engine,[1] but now allows use of many other provers that have participated in the CASC/CADE competitions.[2]


SigmaKEE is viewed as an integrated development environment for ontologies. It is written in Java and uses JSP for its web-based user interface. The interface allows to browse the theory content with hyperlinks and presents hierarchies in a tree-like structure. SigmaKEE supports THF, TPTP, SUO-KIF, OWL and Prolog formats and allows to translate theories between these formats.[2]

SigmaKEE integrates the theorem prover E.[2]


  1. Sutcliffe, Geoff; Yerikalapudi, Aparna; Trac, Steven (2009). "Multiple Answer Extraction for Question Answering with Automated Theorem Proving Systems" (PDF). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International FLAIRS Conference. Retrieved January 16, 2024.
  2. 1 2 3 Pease, Adam; Schulz, Stephan (2014). Demri, Stephane; Kapur, Deepak; Weidenbach, Christoph (eds.). "Knowledge Engineering for Large Ontologies with Sigma KEE 3.0" (PDF). Proc. Of the 7th IJCAR, Vienna. LNAI. 8562: 519–525. Retrieved January 16, 2024.

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