The Sociétés populaires de Nantes were bodies established in Nantes during the French Revolution, equivalent to political parties, in support of the revolution.

The most important was the Club de la Halle, which was linked to the Jacobin Club in Paris.

They ceased to exist during the Directory[1][2][3]


  1. Alfred Lallié, Les sociétés populaires à Nantes pendant la Révolution, Nantes, Durance, 1914, 2nd edidtion, 237
  2. André Péron, Nantes et la Révolution : la mémoire des lieux, Quimper, Ressac, 1988, 80 p. (ISBN 2-904966-18-8).
  3. Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, Nantes - Histoire et géographie contemporaine, Plomelin, Éditions Palantines, 2008, 2nd edition, 300 p. (ISBN 978-2-35678-000-3).

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