seal of ОБМОХУ, designed by Vladimir Stenberg

The Society of Young Artists (Russian: ОБМОХУ; Общество Молодых Художников) (OBMOKhU) was a collective of artists in revolutionary Russia. They experimented with spatial constructions and the properties of industrial materials. The group existed 1919 to 1922.[1]


Following the Russian Revolution, part education was re-organised through the establishment of svomas. The Stroganov School for Technical Drawing (later Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry) became the First Free State Art Workshops.[2] However, by the summer 1919, the mass mobilisation for the Red Army currently involved in the Russian Civil War led to students graduating from the workshops joining up.[2] However Georgiy Echeistov remained at the Workshops and joined the leaderless workshop first organised by Boris Grigoriev in September 1919.


  1. "OBMOKhU - Monoskop". Mnoskop. Retrieved 5 November 2018.
  2. 1 2 Shatskikh, Alexandra (1992). "A Brief History of Obmokhu" (PDF). Monoskop. Retrieved 5 November 2018.
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