Som Energia info point

Som Energia is a Spanish renewable energies cooperative that was officially founded in December 2010 in Girona, Catalonia, making it the first of its kind in Spain.[1][2][3] The project to create the cooperative was begun in November 2009 by a group of former students and lecturers at University of Girona and other contributors, with the objective of setting up something similar to initiatives such as Ecopower (Belgium) or Enercoop (France).[4] Som Energia intends to offer its members the possibility of consuming energy from sources that are 100% renewable at a price similar to conventional energy, as well as developing its own renewable energy projects.[5] In January 2019, the cooperative had over 54.300 members, had invested over 13 million euro in renewable energy production projects had produced over 11.80 GWh and employed 47 people.


  1. " Es constitueix a Girona la primera cooperativa d'energia renovable a Espanya" (in Catalan).
  2. " Naturaleza y Medio Ambiente - Som Energia" (in Spanish).
  3. "europapress: Constituyen la primera cooperativa de energía renovable de España" (in Spanish).
  4. "Diari de Girona: Funden a Girona una cooperativa que vendrà i prodira energies renovables" (in Catalan).
  5. "El Punt: Ajuntar-se per produir quilowatts verds" (in Catalan).
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