The Anti arms smuggling operations launched by the Sri Lanka Navy between September 2006 and October 2007, were six successful interceptions in the Indian Ocean of rouge merchant ships that transported arms and ammunition to the LTTE.[1][2][3]

With the onset of the Eelam War IV the Sri Lanka Navy began intercepting LTTE arms shipments to Sri Lanka. In doing so, the navy destroyed 11 LTTE trawlers bringing artillery sells, mortar bombs and other military hardware into south of Mannar. Based on intelligence gathered from the sinking of the trawlers, the navy gathered that the source of the weapons were cargo vessesls in Indonesian waters 3,000 Kilometers away from Sri Lanka. The navy deceided to takeout these vessels that served the LTTE as floating armouries since stopping the trawlers carrying small quantities military hardaware became never-ending. Having gathered intelligence and carriedout planning for nearly an year, the navy launched a deep sea operation starting in 2007. Initial few sotries were unsuccessful. However, with detailed intelligence analysis, the navy made a breakthrough by detecting the first LTTE floating armoury approximately 360 km south of Sri Lanka on 28 February 2007 and destroy it. Two more ships were located 18 March 2007, 1,400 km south east of Sri Lanka close to Indonesia and were sunk. The navy located three vessels and destroyed these on 10 and 11 September 2007 within the next 24 hours 3,000 km south east of Sri Lanka close to Australia. The final ship was located and destroyed 7 October 2007, 2,900 km away from Sri Lanka close to Indonesia. The navy claims to have destroyed close to 10,000 tonnes military harware including 80,000 shells for 152 mm and 130 mm artillery, over 100,000 motar bombs for 81 mm and 120 mm mortars, three disassembeled aircraft, swimmer delivery vehicle, jet skis, diver delivery vehicles, diving scooters, torpedoes, explosive, electronic items, different capacities of outboard motors used by Sea Tiger attack crafts, night vision equipment and radar; resulting in a major setback for the LTTE in ground war.[4][5]


  1. The Man Behind The Naval Strategy
  2. Sri Lankan Navy seizes rebel arms smuggling ship
  3. Sri Lanka Navy Outlines Importance of Maritime Hub in Seminar Sessions
  4. Wijayapala, Ranil. "Navy Chief assesses Navy's role in the Forces' successful campaign to eliminate LTTE terrorism". Daily News. Retrieved 6 January 2024.
  5. "LTTE Vessel with Arms &; Other Items Goes in Flames after Navy Intercepted". Sri Lanka Army. Retrieved 6 January 2024.
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