Sun Huan
General of the Household (中郎將)
In office
212 (212)–234 (234)
MonarchSun Quan
Personal details
RelationsSee Eastern Wu family trees
OccupationAdministrator of Jiangxia
Courtesy nameJiming (季明)

Sun Huan (194-234), courtesy name Jiming, was a military general of the state of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. He was the fourth son of Sun Jing, uncle of Sun Quan, the founding emperor of Wu, and a younger brother of Sun Jiao (孫皎).


Born in the county of Wu, he was raised to be a soldier for the glory of the Sun family. In 212, his elder brother Jiao was promoted to general and left in charge of Xiakou[lower-alpha 1] in Jiangxia, replacing the general Cheng Pu (程普) who had organised the defences of this territory after it was transferred to Liu Bei, two years earlier.[1] Sun Huan entered military service serving under his elder brother Jiao for several years. In 219, Jiao died and Sun Huan inherited the command of Jiao's men. He was then named General of the Household and acted as Administrator of Jiangxia.[2] He was tasked with protecting the contested border with Wei.[3] He distinguished himself against Shu in the battle of Yiling under Lu Xun in 222. In 226, despite Sun Quan's unsuccessful campaign to seize northern Jiangxia, he captured three Wei generals at Shiyang and was then enfeoffed for his achievements.[4]

He died in 234 and was well remembered by the people of Wu, who praised him for his contributions to promoting scholarship in Jiangxia.[2]

See also


  1. Present-day: Xiakou, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.


  1. De Crespigny (2007), p. 90.
  2. 1 2 "What You Didn't Know You Didn't Know — Who the heck is Sun Huan? He's a very useful..." Retrieved 2023-12-14.
  3. De Crespigny (2007), p. 768.
  4. Biography of Sun Huan (Jiming), in chinese. SGZ Wu 6:1208-09: 孫奐字季明。兄皎既卒,代統其眾,以揚武中郎將領江夏太守。在事一年,遵皎舊跡,禮劉靖、李允、吳碩、張梁及江夏閭舉等,並納其善。奐訥於造次而敏於當宮,軍民稱之。黃武五年,權攻石陽,奐以地主,使所部將軍鮮于丹帥五千人先斷淮道。自帥吳碩、張梁五千人為軍前鋒,降高城,得三將。大軍引還,權詔使在前住,駕過其軍,見奐軍陳整齊,權歎曰:"初吾憂其遲鈍,今治軍,諸將少能及者,吾無憂矣。"拜揚威將軍,封沙羨侯。吳碩、張梁皆裨將軍,賜爵關內侯。〈《江表传》曰:初权在武昌,欲还都建业,而虑水道溯流二千里,一旦有警,不相赴及,以此怀疑。及至夏口,於坞中大会百官议之,诏曰:“诸将吏勿拘位任,其有计者,为国言之。”诸将或陈宜立栅栅夏口,或言宜重设铁锁者,权皆以为非计。时梁为小将,未有知名,乃越席而进曰:“臣闻香饵引泉鱼,重币购勇士,今宜明树赏罚之信,遣将入沔,与敌争利,形势既成,彼不敢干也。使武昌有精兵万人,付智略者任将,常使严整。一旦有警,应声相赴。作甘水城,轻舰数千,诸所宜用,皆使备具。如此开门延敌,敌自不来矣。”权以梁计为最得,即超增梁位。后稍以功进至沔中督。〉   奐亦愛樂儒生,覆命部曲子弟就業,後仕進朝廷者數十人。年四十,嘉禾三年卒。子承嗣,以昭武中郎將代統兵,領郡。赤烏六年卒,無子,封承庶弟壹奉奐後,襲業為將。孫峻之誅諸葛恪也,壹與全熙、施績攻恪弟公安督融,融自殺。壹從鎮南遷鎮軍,假節督夏口。及孫綝誅滕胤、呂據,據、胤皆壹皆之妹夫也,壹弟封又知胤、據謀,自殺。綝遣朱異潛襲壹。異至武昌,壹知其攻己,率部曲千餘口過將胤妻奔魏。魏以壹為車騎將軍、儀同三司,封吳侯,以故主芳貴人邢氏妻子。邢美色妒忌,下不堪命,遂共殺壹及邢氏。壹入魏(黃初)三年死。.
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