Tales of the Red Caboose was a short-lived primetime television series that aired on the American Broadcasting Company television network, premiering October 29, 1948 and running until January 14, 1949.[1]


The 15-minute series, sponsored by Lionel Trains, was broadcast on ABC television on Fridays at 7:30 to 7:45pm ET from October 29, 1948 to January 14, 1949. The narrator, Don Magee, told railroad lore as model trains raced around railroad tracks.[2]

The series was popular enough for a December 1948 Emerson TV advertisement to state that children entertained by television were "thrilled to the Tales of the Red Caboose."[3]

Preservation status

No recordings of the program are known to survive.

See also


  1. Woolery, George W. (1985). Children's Television: The First Thirty-Five Years, 1946-1981, Part II: Live, Film, and Tape Series. The Scarecrow Press. pp. 497–498. ISBN 0-8108-1651-2.
  2. Brooks, Tim and Marsh, Earle, The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows 1946 – Present (Seventh Edition), Ballantine Books, 1999, page 1002
  3. Advertisement, The Sunday Star (Washington, DC), December 5, 1948, page D-14
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