Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes (born 8 January 1977 in Narva) is an Estonian-Russian composer.[1]

In 2000s, she graduated from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in composition speciality.[1]

As of about 2020, she is teaching the composition at Georg Ots Tallinn Music School.[1]

In 2015, she received Annual Prize of the Endowment for Music of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.[1]

Since 2004, she is a member of Estonian Composers' Union.[1]

She received in 2022 the Lepo Sumera Composition Prize.[2]



Chamber works

  • Prisma (2001) for piano
  • Changeable [Muutlik] (2002) for flute, Estonian zither
  • kuumast klaasist tehtud [made of hot glass] (2003) for 2 flutes, alto flute, oboe, 2 clarinets/bass clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon, horn, trombone, percussion, strings
  • Võilillede lumi [Snow of Dandelions] (2003) for 4 flutes
  • When I Was in Love [Siis, kui ma armastasin...] (2003) for violin
  • Circles (2004) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano
  • Converting into Steam (2005) for 3 saxophones, double bass
  • Doors 2 (2006) for flute, clarinet/bass clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass
  • Doors 2a [version] (2007) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion
  • Liikumatuse dimensioon / Dimension of Quiescence (Version of the piece written in 2009) (2010) for alto saxophone (clarinet or bass clarinet), percussion
  • Horizontals [Horisontaalid] (2010) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano
  • Lovesong (2010) for violin, flute
  • Towards Inward (Dissolution) [Suunaga sissepoole (Lahustumine)] (2011) for violin, cello, guitar, piano
  • Disintegration Chain (2011) for flute, clarinet, percussion, sound object, violin, cello
  • Eddy Current [Pöörisvool] (2012) for flute, piano
  • Quicksilver (2012) for cello
  • Lost Motion (2013) for saxophone quartet
  • 8 Shades of My Shadow (2013) for kannel, harpsichord, harp
  • White Bird [Valge lind] (2013) for bassoon, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass
  • Lovesong [version] (2015) for flute, violin, ensemble (clarinet, cello, piano)
  • Six Bangs to Mister Boulez [Kuus pauku Härra Boulezi terviseks] (2015) for ensemble (2 lineups)
  • Crasis (2016) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello
  • Corners [Nurgad] (2017) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano, electric guitars
  • A Dance (2018) for flute, bass clarinet, harp, percussion
  • Longing for Darkness (2018) for saxophone or clarinet, violin, cello, piano
  • To Sing a Song Before the Night Comes (2020) for flute, bass clarinet, piano
  • Black and White [Must ja Valge] (2021) for ensemble (two lineups)
  • Mat'Selesnya (2022) for prepared piano & whirly tubes
  • Through the Black Hole (2022) for piano
  • Ainult õhk [Just Air] (2023) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion

Orchestral works

  • Karje vari [The Shadow of the Scream] (2004) for symphony orchestra
  • Lighting the Fire [Tule süütamine] (2015) for symphony orchestra
  • Creation [Loomine] (Part of a joint composition "Hiroshima - Nagasaki" together with composers Malle Maltis, Liisa Hirsch, Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Helena Tulve, Toivo Tulev and Eugene Birman) (2017) for string orchestra
  • Orchestration and developments of Manfred MIM's opera "Estonian History. A Nation Born of Shock" (2017) for soloists, mixed choir, symphony orchestra
  • Piano Concerto "Blow Your House Down" (2020) for piano, string orchestra
  • Dark Wings (2022) for percussion, orchestra

Vocal works

  • Tišina (Vaikus) [Silence] (2003) for vocal ensemble (or tenor), oboe, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass
  • Intermezzo jääs [Ice Intermezzo] (2004) for mixed choir
  • Water Shards [Vee killud] (2008) for soprano, violin, flute
  • No Selfhood (2008) for soloist, male choir
  • Fountain 1 [Purskkaev 1] (2008) for 4 voices
  • Tightrope Walker [Köielkõndija] (2009) for voice, flute, Estonian kannel, cello
  • Summer Rain 2 [Suvevihm 2] (2009) for mixed choir, amateur symphony orchestra
  • No Selfhood (Version of the piece of the same name written in 2008) (2010) for mixed choir
  • Fountain 2 [Purskkaev 2] (2011) for voice, percussion (3 players)
  • Three Feathers [Kolm sulekest] (2012) for voice, flute, cello, kannel, sound objects
  • How to Draw a Door? [Kuidas joonistada ust] (2012) for solo voice, bass flute, kannel ad libitum
  • Fall (2014) for soprano, bass, clarinet, percussion, double bass
  • Letters [Kirjad] (2014) for soprano, viola
  • Valgused [Lights] (2015) for 4 voices
  • To My End and to Its End… (2017) for mixed choir
  • I Will Cross This Road (2018) for mixed choir, male choir, string quartet
  • Just One Breath (2018) for soprano, piano
  • Fall (Version of the piece written in 2014) (2019) for soprano, bass clarinet, percussion, cello
  • The Beauty of Decay [Lagunemise ilu] (2019) for voice, reader, DYI contrabass flute, guitar, kannel, violin, double bass, sound objects

Theatrical works

  • Music for dance performance "Tempo" (co-author Helena Tulve) (2017) for tape, sound objects
  • Music for dance performance "Juures" [Muusika tantsuetendusele "Juures"] (2020) for electroacoustical work
  • söövitab.tuhk [etching.ash] (2022)

Electroacoustic works

  • Doors 1 (2005) for flute, tape
  • Jääkurvid [Ice Curves] (2012) for percussion (1 player), live electronics, tape
  • Aaria [Aria] (2021) for electronics

Audiovisual works

  • Dimension of Quiescence [Liikumatuse dimensioon] (2009) for alto saxophone, percussion, video (Tarvo Hanno Varres)
  • Music for documentary film "Kalamees" [Fisherman] (2009)
  • Music for documentary film "Naine" [Woman] (2009)
  • Betweenland (2014) for flute, voice, sound objects, tape, video (video created by Tarvo Hanno Varres)
  • Betweenland-1 (2015) for flute, voice, sound objects, tape, video (video by Aleksander Sproghis and Taavi Oolberg)
  • Silent Witness (2018) for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello, fixed media, VR video (video created by Rein Zobel)

Works for unspecified instrumentation

  • 30 Scales and Postlude (2011) (from one chromatic instrument to orchestra. In case of monodic instruments, please select more than four)
  • Niidiotsad [Clews] (2015) for open instrumentation (starting with 6 players, preferably 8 and more)

Works for children

  • Four Piano Pieces [Neli klaveripala] (2003) for piano (or kannel)
  • Summer Rain [Suvevihm] (2006) for boys' choir
  • Polaarpäeva algus / The Beginning of the Polar Day (2010) for flute, piano
  • Journey of the Lionfish [Tiibkala teekond] (2019) for kannel
  • Down from the Hill/Up to the Hill [Mäest alla/mäest üles] (2019) for kannel


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "Kozlova-Johannes, Tatjana | Estonian Music Information Centre". www.emic.ee. Retrieved 18 March 2021.
  2. ERR, ERR | (2022-07-22). "Lepo Sumera Composition Prize goes to Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes". ERR. Retrieved 2022-07-23.
  3. "Kozlova-Johannes, Tatjana | Estonian Music Information Centre". www.emic.ee. Estonian Music Information Centre. Retrieved 2023-11-05.
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