Thierry Casasnovas
Thierry Casasnovas in 2018
Born (1974-04-15) April 15, 1974
Occupation(s)Lifestyle coach, Naturopathic practitioner, Influencer
Years active2011–present

Thierry Casasnovas is a controversial figure from the French world of alternative health.[1][2] Without medical training, he gives advice on health and nutrition on the web, and he is a prolific videographer, author of several hundred videos on YouTube. Some practices that he advises are considered without a scientific basis or even dangerous for health by dieticians and doctors.

Scientists, medias, or associative organizations like the UNADFI tend, directly or indirectly, to link some of the controversial theories that he is spreading—without any officially recognized medical training—with a veiled form of charlatanism.[3]

Nicknamed "the guru of raw food",[4] the same authorities also mentioned possible prospects of sectarian drifts.[5] They also pointed out the risks and dangers resulting from nutritional deficiencies relating to the strict and exclusive veganism which he is advocating.[6] In view of the above, the members of the MIVILUDES declared that they have received several hundred reports from the parents of followers worried about the fate and health of their relatives, many of whom claiming that they were deliberately giving up any conventional medical approach in favor of the sole teachings provided by Thierry Casasnovas. The aforesaid reports focused in particular on the fact that the allegedly curative treatments recommended by him are essentially limited to the sole absorption of freshly squeezed vegetable juices together with a raw food diet—strictly based on a vegan nutrition—punctuated by interspersed fasting periods of extensible duration.

In the summer of 2020, the Paris public prosecutor's office opened an investigation into his case[7] on the grounds of potential endangerment[8] and "suspected fraudulent abuse of vulnerable persons".[1][9] Thierry Casasnovas is refuting all the accusations against him, invoking his freedom of speech.

He claims to have recovered himself from various pathological conditions such as tuberculosis or hepatitis C by adopting a raw and living diet.[5][10][3]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he spread conspiracy theories and misinformation about the disease.[11][3][12]


  1. 1 2 Tristan Mendès France [in French] (April 2, 2021). "Thierry Casasnovas, une personnalité polémique de l'univers des santés alternatives" [Thierry Casasnovas, a controversial figure in the world of alternative health care] (audio). Antidote (in French). France InterRadio France.
  2. Léo Ruiz; Guillaume Vénétitay (March 2021). "Thierry Casasnovas". Society (in French). Montescot. pp. 50–58.
  3. 1 2 3 "Thierry Casasnovas". Society (in French). March 2021. Retrieved August 24, 2021.
  4. Guillaume Gendron (March 23, 2021). "Thierry Casasnovas, la radicalisation d'un gourou pur jus" [Thierry Casasnovas, the radicalization of a pure guru]. Libération (in French). Photo by Pierre Mérimée.
  5. 1 2 Victor Goury-Laffont (March 4, 2021). "Dérives sectaires: qui est Thierry Casasnovas, youtubeur suivi par les autorités ?" [Sectarian drifs: who is Thierry Casasnovas, youtuber followed by the authorities?]. RTL (in French).
  6. "Véganisme, manger sain, quels dangers ?" [Veganism, healthy eating, what are the dangers?] (video). Temps présent (in French). 2017.
  7. Justine Chevalier (October 6, 2020). "Anti-vaccin, adepte du jeûne et du crudivorisme: pourquoi Thierry Casasnovas est dans le viseur de la justice" [Anti-vaccine, follower of fasting and crudivorism: why Thierry Casasnovas is in the target of justice]. BFM TV (in French).
  8. "Vidéos de Thierry Casasnovas, dans le Vallespir: enquête pour mise en danger de la vie d'autrui" [Videos of Thierry Casasnovas, in Vallespir: investigation for endangering the life of others]. La Semaine du Roussillon (in French). March 7, 2021.
  9. Karim Rissouli [in French] (March 7, 2021). "La Fabrique du mensonge: Fake news sur ordonnance" [The Factory of Lies : 1st part : Hold-up: the recipes for success — 2nd part: Thierry Casasnovas, the raw food guru] (video). La Fabrique du Mensonge (1re partie : Hold-up : les recettes du succès — 2e partie : Thierry Casasnovas, le gourou du manger cru) (in French). France 5.
  10. JP Gené (August 12, 2016). "Manger cru, le nouveau credo branché" [Raw food, the new trendy credo]. Le Monde (in French).
  11. Zerouali, Lucie Delaporte et Khedidja (December 2, 2020). "Les relais du conspirationnisme: "Hold-up" sur une contre-culture". Mediapart (in French). Retrieved August 24, 2021.
  12. "Thierry Casasnovas: enquête sur le gourou des "crudivores" qui inquiète les autorités". (in French). January 26, 2021. Retrieved August 24, 2021.
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