The Thurstone Personality Schedule was one of the first personality tests.[1] It was published by Louis Leon Thurstone and Thelma Gwinn Thurstone in 1930.[2] It underwent many revisions and adaptions.

6 year test-retest reliability was 0.53 in one study.[3]

In 1952 around 200 firms used the test for personnel screening.[4]


  1. Gregory J Boyle, Gerald Matthews, Donald H Saklofske (2008). "The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment: Personality Measurement and Testing, Volume 2".
  2. L. L. Thurstone & Thelma Gwinn Thurstone (1930): A Neurotic Inventory, The Journal of Social Psychology, 1:1, 3-30.
  3. Crook, M. N. A retest with the Thurstone Personality Schedule after six and one-half years. Journal of General Psychology, Vol 28, 1943, 111-120.
  4. Lawrence E. Eldred (Jan 27, 1952). "Temperament Schedule Tests Your Ability To Hold Job". The News and Courier.

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