Timo Maran

Timo Maran (born 13 April 1975) is an Estonian biosemiotician and poet.[1]

He is the head Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu.[2]

Membership in organizations:[3]


  • 2001 poetry collection "Põhjavesi" (Erakkond)
  • 2007 poetry collection "Metsa pööramine" (Erakkond)
  • 2007 poetry collection "Poeetiline punane raamat / Poetics of Endangered Species" (Ukraina Kultuurikeskus, Ajakirjade Kirjastus)
  • 2015 poetry collection "Las ma ümisen" (Allikaäärne)
  • 2015 children stories "Kodukakk, päevakoer ja teised" (Päike ja Pilv)
  • 2017 monograph "Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry" (Springer)
  • 2019 poetry collection "Metsloomatruudus" (Elusamus)
  • 2020 monograph "Ecosemiotics. The Study of Signs in Changing Ecologies" (Cambridge University Press)
  • 2023 collection of selected poems "Ainult puudutused on" (Verb)


  1. "CV: Timo Maran". www.etis.ee. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
  2. "Homepage of Timo Maran". lepo.it.da.ut.ee. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
  3. "Homepage of Timo Maran". lepo.it.da.ut.ee. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
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