Trichostomum crispulum
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Dicranidae
Order: Pottiales
Family: Pottiaceae
Genus: Trichostomum
Bruch, 1829

Trichostomum is a genus of mosses belonging to the family Pottiaceae.[1]

The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution.[1]


The following species are recognised in the genus Trichostomum:[1]

  • Trichostomum abyssinicum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum acutiusculum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum aeneum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum aequatoriale Spruce ex Dixon, 1924
  • Trichostomum afrum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum aggregatum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum alpinum Kindberg, 1910
  • Trichostomum amblyophyllum (Mont.) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum anoectangioides Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum anomodon (Bals.-Criv. & De Not.) De Not.
  • Trichostomum apiculatum R.Br.bis
  • Trichostomum apophysatulum Herzog, 1916
  • Trichostomum arboreum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum arcticum Kaalaas, 1900
  • Trichostomum ardjunense M.Fleisch.
  • Trichostomum aristatulum Broth.
  • Trichostomum atrocaule Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum atrovirens Rehmann ex Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum austroalpigena Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum austrocrispum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum bellii E.B.Bartram, 1955
  • Trichostomum bermudanum (Mitt.) Paris
  • Trichostomum bescherellei Schimp.
  • Trichostomum bifidum (Brid.) Brid.
  • Trichostomum borneense Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch, 1829
  • Trichostomum brevisetum Thér.
  • Trichostomum brittonianum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum brunneum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum calymperaceum Brotherus & Paris, 1904
  • Trichostomum calyptratum (Taylor) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum cameruniae (Broth.) Paris
  • Trichostomum campylocarpum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum campylopyxis Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum canaliculatum Sull.
  • Trichostomum cardotii Bizot, 1976
  • Trichostomum carinatum E.B.Bartram, 1957
  • Trichostomum castaneum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum cavernarum Broth.
  • Trichostomum challaense Broth.
  • Trichostomum circinatum (Besch.) Broth.
  • Trichostomum circinnatulum Broth.
  • Trichostomum clavinerve H.O.Whittier, 1974
  • Trichostomum cockaynii R.Br.bis
  • Trichostomum compactulum C.Müller, 1879
  • Trichostomum compactulum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum connivens Paris, 1898
  • Trichostomum contortifolium (Mitt.) A.Jaeger
  • Trichostomum contortum (Kunze) Sérgio
  • Trichostomum contractum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum corniculatum (Wahlenb.) Schwägr.
  • Trichostomum criotum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum crispulum Bruch, 1829
  • Trichostomum crustaceum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum curtum (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr
  • Trichostomum cuspidatum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.
  • Trichostomum deciduaefolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum decurvifolium Dixon
  • Trichostomum diminutum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum distans Hampe, 1849
  • Trichostomum duidense E.B.Bartram
  • Trichostomum eckelianum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum edentulum Brotherus, 1916
  • Trichostomum elliottii Brotherus ex Dusén, 1906
  • Trichostomum episemum Stirt.
  • Trichostomum esquirolii Thér.
  • Trichostomum etessei Broth. & Paris
  • Trichostomum excurrens (Broth.) Kindb.
  • Trichostomum exulatum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum fallaciosum W.H.Welch & H.Crum, 1960
  • Trichostomum fallax Herzog, 1909
  • Trichostomum fendleri Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum finukamactum R.H.Zander
  • Trichostomum flavisetum Candolle, 1815
  • Trichostomum fontanum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum fragilifolium Dixon, 1930
  • Trichostomum glauco-viride Dusén
  • Trichostomum glaucoviride Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum gracilescens (Müll.Hal. ex E.Britton) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum gracillimum C.Müller, 1879
  • Trichostomum gracillimum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum grimmioides (Müll.Hal. ex E.Britton) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum grossirete Broth. & Dixon
  • Trichostomum gymnum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum hattorianum B.C.Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993
  • Trichostomum hibernicum Dixon, 1896
  • Trichostomum hondurense B.H.Allen, 2002
  • Trichostomum humile (Hedw.) Guim.
  • Trichostomum hyalinoblastum Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum imperfectum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum imshaugii Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum incertum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum inclinatum (Sendtn.) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum insulare Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum interruptum (Mitt.) Besch.
  • Trichostomum involutum Sullivant, 1861
  • Trichostomum jamesonii (Taylor) Mitt.
  • Trichostomum julaceum Dusén
  • Trichostomum kanieriense R.Brown ter, 1903
  • Trichostomum knightii Hampe ex C.Müller, 1900
  • Trichostomum knightii Hampe ex Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum laetum Kunze ex Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum lambii E.B.Bartram, 1964-65
  • Trichostomum lamprothecium Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum laticostatum Thériot, 1921
  • Trichostomum leptocylindricum C.Müller, 1898
  • Trichostomum leptocylindricum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum leptodum (Mont.) Mitt.
  • Trichostomum leptotheca C.Müller, 1868
  • Trichostomum leptotheca Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum lignicola Herzog, 1924
  • Trichostomum ligulaefolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum lillei Dixon, 1926
  • Trichostomum lindigii Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum lineare (Dicks. ex With.) Sm.
  • Trichostomum linoides (Hedw.) Brid.
  • Trichostomum lorifolium Brotherus & Paris, 1904
  • Trichostomum majus Podp.
  • Trichostomum mandonii (Müll.Hal. ex E.Britton) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum marginatum H.Rob.
  • Trichostomum mauiense (C.Müller) Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum melanostomum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum mexicanum (Besch.) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum microthecium Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum mildeanum Juratzka, 1870
  • Trichostomum minutifolium R.Br.bis
  • Trichostomum minutissimum Sakurai, 1943
  • Trichostomum mitteneanum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum mosis Lorentz
  • Trichostomum mucronatulum Cardot
  • Trichostomum mucronatum Besch.
  • Trichostomum muticum Paris, 1898
  • Trichostomum nervosum Bruch
  • Trichostomum nodiflorum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum nordenskioeldii Schimp.
  • Trichostomum occidentale (Mitt.) A.Jaeger
  • Trichostomum orthodontum Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum ovatifolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum pallidens (Dixon) R.H.Zander
  • Trichostomum paludicola Hilpert, 1933
  • Trichostomum papillosum (Dicks.) Sm.
  • Trichostomum pennequinii Renauld & Paris, 1900
  • Trichostomum perangustum Bescherelle, 1875
  • Trichostomum perichaetiale Hook.
  • Trichostomum perinvolutum Tixier, 1966
  • Trichostomum perligulatum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum perplexum Potier de la Varde, 1939
  • Trichostomum perpusillum C.Müller ex Warnstorf, 1916
  • Trichostomum perrieri Thériot, 1922
  • Trichostomum persicum Juratzka & Milde, 1870
  • Trichostomum perviride Broth.
  • Trichostomum philippinense Iwatsuki & B.C.Tan, 1979
  • Trichostomum piliferum (Dickson) Smith, 1804
  • Trichostomum planifolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum platyphyllum (Broth. ex Iisiba) P.C.Chen
  • Trichostomum platyphyllum Chen Pan-chieh, 1941
  • Trichostomum plicatulum C.Müller, 1882
  • Trichostomum plicatulum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum pomangium Herzog, 1916
  • Trichostomum portoricense H.Crum & Steere, 1956
  • Trichostomum prionodon C.Müller, 1898
  • Trichostomum prionodon Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum protensum A.Braun ex Duby
  • Trichostomum pulicare Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum pygmaeum E.B.Bartram, 1946
  • Trichostomum pyriforme Lesq. & James
  • Trichostomum ramulosum Schimp. ex Besch.
  • Trichostomum recurvifolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum rehmannii Sim
  • Trichostomum repens Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum rhodesiae Brotherus, 1913
  • Trichostomum riparium (Host ex Brid.) D.Mohr
  • Trichostomum rivale A.Jaeger
  • Trichostomum robustum Broth. ex Iisiba
  • Trichostomum rubripes Mitt.
  • Trichostomum ruvenzorense Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum saxicola (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Hornsch.
  • Trichostomum schimperi Mont.
  • Trichostomum searellii R.Br.bis
  • Trichostomum semivaginatum (Schimp. ex E.Britton) Schimp. ex Paris
  • Trichostomum setifolium Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum sinaloense Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum sinochenii Redfearn & B.C.Tan, 1995
  • Trichostomum soulae Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum sparsifolium (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot
  • Trichostomum spathulato-lineare Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum spirale Grout, 1938
  • Trichostomum sporaphyllum Cardot, 1915
  • Trichostomum squarrosum (Bridel) Bridel
  • Trichostomum stanilandsii R.Brown ter, 1903
  • Trichostomum stellatum (Brid.) Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum striatum (P.Beauv.) Arn.
  • Trichostomum strictum Sw. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr
  • Trichostomum subangustifolium Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum subcirrhatum Hampe, 1875
  • Trichostomum subconnivens Thériot, 1941
  • Trichostomum subintegrum Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum subinvolvens Thér.
  • Trichostomum sublamprothecium Paris, 1898
  • Trichostomum subsecundum Hook. & Grev. ex Harv.
  • Trichostomum sumatranum Baumgartner
  • Trichostomum sweetii Stark, 1996
  • Trichostomum syntrichioides Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum tenuirostre Lindberg, 1864
  • Trichostomum termitarum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum tisserantii ( la Varde) R.H.Zander
  • Trichostomum tortella Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum tortelloides Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum tortuloides Sull. & Lesq.
  • Trichostomum tovarense Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum trachyneuron (Kindb.) Paris
  • Trichostomum triumphans De Not.
  • Trichostomum tucumanense E.B.Bartram, 1964-65
  • Trichostomum umbrosum Müll.Hal.
  • Trichostomum unguiculatum Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum urceolare Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum usambaricum Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum vancouveriense (Broth.) Kindb.
  • Trichostomum villaumei Thériot, 1923
  • Trichostomum wagneri Brotherus, 1902
  • Trichostomum wayanadense M.C.Nair, K.P.Rajesh & P.V.Madhusoodanan
  • Trichostomum weisioides C.Müller, 1898
  • Trichostomum whittonii R.Brown ter, 1903
  • Trichostomum wildii (Broth.) Kindb.
  • Trichostomum williamsii Zander, 1993
  • Trichostomum winteri (Schimp.) Husn.
  • Trichostomum woodii (Schimp.) Husn.
  • Trichostomum zanderi Redfearn & B.C.Tan, 1995


  1. 1 2 3 "Trichostomum Bruch, 1829". Retrieved 22 February 2021.
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