Włodzimierz Szpak | |
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Born | 11 February 1950 |
Nationality | Polish |
Alma mater | University of Warsaw, National Film School in Łódź |
Occupation | Documentary filmmaker |
Włodzimierz Szpak (born 11 February 1950) is a Polish documentary film director, photographer and author.
Włodzimierz Szpak was born in Milanówek by Warsaw, Poland. He graduated from University of Warsaw in 1975. After that he continued his studies at the National Film School (in Łódź, Poland).[1] He is a member of Polish Filmmakers Association.[2]
He was active in an area of documentary film-making. There are 28 films of that kind in his creative production. Nevertheless, he started his career with the psychological story entitled "Ona" ("She") in the narrative film "On, ona, oni" ("He, She, They").
He had also directed the two theater plays: 1) "Rekonstrukcja poety" ("The Reconstruction of the Poet") which refers to the antiquity thread in Zbigniew Herbert’s literary output, and 2) "Noce narodowe" ("Nights of the Nation") by Roman Brandstaetter.
His films, e.g. "Ludzie z ziemi czerwonej" ("People of Red Land"), "Krajobraz z gęsią" ("Landscape with Goose"), "Boże, zbaw Rosję" ("God Save Russia") had been discussed and commented by domestic and foreign mass media.
He was awarded at some international film festivals. In 1986 he won a "Silver Dancer" prize at the Huesca (Spain) International Film Festival for a documentary film ‘’Ludzie z ziemi czerwonej’’ ("People of Red Land").[3] Then in 1989 he won a "Special Reward", at the International Włodzimierz Puchalski Film Festival in Łodz – for "Krajobraz z gęsią" ("Landscape with Goose"). He took part in the TV programme in series "Mistrzowie dokumentu" ("Document Masters") as well, which was transmitted by "Kino Polska" TV channel.[4][5]
Year | Title | Function | Genre | Notes |
2005 | Ochrona srodowiska. Wyzwania dla Polski u progu XXI wieku ("Environmental protection – Challenges for Poland at the Start of the 21st Century") | Screenplay, director | Documentary TV series | Cooperation in Screenplay: Janusz Radziejowski, Cinematographer: Jacek Knopp |
2001 | Impuls Amerykański. Rzecz o Henryku Sienkiewiczu ("American Incentive – Story on Henryk Sienkiewicz") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film with plot element.[6] | Cinematographer: Stanisław Szymański, Costumes: Renata Własow |
1998 | Mord W Jekaterynburgu (Murder in Yekaterinburg) | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | |
1997 | Przeciwko żywotnym interesom PRL (Against Vital Affairs Of Polish People's Republic) | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski |
1997 | TYGRYS (A Tiger) | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film, See: William Blake's poem: "The Tyger" | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski |
1996 | Fałdy, draperie ("Clothing Folds, Draperys") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski |
1995 | Balkony ("Balconys") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski |
1995 | Marszałkowska i okolice ("Marszałkowska Street and Neighbourhood") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski |
1994 | Karaimi. Ginący Naród ("Crimean Karaites. Vanishing Nation") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Stanisław Szabłowski |
1994 | Analiza| ("Analysis") | Screenwriter, director | Cinematographer: Julian Szczerkowski | |
1992 | Potomkowie wielkich rodów ("Descendants of Good Stock") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Artur Radźko |
1990 | Boże, zbaw Rosję ("God Save Russia")[7] – see online: https://vod.pl/filmy-dokumentalne/boze-zbaw-rosje-online-za-darmo/ydmx43y | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Jerzy Rudziński; Counsellor: Aleksander Achmatowicz |
1990 | Jam Dwór Polski ("I'm Polish Mansion House") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographers: Jolanta Dylewska, Rafael Marziano |
1989 | Hunowie ("Huns") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Artur Radźko |
1988 | ...I w Ostrej świecisz Bramie ("...and shines in Ostra Brama" | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Artur Radźko |
1988 | BAROK WILEŃSKI ("Baroque of Vilnius") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Artur Radźko |
1987 | Chłopi ("Peasants") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | |
1987 | Krajobraz Z Gęsią ("Landscape with a Goose" | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Artur Radźko |
1986 | ECHA LEŚNE ("Echos of Forests") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | |
1986 | Ludzie z Ziemi Czerwonej ("People of Red Land") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Tadeusz Wudzki |
1985 | Wieś ("A Village") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer:Julian Szczerkowski |
1984 | Drogi ("Roads]") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | Cinematographer: Stefan Czyżewski |
1984 | Lato Leśnych Ludzi ("Summer of People of Forest") | Joint Director | TV series | |
1981 | On, Ona, Oni[8] ("He, She, They") | Collaboration | Narrative film | |
1981 | Ona ("She") | Screenwriter, director | psychological story | Cinematographer: Jan Mogilnicki |
1981 | Puszcza Świętokrzyska ("Old-growth forest of Świętokrzyskie Mountains") | Screenwriter, director | Documentary film | |
1978 | Borsucza 7 ("7, Borsucza Street[9]) | Screenwriter, director | School study | |
1977 | Analiza ("An Analysis") | Screenwriter, director | School study | |
1976 | Lina ("A Rope") | Screenwriter, director | School study | |
1976 | STAWISKO | Screenwriter, director | School study | The film concerns Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz property "Stawisko" near Podkowa Leśna, Poland |
Sources: 1) Polish Filmmakers Association, see internet site: https://www.sfp.org.pl/osoba,0,1,58347,Wlodzimierz-Szpak.html [Acc.: 20 December 2020] and 2) "Filmweb" – see internet site: https://www.filmweb.pl/person/W%C5%82odzimierz+Szpak-105916 [Acc.: 20. 12. 2020]
- 1986
He was awarded at a few international film festivals. Namely, in 1986 he won a "Silver Dancer" prize at the Huesca (Spain) International Film Festival for a documentary film "Ludzie z ziemi czerwonej" ("People of Red Land").[13]
- 1989
He won a "Special Reward", at the International Włodzimierz Puchalski Film Festival in Łodz – for "Krajobraz z gęsią" ("Landscape with Goose").
- ↑ Source [in Polish]: https://www.filmweb.pl/person/W%C5%82odzimierz+Szpak-105916 oraz http://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=111497 [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ https://www.sfp.org.pl/osoba,0,1,58347,Wlodzimierz-Szpak.html [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ See: https://festhome.com/f/huesca. It concerned the story of building the Dam at Reservoir on Świślina River in Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Poland).
- ↑ According to Polish Filmmakers Association data – see (in Polish: https://www.sfp.org.pl/osoba,0,1,58347,Wlodzimierz-Szpak.html [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ See (in Polish): "Filmweb Sp. z o. o" – : http://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=111497 [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ Agnieszka Kwiecień in her comment concerning the film "American Incentive – Story on Henryk Sienkiewicz" wrote in 2001: "It was An American episode, that Włodzimierz Szpak selected out of the nobelist biografy. It appears, that a short period of a few years (1876–1878) spent in America, had a crucial impact on Henryk Sienkiewicz creative power" [...]. (Source: "Rzeczpospolita" Daily, supplement "Tele 35" 2001, April, the 13–19th).
- ↑ In extensive review in "Rzeczpospolita" (1991, January, the 1st) – Jolanta Wołoszańska wrote: "Włodzimierz Szpak documentary film: "God Save Russia" – story of last tsar and his family – is first in Poland and probably in the world – film attempting to reconstruct and to explain a gloomy circumstances which took place 72 years ago, raising, till now, such a great attention and controversies." ... The "Vod" service internet site contains another comment to the film: "Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia and his next of kin murder was a greatest crime perpetrated on dynastic family ever. Włodzimierz Szpak film in a subtle but unusually honest manner shows the last months of Nicholas II, his wife, children and relatives till the day of execution at Yekaterinburg in July 1918. It's an impressive evidence of history." (See: https://vod.pl/filmy-dokumentalne/boze-zbaw-rosje-online-za-darmo/ydmx43y [Acc: 28 August 2020]); A short discussion of that film can be found also in "Polityka", 1991, No 25 (1781), June the 22nd
- ↑ See https://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?film=1277, as well: http://fototeka.fn.org.pl/strona/wyszukiwarka.html?key=On%2C%20ona%2C%20oni&search_type=tytul
- ↑ Street in Podkowa Leśna
- ↑ See: https://festhome.com/f/huesca. It concerned the story of building the Dam at Reservoir on Świślina River in Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Poland).
- ↑ According to Polish Filmmakers Association data – see (in Polish: https://www.sfp.org.pl/osoba,0,1,58347,Wlodzimierz-Szpak.html [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ See (in Polish): "Filmweb Sp. z o. o" – : http://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=111497 [Acc: 20. 12. 2020]
- ↑ See: https://festhome.com/f/huesca. It concerned the story of building the Dam at Reservoir on Świślina River in Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Poland).
External links
- Polish Filmmakers Association internet site: https://www.sfp.org.pl/osoba,0,1,58347,Wlodzimierz-Szpak.html
- Filmweb internet site: http://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=111497
- "Romuald.Bartkowicz.net" internet site: https://romuald.bartkowicz.net/wlodzimierz-szpak-wizytowka
- Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej (Warsaw Centre of Cultural Information) – internet site see: https://scek.pl/nauczyciele-scek/wlodzimierz-szpak
- "Film Polski – internetowa baza filmu polskiego" (Internet Base of Polish Films) – see: https://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=111497
- "Vod" service internet site – see: https://vod.pl/ – https://vod.pl/filmy-dokumentalne/boze-zbaw-rosje-online-za-darmo/ydmx43y