Fragment of the book
"Wanradt-Koell Catechism" (Estonian: Wanradti ja Koelli katekismus) is a partly preserved book, which is considered as the oldest printed source of Estonian language, as the oldest known examples of written Estonian originate in 13th-century chronicles. The book is compiled by clergymen Simon Wanradt and Johann Koell. The book was published in 1535 in Wittenberg.[1]
Book's excerpts was discovered in 1929 by historian Hellmuth Weiss.[1]
See also
- 1 2 "Wanradti ja Koelli katekismus - Eesti Entsüklopeedia". entsyklopeedia.ee. Retrieved 8 December 2020.
Further reading
- A. Saareste. Esimese eestikeelse raamatu Wanradt-Kõlli katekismuse keelest (Tartu, 1930)
- Wanradt-Kõlli katekismuse katked a. 1535 (Tartu, 1931)
- H. Weiss. 400-aastane eesti raamat: Wanradt-Koell'i katekismus 1535. aastast (Tallinn, 1935)
- Eesti wanima raamatu Wanradt-Koelli katekismuse säilinud lehekülgede reproduktsioone ja rekonstruktsioone (Tallinn, 1935)
- H. Weiss. Esimene eesti raamat anno 1535. Wanradt-Koell'i katekismus 1535 aasta (New York, 1956, 2. edition, supplemented)
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