William of Orléans (died 834), knows as The Constable[1], was a magnate in the Frankish Empire during the reign of his first cousin, Louis the Pious. He was the Count of Blois from about 830 and, at the time of his death in battle, was Louis's constable. His brother was Odo, Count of Orléans, and he was also a kinsman of Bernard of Septimania.

William of Orléans
Count of Blois
Reign830 – 834
SuccessorOdo I, Count of Orléans
FatherAdrian, Count of Orléans
MotherWaldrada of Autun

In 834, the emperor's son, Lothair rebelled, supported by Count Lambert I of Nantes and Matfrid, the former Count of Orléans. The emperor sent an army against them under the leadership of William and Odo. A battle took place in the Touraine after Whitsunday (25 May), at which both William and Odo died, along with several other notables: a certain Count Fulbert, Count Guy of Maine and Abbot Theoto of Saint-Martin, the imperial archchancellor.[2] The historian Adrevald of Fleury referred to these men as "leaders of war" (ductores belli).[3] Although William is also named in the Annales Bertiniani and the Vita Hludovici, he is not mentioned by Nithard in his account of the battle.


  1. Pierre-Marie Quervelle (1952). Blois: Its castle, its museums, its monuments (in French). FeniXX réédition numérique. p. 68. ISBN 9782402199520.
  2. Janet L. Nelson, The Annals of St-Bertin (Manchester University Press, 1991), 30 n. 9. Nelson calls the Loire valley a "cockpit of aristocratic rivalries".
  3. MGH, Scriptores, 15.1, p. 489, ch. 21: ductores belli, Odonem fratremque illius Willelmum comitem Blesensium, Teutonem denique abbatem Sancti Martini, Guidonem comitem Coenomannensem cum multis aliis amplae opinionis viris mortem oppetiisse ("leaders of war, Odo and his brother William, count of Blois, and Theoto, abbot of Saint-Martin, Guy, count of Maine, with many other men of high esteem met death").
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