Wojciech Jerzy Muszyński (born 1972) is a Polish historian. His areas of interest are the recent history of Poland and military history.

Education and career

In 1998, after graduating from the Department of History at the Warsaw University, Muszyński began his career as an independent scholar.[1] During this time, he was affiliated with the Republicans and took a lead role in re-establishing the Sarmatia Academic Corporation whose alumni staffed the offices of President Lech Kaczyński and Andrzej Duda from the Law and Justice Party.[2] Muszyński received his doctoral degree in 2010 at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw under the supervision of Jan Żaryn.[1][2]

Whilst pursuing his doctorate, both he and Żaryn joined the Institute of National Remembrance.[2] Muszyński has been affiliated to the institute ever since, and as of 2022 holds the rank of a "Senior Specialist".[1][2]


In 2003, Muszyński established the Glaukopis, a far-right-wing Polish journal on history; among its aims were to reject "political correctness" on controversial topics and present "truthful research" on Polish-Jewish relations.[3] He remained the Editor-in-Chief until 2019.


Some of the Polish media have described him as controversial due to his association with Polish nationalist groups such as the Kukiz'15 association, and his research on controversial historical figures such as Romuald Rajs.[4][5][6][7][8]

In 2016, Kukiz'15 nominated Muszyński to the Collegium of the Institute of National Remembrance; during his candidacy, he posted an image of Barack Obama hanging from a noose on social media alongside a racist video about immigrants.[9] Disciplinary proceedings were initiated; he was threatened with termination but eventually let off with a warning.[9][10]

In 2019, Muszyński suggested that members of the left-wing Razem party should be thrown from helicopters as was done to leftists in Chile by the Pinochet dictatorship.[2][11] Covering the incident, OKO.press noted that Muszyński had a long record of indulging in ultra-nationalist politics and whitewashing dictators.[2]


He was awarded with the Gold Cross of Merit in 2016,[12] the Cross of Freedom and Solidarity in 2019 and Gold Medal of Merit for Polish Science in 2023.

Selected bibliography


  • Bolesław Piasecki 1915-1944. Początki Drogi (2023)
  • Toreadorzy Hitlera. Hiszpańscy ochotnicy w Wehrmachcie i Waffen-SS 1941-1945 (2019)
  • Białe Legiony przeciwko bolszewikom. Polskiej formacje wojskowe w Rosji 1918-1920 (2019)
  • Józef Dowbor-Muśnicki 1867-1937, coauthored with Rafał Sierchuła (2018)
  • Architekt Wielkiej Polski. Roman Dmowski 1864-1939, coauthored with Jolanta Mysiakowska-Muszyńska (2018)
  • Białe Legiony 1914-1918. Od Legionu Puławskiego do I Korpusu Polskiego (2018)
  • Przeciwko Pax Sovietica. Narodowe Zjednoczenie Wojskowe i struktury polityczne ruchu narodowego wobec reżimu komunistycznego 1944-1956, coauthored with M. Bechta (2017)
  • Józef Haller 1873-1960, współaut. K. Kaczmarski i R. Sierchuła (2017)
  • Polska dla Polaków! Kim byli i są polscy narodowcy,coauthored with M. J. Chodakiewicz and Jolanta Mysiakowska-Muszyńska (2015)
  • Golden Harvest or Hearts of Gold. Studies on the Fate of Wartime Poles and Jews, coedition with Marek J. Chodakiewicz and Pawel Styrna (2012)
  • Duch młodych. Organizacja Polska i Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny w latach 1934-1944 (2011)
  • Błękitna dywizja. Ochotnicy hiszpańscy na froncie wschodnim 1941-1945 (2002)
  • W walce o Wielką Polskę. Propaganda zaplecza politycznego Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych 1939-1945 (2000)


  1. 1 2 3 "Nowa Nauka Polska". nauka-polska.pl. Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Współpracownik Dudy chce zrzucać z helikopterów lewicę i tropi "Judeopolonię". Kim jest dr Muszyński?". oko.press. Retrieved 19 September 2020.
  3. "Twórcy kwartalnika Glaukopis w Klubie Ronina. "Odrzucając polityczną poprawność, prezentujemy tematy dotąd niezbadane"". wpolityce.pl. Retrieved 2023-02-19.
  4. PTWP. "Kogo Kukiz'15 wprowadzi do IPN? Wojciech Muszyński ma opinię rasisty i narodowca". www.parlamentarny.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  5. "Kto stoi za nowelizacją ustawy o IPN". www.rp.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  6. "Komentator proputinowskiej agencji i dawny doktorant senatora. Konsultanci ustawy o IPN pod lupą". gazetapl (in Polish). Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  7. "Konsultanci ustawy o IPN: narodowiec i komentator prokremlowskich mediów". Onet Wiadomości (in Polish). 2018-02-23. Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  8. ""Rz": Kontrowersyjni historycy pracowali nad nowelizacją ustawy o IPN". www.rmf24.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2019-05-17.
  9. 1 2 https://wyborcza.pl/1,75398,20287365,narodowiec-od-kukiza-kandydatem-do-kolegium-ipn-pracuje-w-ipn.html Nationalist from Kukiz is a candidate for the College of the Institute of National Remembrance. He works at the Institute of National Remembrance, distributes drawings with Obama on a noose, Gazeta Wyborcza, June 23rd, 2016
  10. https://www.rp.pl/Polityka/160629724-Powieszony-Obama-na-profilu-kandydata-do-Kolegium-IPN.html Obama was hanged on the profile of a candidate for the IPN College, Rzeczpospolita (newspaper), June 23rd, 2016
  11. Flieger, Estera (13 December 2019). "Pracownik IPN: Za Pinocheta członkowie Razem zostaliby helikopterami przewiezieni nad ocean". Gazeta Wyborcza.
  12. "Postanowienie nr rej. 514/2016 Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 4 listopada 2016 r. o nadaniu odznaczeń". prawo.sejm.gov.pl. Retrieved 2019-05-17.
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