W. smithii
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Culicidae
Subfamily: Culicinae
Tribe: Sabethini
Genus: Wyeomyia
F. V. Theobald, 1901
Type species
Wyeomyia grayii

Wyeomyia is a genus of mosquitoes first described in 1901 by Frederick Vincent Theobald.[2] The genus's 140 species can be difficult to characterize because of their diversity and the need for additional taxonomic work to further delineate them.[2] Adults resemble genus Limatus and Sabethes mosquitoes more closely than other genera in the New World tribe Sabethini,[2] but differ by their scutal scales ranging in color from a relatively dull bronzy with a slight metallic sheen in most species, to a metallic gold.[2] There are other distinguishing characters as well.[2][1][3]


Wyeomyia mosquitoes are predominantly neotropical, ranging across the Caribbean into Florida, with one species occurring in eastern North America.[1][2][3]


Most Wyeomyia mosquitoes are forest-inhabiting, preferring damp environments.[1] Larvae develop in small collections of water in bromeliads and aroids, flower bracts, broken bamboo and bamboo stumps, tree holes, pitcher plants, and sometimes man-made containers.[1] They feed on organic matter in the water, including decomposing carcasses of insects and spiders.[3] Some species obtain oxygen directly from the water, rarely, if ever, surfacing.[3]

Adults are active during the day, usually near larval habitats.[1] Some species are found at characteristic elevations in the forest canopy, with others appearing to be restricted to ground level.[1]

Most Wyeomyia species will take blood meals, and females readily feed on humans who enter their habitat.[1] Although Ilhéus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis and Maguari viruses have been isolated from Wyeomyia mosquitoes, they are not known to transmit a disease agent to humans.[1]


The following species and subgenera are recognised:[1]

Subgenus (Wyeomyia)

  • Wyeomyia abebela Dyar and Knab, 1908
  • Wyeomyia ablechra Dyar and Knab, 1908
  • Wyeomyia adelpha Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia arthrostigma (Lutz, 1905)
  • Wyeomyia atrata Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
  • Wyeomyia bahama Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia caracula Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1928
  • Wyeomyia celaenocephala Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia charmion Dyar, 1928
  • Wyeomyia corona Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
  • Wyeomyia downsi Lane, 1945
  • Wyeomyia florestan Dyar, 1925
  • Wyeomyia gaudians Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
  • Wyeomyia gausapata Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
  • Wyeomyia grayii Theobald, 1901
  • Wyeomyia guatemala Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia hemisagnosta Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia hirsuta (Hill and Hill, 1946)
  • Wyeomyia juxtahirsuta Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
  • Wyeomyia labesba Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
  • Wyeomyia luna Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
  • Wyeomyia medioalbipes Lutz, 1904
  • Wyeomyia melanopus Dyar, 1919
  • Wyeomyia mitchellii (Theobald, 1905)
  • Wyeomyia nigritubus Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1951
  • Wyeomyia pertinans (Williston, 1896)
  • Wyeomyia pseudorobusta Pajot and Fauran, 1975
  • Wyeomyia robusta Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
  • Wyeomyia scotinomus (Dyar and Knab, 1907)
  • Wyeomyia simmsi (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
  • Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett, 1901) - pitcherplant mosquito, moustique de la sarracénie
  • Wyeomyia sororcula Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia stellata Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
  • Wyeomyia stonei Vargas and Martínez Palacios, 1953
  • Wyeomyia vanduzeei Dyar and Knab, 1906

Subgenus (Antunesmyia)

  • Wyeomyia alani Lane and Cerqueira, 1957
  • Wyeomyia colombiana Lane, 1945
  • Wyeomyia flavifacies Edwards, 1922

Subgenus (Caenomyiella)

  • Wyeomyia fernandezyepezi (Cova García, Sutil Oramas and Pulido, 1974)

Subgenus (Cruzmyia)

Here is the list with the Wikipedia syntax added:

  • Wyeomyia dyari Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia forattinii Clastrier, 1974
  • Wyeomyia kummi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia mattinglyi Lane, 1953

Subgenus (Decamyia)

Here is the list with the Wikipedia syntax added:

  • Wyeomyia felicia (Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927)
  • Wyeomyia pseudopecten Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia ulocoma (Theobald, 1903)

Subgenus (Dendromyia)

  • Wyeomyia complosa (Dyar, 1928)
  • Wyeomyia jocosa (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
  • Wyeomyia luteoventralis Theobald, 1901
  • Wyeomyia testei Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
  • Wyeomyia trifurcata Clastrier, 1973
  • Wyeomyia ypsipola Dyar, 1922

Subgenus (Dodecamyia)

  • Wyeomyia aphobema Dyar, 1918

Subgenus (Exallomyia)

  • Wyeomyia arborea Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1951
  • Wyeomyia carrilloi (Sutil Oramas and Pulido, 1978)
  • Wyeomyia tarsata Lane and Cerqueira, 1942

Subgenus (Hystatomyia)

  • Wyeomyia autocratica Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia baltae Porter, 2009
  • Wyeomyia chocoensis Porter and Wolff, 2004
  • Wyeomyia circumcincta Dyar and Knab, 1907
  • Wyeomyia coenonus Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
  • Wyeomyia esmeraldasi (Leví-Castillo, 1955)
  • Wyeomyia intonca Dyar and Knab, 1910
  • Wyeomyia lamellata (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
  • Wyeomyia lopezii Coval García, Sutil and Pulido, 1974

Subgenus (Menolepis)

  • Wyeomyia leucostigma Lutz in Bourroul, 1904

Subgenus (Miamyia)

  • Wyeomyia codiocampa Dyar and Knab, 1907
  • Wyeomyia hosautos Dyar and Knab, 1907
  • Wyeomyia limai Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia lutzi (da Costa Lima, 1930)
  • Wyeomyia oblita (Lutz in Bourroul, 1904)
  • Wyeomyia sabethea Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia serrata (Lutz, 1905)

Subgenus (Nunezia)

  • Wyeomyia bicornis (Root, 1928)
  • Wyeomyia lateralis Petrocchi, 1927
  • Wyeomyia paucartamboensis Porter, 2014

Subgenus (Phoniomyia)

  • Wyeomyia antunesi Lane and Guimarães, 1937
  • Wyeomyia bonnei (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia davisi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia deanei (Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 1983)
  • Wyeomyia diabolica (Lane and Forattini, 1952)
  • Wyeomyia edwardsi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia flabellata (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia fuscipes Edwards, 1922
  • Wyeomyia galvaoi (Corrêa and Ramalho, 1956)
  • Wyeomyia incaudata Root, 1928
  • Wyeomyia lassalli (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1921)
  • Wyeomyia longirostris Theobald, 1901
  • Wyeomyia lopesi (Corrêa and Ramalho, 1956)
  • Wyeomyia muehlensi Petrocchi in Shannon and Del Ponte, 1927
  • Wyeomyia pallidoventer (Theobald, 1907)
  • Wyeomyia palmata (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia pilicauda Root in Dyar, 1928
  • Wyeomyia quasilongirostris (Theobald, 1907)
  • Wyeomyia splendida Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1919
  • Wyeomyia theobaldi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
  • Wyeomyia trinidadensis Theobald, 1901
  • Wyeomyia tripartita (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1921)

Subgenus (Prosopolepis)

  • Wyeomyia confusa (Lutz, 1905)

Subgenus (Spilonympha)

  • Wyeomyia airosai Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia aningae Motta and Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2005
  • Wyeomyia bourrouli (Lutz, 1905)
  • Wyeomyia finlayi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia forcipenis Lourenço-de-Oliveira and da Silva, 1985
  • Wyeomyia howardi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
  • Wyeomyia mystes Dyar, 1924

Subgenus (Triamyia)

  • Wyeomyia aporonoma Dyar and Knab, 1906
  • Wyeomyia staminifera Lourenço-de-Oliveira, Motta and de Castro, 1992

Subgenus (Zinzala)

  • Wyeomyia fishi Zavortink, 1986
  • Wyeomyia zinzala Zavortink, 1986

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit: "Culicidae » Culicinae » Sabethini » Wyeomyia" in Systematic Catalog of Culicidae, http://www.wrbu.org/mqID/mq_gnra/wyeomyia.htm, accessed August 5, 2017.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mosquito Taxonomic Inventory: Wyeomyia Theobald, 1901, http://mosquito-taxonomic-inventory.info/simpletaxonomy/term/6251, accessed August 5, 2017.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Robin McLeod with additional contributions by V. Belov: Genus Wyeomyia, Bugguide, http://bugguide.net/node/view/38485, last updated 11 October 2011, last accessed August 5, 2017.
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