Noble family, Business family
Parent familyAr begs
Current regionRussia, Tatarstan, Southern Ural, Kazakhstan
Etymology"Descendant of Yaush"
Place of originKhanate of Kazan
Founded16th century
TraditionsIslam in Tatarstan, Jadid

The Yaushev family (Russian: Яушевы, Tatar: Яушевлар, romanized: Yawşevlar) was a Volga Tatar noble family, that became incorporated into the Russian nobility.

Early history

The family is a branch of the Ar begs aristocratic clan and descents from Yaush (Russian: Яуш), a nobleman mentioned in chronicles related to the Siege of Kazan in 1552.[1] Descendants of Yaush were Serving Tatars in Russia and were granted Russian noble title and land by Ivan the Terrible. Under Peter the Great the Yaushev family was stripped of nobility for the refusal to convert from Islam to the Russian Orthodox Church. In the subsequent decades, parts of the family restored their title.

Merchant family

Mullagali Yaushev, member of the Yaushev merchant dynasty

A branch of the larger Yaushev clan became a prominent merchant family in the 19th and early 20th century by trading between Russia and Central Asia. The merchant dynasty was founded in Troitsk in the early 19th century by Gaisa Yaushev (1790–1870). It was later represented by his son Akhmedzhan Yaushev (1818–1875) and gained the largest influence under his grandsons Abdulvali Yaushev (1840–1906) and Mullagali Yaushev (1864–1927). The family firm was known as the Trading House of the Yaushev Brothers (Russian: Торговый дом братьев Яушевых) in the early 20th century.[2]

The Yaushev merchant family owned stores and trading arcades ("passages") in the Southern Ural (Troitsk, Chelyabinsk, Kustanay) and Central Asia (Tashkent), as well as cotton, tea, soap and leather manufactures in what now are Russia and Uzbekistan.[3][4][5]

The Yaushevs were sponsors and active members of the liberal Muslim movement in Russia, Jadidism. They financed several Islamic modernist schools and mosques, such as the White Mosque in Kustanay.[6]

After the October Revolution, the property of the Yaushev merchant family was nationalized by the bolsheviks. The family went into exile to Japan, China, the United States and Western Europe. Some members of the family later returned to Soviet Russia.[2]

Muslim cleric family

A different branch of the Yaushev family became religious leaders in what is now northern Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century. Gabdelbari Yaushev (1814—1894) and his son Gabdelvagap Yaushev (1859—1924) were imams and akhoonds in the city of Petropavlovsk and trustees of the mosque of the Irbit Fair. The family remained in Russia after the revolution and maintained its role as religious leaders in Petropavlovsk during the first years of the Soviet regime.[8][9]


  • The Soviet journalist Farid Seiful-Mulyukov was the grandson of the last head of the Yaushev merchant family, Mullagali Yaushev.[10][11]
  • Fatykha Aitova (née Yausheva), the daughter of Abdulvali Yaushev, was the founder of the first women's gymnasium in Kazan in 1916.[12][13]
  • Mukhamedzhan Seralin, Kazakh journalist, founder of the first magazine in Kazakh language, Ay Qap, was a descendand of the Yaushev merchant family from his mother's side. The magazine was initially also sponsored by the Yaushev family.[14]


  • Чайчиц А. Купцы Яушевы. Семейная история. Казань: Татарское книжное издательство, 2020 [Čaičics, A. The Yaushev Merchants: a Family History. Kazan: Tatar Book Publishers, 2020].


  1. ЕПАНЧА (ЯПАНЧА) – Марийская история в лицах [Yepancha (Yapancha) – History of the Mari people in faces]
  2. 1 2 Денисов Д. Н. Очерки по истории мусульманских общин Челябинского края (XVIII – начало XX в.) – М: Марджани, 2011 [Essays on the history of Muslim communities in the Chelyabinsk Region, by Denis Denisov, 2011]
  3. Пассажу Яушевых – 100 лет! [100 years of the Yaushev arcade] – Official website of the Chelyabinsk state museum of fine arts
  4. В Челябинске Торговый Дом «Братья Яушевы» отмечает 100 лет [In Chelyabinsk, the Yaushev Brothers shopping arcade celebrates its 100th anniversary]. Komsomolskaya pravda. 24 October 2013
  5. Стараниями Абдулвали // Н. А. Аблина. На перекрёстке времён и судеб: Троицку 265 лет – Троицк, 2008 [By the efforts of Abdulvali. troitsk74.ru]
  6. Kostanay Cathedral Mosque. Cultural map of Kazakhstan. Retrieved on 25 September 2017
  7. Как братья Яушевы мавзолей ремонтировали [How the Yaushev brothers repaired a mausoleum]. Pisma o Tashkente. 11 November 2013
  8. 100 лет назад: история рода татарских «миллиардеров» в Казахстане [100 years ago: the history of Tatar "billionaires" in Kazakhstan] by Pavel Shabley, Realnoe Vremya, 20 February 2017
  9. Павел Шаблей. Семья Яушевых и ее окружение: ислам и дилеммы властных отношений в Российской Империи во второй половине XIX – начале XX вв. [Yaushev family and its surroundings: Islam and the dilemmas of power relationships in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century], by Pavel Shabley. Acta Slavica Iaponica, Tomus 38, pp. 23–50 – Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
  10. Фарид Сейфуль-Мулюков – внук Гали Ахмедовича Яушева [Farid Seiful-Mulyukov, the grandson of Gali Akhmetovich Yaushev]. Pisma o Tashkente, 22 February 2010]
  11. Журналист-международник Фарид Сейфуль-Мулюков отмечает 85-летний юбилей [International journalist Farid Seiful-Mulyukov celebrates 85th birthday]. Report by Russia-1, 19 November 2015
  12. АИТОВА Фатиха Абдулвалиевна [Fatikha AITOVA], 1000kzn.ru
  13. Рейтинг ProKazan: самые знаменитые женщины Татарстана прошлых лет [ProKazan Rating: The Best-Known Women of Tatarstan in History], prokazan.ru
  14. Екатерина Байняшева. Что мы помним и знаем о великом земляке Мухамеджане Сералине? [What do we know about our great compatriot Mukhamedzhan Seralin?] — Nash Kostanay, 29.05.2022
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