
军民两用是指既可用于民用又可用于军事用途的货物、软件技术, [1]例如全球定位系统無人機[2][3][4][5][6] 冷战结束后,許多军事技术開始向民用工业领域。[7]


  1. Exporting dual-use goods. European Commission (accessed Aug 2022)
  2. Sedletska, Natalie; Savchuk, Maksym; Ovsyaniy, Kyrylo; Schreck, Carl. . Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 2022-11-04 [2023-06-08] (英语).
  3. . www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com. 2022-11-05 [2023-06-08] (英语).
  4. . American Civil Liberties Union. [2023-06-08] (美国英语).
  5. Bajema, Natasha. . spectrum.ieee.org. [2023-06-08] (英语).
  6. Booth, Rebecca Wright,Ivan Watson,Olha Konovalova,Tom. . CNN. 2023-03-16 [2023-06-08] (英语).
  7. .
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