分枝杆菌属![]() | |
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結核分枝桿菌 | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
域: | 细菌域 Bacteria |
界: | 细菌界 Bacteria |
门: | 放線菌門 Actinomycetota |
纲: | 放線菌綱 Actinomycetes |
目: | 放线菌目 Actinomycetales |
科: | 分枝杆菌科 Mycobacteriaceae |
属: | 分枝杆菌属 Mycobacterium Lehmann & Neumann 1896 |
模式種 | |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Zopf 1883) Lehmann and Neumann 1896 |
该属细菌包括许多已知在哺乳類动物中造成严重疾病的病原菌,包括结核杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)和麻风杆菌(Mycobacterium leprae)[1]。
雖然說本屬不產孢子,但有兩個物種似乎例外,那就是海洋分枝桿菌(Mycobacterium marinum)和牛分枝桿菌(M. bovis)[3]。但進一步的研究引發了爭論。[4]
分枝桿菌的特點就是其細胞壁較其他物種厚,且呈蠟狀疏水性,並含有大量的分枝菌酸(mycolic acids)。多醣會將分枝菌酸層及肽聚糖層拉在一起,讓細胞壁變得十分堅韌。若可干擾其細胞壁的生物合成途徑,也許可以開發治療肺結核的藥物。[5]

Phylogenetic Position of the Tubercle Bacilli within the Genus Mycobacterium The blue triangle corresponds to tubercle bacilli sequences that are identical or differing by a single nucleotide. The sequences of the genus Mycobacterium that matched most closely to those of M. tuberculosis were retrieved from the BIBI database (http://pbil.univ-lyon.fr/bibi/%5B%5D) and aligned with those obtained for 17 smooth and MTBC strains. The unrooted neighbor-joining tree is based on 1,325 aligned nucleotide positions of the 16S rRNA gene. The scale gives the pairwise distances after Jukes-Cantor correction. Bootstrap support values higher than 90% are indicated at the nodes.
结核分枝杆菌复合群[6] (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) members are causative agents of human and animal tuberculosis. Species in this complex include:
鸟分枝杆菌复合群[6][7] (Mycobacterium avium complex)
- Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a group of species that, in a disseminated infection but not lung infection, used to be a significant cause of death in AIDS patients. The species M. indicus pranii appears to be basal in this complex.[8]Species in this complex include:
- M. avium
- 鸟分枝杆菌类结核亚种 M. avium paratuberculosis, which has been implicated in Crohn's disease in humans and is the causative agent of Johne's disease in cattle and sheep
- M. avium silvaticum
- M. avium "hominissuis"
- 哥伦比亚分枝杆菌 M. colombiense
- M. indicus pranii
戈登分枝杆菌支序群[9] (Mycobacterium gordonae clade)
- 亚洲分枝杆菌 M. asiaticum
- M. gordonae
堪薩斯分支桿菌支序群 (Mycobacterium kansasii clade)
- M. g
- 堪萨斯分枝杆菌 M. kansasii
无色分枝杆菌/土分枝杆菌支序群 Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum/terrae clade
- M. hiberniae
- 无色分枝杆菌 M. nonchromogenicum
- 土分枝杆菌 M. terrae
- M. triviale
Mycolactone-producing mycobacteria
- 溃痕分枝杆菌 M. ulcerans, 其会引起"Buruli", 或 "Bairnsdale, ulcer"
- 假分枝杆菌 M. pseudoshottsii
- M. shottsii
猴分枝杆菌支序群 Mycobacterium simiae clade
- 三重分枝杆菌 M. triplex
- 日内瓦分枝杆菌 M. genavense
- 佛罗伦萨分枝杆菌 M. florentinum
- 缓黄分枝杆菌 M. lentiflavum
- 沼泽分枝杆菌 M. palustre
- M. kubicae
- M. parascrofulaceum
- 海德堡分枝杆菌 M. heidelbergense
- 居间分枝杆菌 M. interjectum
- 猴分枝杆菌 M. simiae
- 德氏分枝杆菌 M. branderi
- M. cookii
- 隐藏分枝杆菌 M. celatum
- M. bohemicum
- 嗜血分枝杆菌 M. haemophilum
- 玛尔摩分枝杆菌 M. malmoense
- 苏加分枝杆菌 M. szulgai
- 痲瘋桿菌 Mycobacterium leprae,麻风分枝杆菌, 痲瘋病的致病菌
- 鼠麻风分枝杆菌 M. lepraemurium
- M. lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis) 另一种引起痲瘋病的较少见致病菌,于2008年被描述
- 博氏分票杆菌 Mycobacterium botniense
- 嵌合分枝杆菌 M. chimaera
- 出众分枝杆菌 M. conspicuum
- M. doricum
- 鼻疽分枝杆菌 M. farcinogenes
- 半岛分枝杆菌 M. heckeshornense
- 胞内分枝杆菌 M. intracellulare
- 洛克司分枝杆菌 M. lacus
- 海洋分枝桿菌(M. marinum), causes a rare disease called Aquarium granuloma.
- M. monacense
- 摩特弗分枝杆菌 M. montefiorense
- M. murale
- 内布拉斯加分枝杆菌 M. nebraskense
- 萨斯喀彻温分枝杆菌 M. saskatchewanense
- 瘰病分枝杆菌 M. scrofulaceum
- M. shimoidei
- 托斯卡纳分枝杆菌 M. tusciae
- 蟾分枝杆菌 M. xenopi
- M. yongonense
- M. intermedium
龟分枝杆菌支序群 Mycobacterium chelonae clade
- 膿腫分枝桿菌 (Mycobacterium abcessus)
- 龟分枝杆菌 M. chelonae
- 博氏分枝杆菌 M. bolletii
偶然分枝杆菌群 Mycobacterium fortuitum clade
- M. fortuitum
- M. fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum
- M. boenickei
- M. peregrinum
- 猪分枝杆菌 M. porcinum
- 塞内加尔分枝杆菌 M. senegalense
- 败血分枝杆菌 M. septicum
- M. neworleansense
- 休斯顿分枝杆菌 M. houstonense
- 产黏液分枝杆菌 M. mucogenicum
- 马德里分枝杆菌 M. mageritense
- M. brisbanense
- M. cosmeticum
Mycobacterium parafortuitum clade
- M. parafortuitum
- 南非分枝杆菌 M. austroafricanum
- M. diernhoferi
- M. hodleri
- 新金色分枝杆菌 M. neoaurum
- M. frederiksbergense
Mycobacterium vaccae clade
- M. aurum
- M. vaccae
- M. chitae
- M. fallax
- M. confluentis
- M. flavescens
- M. madagascariense
- 草分枝杆菌 M. phlei
- 包皮垢分枝杆菌 M. smegmatis
- 古地分枝杆菌 M. goodii
- 沃氏分枝杆菌 M. wolinskyi
- M. thermoresistibile
- M. gadium
- M. komossense
- M. obuense 大府分枝杆菌 (Mycobacterium obuense)
- M. sphagni
- M. agri
- M. aichiense
- M. alvei
- M. arupense
- M. brumae
- M. canariasense
- M. chubuense
- 康赛医院分枝杆菌 M. conceptionense
- M. duvalii
- 象分枝杆菌 M. elephantis
- M. gilvum
- M. hassiacum
- M. holsaticum
- 免疫原分枝杆菌 M. immunogenum
- 马赛分枝杆菌 M. massiliense
- M. moriokaense
- M. psychrotolerans
- M. pyrenivorans
- M. vanbaalenii
- M. pulveris
- Mycobacterium arosiense
- 欧巴涅分枝杆菌 Mycobacterium aubagnense
- 山羊分枝杆菌 Mycobacterium caprae
- Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum
- Mycobacterium fluoroanthenivorans
- Mycobacterium kiyosense Fukano et al. 2023[10]
- Mycobacterium kumamotonense Masaki et al. 2007
- 新城分枝杆菌 Mycobacterium novocastrense Shojaei et al. 1997
- 帕尔门塞分枝杆菌 Mycobacterium parmense
- 弗卡分枝杆菌 Mycobacterium phocaicum
- Mycobacterium poriferae
- Mycobacterium rhodesiae
- Mycobacterium seoulense
- Mycobacterium tokaiense
- 細菌分類表
- 牝牛分枝桿菌
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- RIDOM: Ribosomal Differentiation of Medical Microorganisms
- J.P. Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature - Genus Mycobacterium
- Tuberculist (页面存档备份,存于): Genome annotation database
- MTB Sysborg: Genome annotation database from the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
- TB Structural Genomics Consortium: Structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins
- MycDB: Mycobacterium database
- TBDB: Tuberculosis database
- Mycobacteriumgenomes and related information at PATRIC(页面存档备份,存于), a Bioinformatics Resource Center funded by NIAID(页面存档备份,存于)
- Frequently Asked Questions about NTM Lung Disease
- PRASITE: Identification of mycobacteria (页面存档备份,存于)
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