





这种行刑的形式归功于法国革命家让-巴蒂斯特·卡里耶[6],他被派往南特镇压反革命势力并选派一个革命委员会。一位历史学家描述这种行刑方法:[註 1]










  1. Ruth Scurr, Fatal Purity: Robespierre And the French Revolution (2006) p. 305.
  2. William Stafford, English Feminists and Their Opponents in the 1790s: unsex'd and proper females (2002) p. 161.
  3. Steven Blakemore, Crisis in Representation: Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Helen Maria Williams and the Rewriting of the French Revolution (1997) p. 212.
  4. Louis-Marie Prudhomme, Histoire Générale Et Impartiale Des Erreurs, Des Fautes Et Des Crimes Commis Pendant La Révolution Française, Tome III (1797), p. vii (referring to "Mariages républicains à Nantes. Deux personnes de différens sexes, nuds, étaient attachées ensemble, on les précipitait ensuite en masse dans la Loire" [Republican marriages in Nantes. Two people of different sexes, nude, were attached together, then put en masse into the Loire].
  5. "The dreadful invention of the republican marriages passes the genius of man", Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald, Théorie du pouvoir politique et religieux dans la société civile (1796), p. 558.
  6. Archibald Alison and Edward Sherman Gould, History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815 (1850) p. 44.
  7. John Murray, Hand-book for travellers in France 页面存档备份,存于 (1843), p. 165.
  8. Helen Maria Williams, Sketch of the Politics of France, 1793–94 (1795), p. 42-43.
  9. Bertrand, Ernest. 1868. La justice révolutionnaire en France du 17 août 1792 au 12 prairial an III (31 mai 1793), 17:e article, Annuaire de la Société philotechnique, 1868, tome 30, p. 7-92.
  10. Alain Gérard (1993). La Vendée: 1789–1793. p.265-266
  11. Title unknown, L'intermediaire des chercheurs et curieux, 1866. P.244
  12. Brégeon, Jean-Joël. 1987. Carrier et la Terreur nantaise, p.169-171
  13. John Sartain, et al., Friendship's Offering (1854), p. 271: "No priest dare marry us, dearest, and I cannot respect a republican marriage!"
  14. Laure Junot Abrantès, Memoirs of the Duchess D'Abrantès (Madame Junot) (1832) p. 294: [asked whether her daughter would be married in a church] "How could you for a moment entertain the idea that not my daughter only, but myself and her brother, could consent to a purely republican marriage?"
  15. Charles Brockden Brown, The Literary Magazine, and American Register (1804), p. 73: "There are many persons here, who are not content with a republican marriage, but get themselves also privately married by a priest, according to the forms of the Catholic religion".
  16. Charles MacFarlane, The French Revolution, Vol. III (1845), p. 344.


  1. A Revolutionary Tribunal was established [at Nantes], of which Carrier was the presiding demon—Carrier, known in all nations as the inventor of that last of barbarous atrocities, the Republican Marriage, in which two persons of different genders, generally an old man and an old woman, or a young man and a young woman, bereft of every kind of clothing, were bound together before the multitude, exposed in a boat in that situation for half an hour or more, and then thrown into the river.


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