


现在,绝大多数商业化的CPU实现都能够提供某种形式的向量处理的指令,用来处理多个(向量化的)数据集,也就是所谓的SIMD(单一指令、多重数据)。常见的例子有 VIS, MMX, SSE, AltiVecAVX。向量处理技术也能在游戏主机硬件图形加速硬件上看到。在2000年,IBM东芝索尼合作开发了Cell处理器,集成了一个标量处理器和八个向量处理器,应用在索尼的PlayStation 3游戏机和其他一些产品中。

其他CPU设计还可能包括多重指令处理多重(向量化的)数据集的技术——也就是所谓的MIMD(多重指令、多重数据)——并实现了VLIW。此类设计通常用于特定应用场合,而不是面向通用计算机的市场化产品。在富士通的 FR-V VLIW/vector 处理器中,组合使用了两种技术。



来自现实世界的例子: x86 架构中的向量指令应用

// 改自英文維基 Vector_processor
//SSE simd function for vectorized multiplication of 2 arrays with single-precision floatingpoint numbers
//1st param pointer on source/destination array, 2nd param 2. source array, 3rd param number of floats per array
void mul_asm(float* out, float* in, unsigned int leng){
      unsigned int count, rest;

      //compute if array is big enough for vector operation
      rest  = (leng*4)%16;
      count = (leng*4)-rest;

     // vectorized part; 4 floats per loop iteration
      if (count>0){
      __asm __volatile__  (".intel_syntax noprefix\n\t"
      "loop:                 \n\t"
      "sub ecx,16            \n\t" // decrease address pointer by 4 floats
      "movups xmm0,[ebx+ecx] \n\t" // loads 4 floats in first register (xmm0)
      "movups xmm1,[eax+ecx] \n\t" // loads 4 floats in second register (xmm1)
      "mulps xmm0,xmm1       \n\t" // multiplies both vector registers
      "movups [eax+ecx],xmm0 \n\t" // write back the result to memory
      "jnz loop              \n\t"
      ".att_syntax prefix    \n\t"
        : : "a" (out), "b" (in), "c"(count), "d"(rest): "xmm0","xmm1");

      // scalar part; 1 float per loop iteration
      if (rest!=0)
       __asm __volatile__  (".intel_syntax noprefix\n\t"
      "add eax,ecx           \n\t"
      "add ebx,ecx           \n\t"

      "rest:                 \n\t"
      "sub edx,4             \n\t"
      "movss xmm0,[ebx+edx]  \n\t" // load 1 float in first register (xmm0)
      "movss xmm1,[eax+edx]  \n\t" // load 1 float in second register (xmm1)
      "mulss xmm0,xmm1       \n\t" // multiplies both scalar parts of registers
      "movss [eax+edx],xmm0  \n\t" // write back the result\n\t"
      "jnz rest              \n\t"
      ".att_syntax prefix    \n\t"
        : : "a" (out), "b" (in), "c"(count), "d"(rest): "xmm0","xmm1");


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