委內瑞拉陸軍,正式名稱為委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾共和國國家軍(西班牙語:), 是委內瑞拉武裝部隊的六個軍種之一。[2] 該軍隊要參與陸上地面軍事行動,並應對可能危及國家主權的外部或內部威脅。[2]
委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾共和國國家軍 | |
委內瑞拉軍徽 | |
國家或地區 | 委內瑞拉 |
功能 | 保護國家的永久主權免受任何外部或內部威脅。 |
規模 | 115,000 (2021)[1] |
直屬 | 委內瑞拉人民政權國防部 |
冠名自 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
格言 | "自由的締造者" |
專用顏色 | 藍色和紅 |
進行曲 | Venezuelan National Army Hymn (Himno del Ejercito Nacional Bolivariano de Venezuela) |
參與戰役 | |
紀念日 | 6 月 24 日 |
指挥官 | |
人民政權國防部長 | 總司令 弗拉迪米爾·帕德里諾·洛佩斯 |
委內瑞拉戰略作戰司令部司令 | 上將 Remigio Ceballos |
委內瑞拉陸軍司令 | 少將 Jesús Suárez Chourio |
委內瑞拉陸軍參謀長 | Divisional General Francisco Antonio Espinoza Guyón |
著名指揮官 |
標識 | |
Flag |
- 委內瑞拉軍事學院,
- Military Academy of Troop Officers Commander in Chief Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías,
- 玻利瓦爾軍事技術學院,
- 軍事衛生科學院
With the beginning of the Venezuelan War of Independence on 19 April 1810 and the subsequent war in the country, a 军校 was created in 1810 by decree of the Supreme Board of 卡拉卡斯 for the training of officers for the 共和主义 cause. The 保皇派 reaction was fast and by 1812 the First Republic of Venezuela was dissolved. A war to the death begun (guerra a muerte), with neither side giving quarter. On 11 April 1817, 1,800 Republicans under General Píer won a major victory against the Royalists at San Félix (southeast of Caracas), where the revolutionaries defeated 1,500 Royalists under General Nicolás María Cerruti. The Royalists suffered 593 dead and 497 captured, of whom 160 peninsulares (西班牙人 born in the 伊比利亚半岛). All of the Spaniards were 斬首. The Republicans lost 31 dead and 65 wounded.
The war continued until 1824 with successes and failures on each side. On 7 August 1819, the army of 新格瑞那達共和國, under the command of the Liberator 西蒙·玻利瓦尔, defeats the Royalist troops under the command of General José María Barreiro in the Battle of Boyacá, being the first republic of the so-called Bolivarianas (Bolivarians) to obtain their independence of the 西班牙帝國; a day that also celebrates the National Army of Colombia.
The liberating army, whose central nucleus are the infantry battalions of Rifle troops, 跳躍者, Vencedores, the British Legions, plus the contingents of the 槍騎兵 Bravos de Apure of General 何塞·安东尼奥·派斯·埃雷拉, and whose contingents are made up mainly of Colombian-Venezuelan troops under the supreme leadership of Bolívar, are now waging the Venezuelan campaign as part of 大哥倫比亞共和國. On 24 June 1821, the Republicans obtained a decisive victory over the Royalists in the battle at Battle of Carabobo, and today is celebrated as the day of the Venezuelan Army.
After the Battle of Carabobo, the remnants of the Royalist armies that managed to escape from the battlefield took refuge in 卡貝略港, while in the east they did the same in 庫馬納. Cumaná was taken shortly after by the Republicans, but the heavily fortified city of Puerto Cabello resisted under 攻城戰 until 1823, during which time it served as the base for the Spanish reconquest of territories in western Venezuela.
Afterwards, these troops take part in the Southern Campaign under the command of 元帅 安东尼奥·何塞·苏克雷, and went on to liberate 厄瓜多尔 in the 皮钦查战役, Peru in the Battle of Junín, and Upper Peru (today 玻利維亞) in the 阿亚库乔战役.
隨著佩雷斯希門尼斯的推翻和民主的回歸,委內瑞拉軍隊開始對付國內的由委內瑞拉共產黨和左翼革命運動(Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria ,MIR)的極端分子領導的民族解放武裝部隊(Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional,FALN)。此外委內瑞拉軍隊也參與了聯合國在尼加拉瓜的維和行動。
Mission and vision
Its mission, as the ground forces of the 委內瑞拉軍事, is to:
- Secure the ground defenses of the nation,
- Contribute to the establishment of democratic institutions and build up respect and full compliance to the laws of the Republic as mandated,
- Support national development and integration,
- And to participate in programs of international cooperation and peacekeeping.
Functions of the Army
In accordance with the Article 9 of the National Armed Forces Organic Law as amended, the functions of the Army are to
- Organize, train and equip units for ground forces operations
- Establish doctrines for the various operations it has to undertake
- Participate in military mobilization programs
- Maintain the national borders
- And actively achieve readiness to develop technologies and scientifically advances for the advancement of national defense
Official hymn
Spanish lyrics
- Adelante marchemos, valientes, al combate y al rudo fragor
- por la patria muy altas las frentes, despleguemos pujanza y valor.
- Por la patria muy altas las frentes, despleguemos pujanza y valor.
- Nuestra sangre es la savia del pueblo y en el pueblo se plasma en canción
- es la rosa más pura del viento que en la historia da brillo a la acción,
- En las aguas, el aire y la tierra la victoria es el alba inmortal,
- si sublime es el triunfo en la guerra, preservemos la gloria y la paz.
- Y si el brazo extranjero se atreve a infamar de este suelo el honor
- antes muerte mil veces nos llegue que rendirnos al torpe invasor,
- pues de todas las patrias que el cielo diera al hombre en morada de amor,
- es la nuestra el más hondo desvelo en el sueño de un mundo mejor.
起源 | 型號 | 口徑 | 細節 | 圖片 |
突擊步槍 | ||||
俄羅斯 委內瑞拉 |
AK-103 | 7.62×39mm | 根據許可證生產 於 2006 年以 5200 萬美元購買了彈藥。2006 年以 4.746 億美元簽訂了兩份生產 AK-103 的合同。 標準型突擊步槍。 | |
比利時 | FN FNC | 5.56×45mm NATO | 玻利瓦爾國民警衛隊的隊員也使用。 | |
法國 | FAMAS F1 | 5.56×45mm NATO | 特種部隊旅在數量有限的情況下使用。 | |
戰鬥步槍 | ||||
比利時 | FN FAL | 7.62×51mm NATO | ||
機槍 | ||||
比利時 | FN Minimi | 5.56×45mm NATO | ||
比利時 | FN MAG通用機槍 | 7.62×51mm NATO | ||
美國 | M60 | 7.62×51mm NATO | ||
美國 | 白朗寧M2重機槍 | 12.7×99mm NATO | ||
衝鋒槍 | ||||
德國 | H&K MP5 | 9×19mm NATO | ||
以色列 | Uzi | 9×19mm NATO | ||
委內瑞拉 | CAVIM Orinoco IV | 9×19mm NATO | 新的本土設計衝鋒槍 | |
比利時 | FN P90 | 5.7×28mm | ||
中國 | 長風衝鋒槍[8] | 9×19mm NATO | 在陸軍第 509 特種部隊營服役。 | |
手槍 | ||||
奥地利 | Glock 17 | 9×19mm NATO | ||
比利時 | 白朗寧大威力半自動手槍 | 9×19mm NATO | ||
狙擊步槍 | ||||
美國 | M14 | 7.62×51mm NATO | ||
美國 | M700 | |||
俄羅斯 | SVD[9] | 7.62×54mmR | ||
火箭推進榴彈/反戰車飛彈 | ||||
瑞典 | AT4 | 84×1020mm | ||
瑞典 | RBS 70 | 106mm | ||
俄羅斯 | 9K338 Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch) | 72mm | [10] | |
俄羅斯 | RPG-7[11] | 40mm |
Army major commands
- Army Headquarters
- Army HQ Escort and Security Battalion "Lieutenant General Daniel Florence O'Leary"
- Army General Staff
- Army Inspector General's Office
- Command HQ
- Command HQ Company
- Inspectoriate General
- Adjutant General's Corps
- Acquisitions Office
- Army Ministers Reception Center
- Army Armaments Corps
- Army Intendancy
- Army Medical Department
- Army Transportation Corps
- Army Communications Corps
- Army Engineers Service
- 82nd Logistics Support Regiment
- 83rd Logistics Support Command
- 84th Logistics Support Command
- Command HQ
- Command, Service and Logistics Company
- Helicopter Battalion
- Fixed Wing Air Battalion
- Special Reconnaissance Battalion
- Multipurpose Helicopter Battalion
- Army Aviation Maintenance Center
- Army Aviation School
- Army Aviation Center of Administration
- Army Aviation Flight Simulation and Instruction Center
99th Army Special Operations Brigade[12]
Army divisions and corps
- HQ Battalion
- 11th Armored Brigade "Brigadier Pedro Ruiz Rondon"[13]
- Brigade HQ
- 1st Battalion Combat Team (Mot.)
- 111th Armor Battalion
- 112th Armor Infantry Battalion
- 113th Armor Battalion
- 114th Armor Battalion
- 115th Field Artillery Battalion
- 116th Air Defense Artillery Battalion
- 1103rd Reconnisance Squadron
- 12th Caribbean Ranger Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 121st Infantry Battalion "Venezuela"
- 122nd Ranger Battalion
- 123rd Ranger Battalion
- 124th Field Artillery Battalion
- 13th Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 131st Infantry Battalion
- 132nd Infantry Battalion
- 133rd Infantry Battalion
- 135th Field Artillery Battalion "Battle of Lake Maracaibo"
- 136th Air Defense Artillery Battalion
- Brigade HQ
- 14th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 141st Infantry Battalion
- 143th Infantry Battalion
- 145th Field Artillery Battalion
- 146th Air Defense Artillery Battalion
- 19th Western Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 105th Combat Engineers Battalion
- HQ Battalion
- 21st Motorized Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 3rd Battalion Combat Team (Mech.)
- 211th Infantry Battalion "COL Antonio Ricaurte"
- 212th Infantry Battalion "Carabobo"
- 213th Infantry Battalion
- 215th Field Artillery Battalion
- 22nd Mountain Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 221st Infantry Battalion
- 222nd Infantry Battalion
- 2205th Mortar Battery (Mountain)
- 23rd Development and Security Brigade
- 24th Infantry Brigade
- 25th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 251st Infantry Battalion
- 253th Infantry Battalion
- 225th Field Artillery Battalion
- 29th Plains Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 205th Divisional Combat Engineering Battalion
- Military Police Company
The 79th Andes Air Defense Artillery Brigade reports directly to the Operational Strategic Command, while being in the 2ID's territorial jurisdiction.
第 3 步兵師
- HQ Battalion
- 31st Mechanized Infantry Brigade Group "Major General Lucas Carvajal"
- Brigade HQ
- 311th Armor Infantry Battalion "Simon Bolivar"
- 312th Armored Cavalry Squadron "Juan Pablo Ayala"
- 316th Air Defense Artillery Battalion
- 32nd Caribbean Ranger Brigade "General-in-Chief José Antonio Páez"[14]
- Brigade HQ
- 321st Ranger Battalion
- 322nd Ranger Battalion
- 323rd Ranger Battalion
- 325th Field Artillery Battalion (Ranger)
- 33rd Signals Brigade
- 34th Signals Brigade (activated 2016)[15]
- Brigade HQ
- 341st Signals Battalion
- 342nd Signals Battalion
- 343rd Signals Battalion
- 344th Signals Battalion
- 345th Signals Battalion
- 346th Signals Battalion
- 347th Signals Battalion
- Brigade HQ
- 35th Military Police Brigade "General Jose de San Martin"[16]
- Brigade HQ
- 351st MP Battalion
- 352nd MP Battalion
- 353rd MP Battalion
- 354th MP Battalion (Replacement and Training Battalion)
- Brigade HQ
- 39th Central Air Defense Artillery Brigade "Colonel Juan Perez Ovalles"
- 305th Combat Engineers Battalion
Since 2016 the newly created 34th CCB reports also to the Operational Strategic Command.
第 4 裝甲師
- HQ Battalion
- 41st Armored Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 2nd Battalion Combat Team (Mixed)
- 411th Armor Infantry Battalion "Major General Jose Antonio Anzoategui"
- 412th Armor Battalion "Major General Jose Francisco Bermudez"
- 413th Armor Battalion "Brigadier Pedro León Torres"
- 414th Armor Battalion "Apure Braves"
- 415th Field Artillery Battalion (Mixed) "Major General Juan Jacinto Lara"
- 416th Air Defense Artillery Battalion (MANPAD & Towed) "Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Salazar"
- 4012nd Armored Reconnisance Troop "Sacred Cavalry Squadron"
- 42nd Airborne Brigade "Aragua"
- Brigade HQ
- 421st Parachute Infantry Battalion "José Leonardo Chirinos"
- 422nd Parachute Infantry Battalion "Colonel Antonio Nicolas Briceno"
- 423rd Parachute Infantry Battalion "Colonel Ramon Garcia de Sena"
- Sniper Company
- 43rd Field Artillery Brigade "Grand Marshal of Ayacucho Antonio Jose de Sucre"[13][17][18]
- Brigade HQ
- 431st Field Artillery Battalion (Self-Propelled)
- 432nd Field Artillery Battalion (Self-Propelled) "General in Chief & President Ciprano Castro"
- 433rd Field Artillery Battalion (Multiple Rocket Launcher)
- 434th Field Artillery Battalion (Multiple Rocket Launcher)
- 435th Field Artillery Battalion (Multiple Rocket Launcher) "Colonel Juan Vicente Bolivar"
- 44th Light Armored Brigade
- 49th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 402nd Anti-tank Artillery Battalion "Major General Ezequiel Zamora"
- 405th Combat Engineers Battalion
- Combat Training Center "Lieutenant General Gabriel Laurencio Silva"
第 5 叢林步兵師
- HQ Battalion
- 5002th Maintenance and Services Coy.
- 51st Jungle Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 511th Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 512th Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 513th Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 5102nd Reconnisance Company
- 5105th Mortar Battery (Jungle)
- 52nd Jungle Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 521st Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 522nd Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 5202nd Cavalry Troop
- 53rd Jungle Infantry Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 531st Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 532nd Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 533rd Infantry Battalion (Jungle)
- 5302nd Cavalry Troop
- 59th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
- 505th Combat Engineers Battalion
- 508th Service Support Battalion
- 507th Communications Battalion
- Division HQ
- HQ Squadron
- 91st Armored Cavalry Brigade "Major General Pedro Perez Delgado"
- Brigade HQ
- HQ Troop
- 911th Armored Cavalry Squadron "Brigadier Ambrosio Plaza"
- 912th Armored Cavalry Squadron
- 913th Armored Cavalry Squadron
- 92nd Caribbean Ranger Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 921st Ranger Battalion
- 922nd Armor Battalion "Victors of Araure" (Ranger)
- 923rd Ranger Battalion
- 926th Field Artillery Battalion "Battle of Ayacucho" (Ranger)
- 927th Air Defense Artillery Battalion
- 9202nd Cavalry Troop
- 93rd Caribbean Ranger Brigade (Mechanized)
- Brigade HQ
- 931st Infantry Battalion
- 932nd Ranger Battalion
- 933rd Ranger Battalion
- 934th Infantry Battalion
- 937th Ranger Battalion
- 9302nd Cavalry Troop
- 94th Brigade Combat Team[19]
- 905th Combat Engineers Battalion
- UAV Battalion "Apure Patriots"
第 6 工兵團
- Corps HQ
- HQ Battalion
- 61st Engineers Training Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 611th Engineer Battalion
- 612th Engineer Training Battalion
- 613th Engineer Training Battalion
- 614th Engineer Training Battalion
- 62nd Construction and Maintenance Regiment
- Regiment HQ
- 621st Engineer Training Battalion
- 622nd Engineer Battalion
- 63rd Construction and Maintenance Regiment
- Regiment HQ
- 631st Engineer Battalion
- 632nd Engineer Training Battalion
- 64th Railroad Engineering Brigade
- Brigade HQ
- 641st Railroad Engineer Battalion
- 642nd Railroad Engineer Battalion
- 643rd Railroad Engineer Battalion
Technical Non-commissioned officers and Warrant officers (Army shoulder boards) | |||||||
Sargento Técnico de Tercera (Junior Warrant Officer) | Sargento Técnico de Segunda | Sargento Técnico de Primera (Third Warrant Officer) | Maestro Técnico de Tercera (Second Warrant Officer) | Maestro Técnico de Segunda (First Warrant Officer) | Maestro Técnico de Primera | Maestro Técnico Mayor | Maestro Técnico Supervisor (Chief Warrant Officer) |
Commanding Generals of the Venezuelan Army | |||
Commanding General | Term in office | ||
MGEN Francisco Rodríguez del Toro | April 1810– July 1811 | ||
Generalissimo 弗朗西斯科·德·米蘭達 | Jul 1811 – Aug. 1812 | ||
Office of Commanding General of the Army was vacant from 1812 to January 1813. | |||
GEN Santiago Mariño | Jan. 1813 – Jun. 1813 | ||
GEN 西蒙·玻利瓦尔 (first term) | May 1813 – Dec 1814 | ||
Office of Commanding General of the Army was vacant from December 1814 to May 1815. | |||
General in Chief José Tadeo Monagas | May 1815 | ||
Office of Commanding General of the Army was vacant from May 1815 to May 1816. | |||
GEN Simón Bolívar (second term) | May 1816 – Aug. 1821 | ||
GEN Carlos Soublette | Ago. 1821 – Dic. 1822 | ||
GEN 何塞·安东尼奥·派斯·埃雷拉 | Dec. 1822 – Jan 1847 | ||
General in Chief José Tadeo Monagas (2nd term) | May 1847 – May 1858 | ||
GEN Santiago Mariño (acting) | Jun 1848 – August 1848 | ||
GEN Julián Castro (Venezuelan president) | March 1858 – August 1859 (acting till May 1858) | ||
GEN Pedro E. Ramos | Aug 1859 – Dec 1859 | ||
GEN León de Febres Cordero | Dec 1859 – May 1861 | ||
GEN 何塞·安东尼奥·派斯·埃雷拉 (2nd term) | May 1861 – Jul 1863 | ||
GEN Juan Crisóstomo Falcón | Jul. 1863 – April 1868 | ||
GEN León Colina (acting) | 1864 | ||
GEN Antonio Guzmán Blanco (acting) | 1866 | ||
GEN Manuel Ezequiel Bruzual | April 1868 – Jul. 1868 | ||
GEN José Tadeo Monagas (3rd term) | Jul. 1868 – Nov. 1868 | ||
GEN Juan Antonio Sotillo | Nov. 1868 – May 1869 | ||
GEN José Ruperto Monagas | May 1869 – April 1870 | ||
GEN Antonio Guzmán Blanco (2nd term) | April 1870 – Feb. 1877 | ||
GEN Francisco Linares Alcántara | Feb. 1877 – Feb. 1879 | ||
GEN José Gregorio Valera | Nov. 1878 – Feb. 1879 (acting till early February 1879) | ||
GEN José Gregorio Cedeño | Feb. 1879 (acting, served 12 days) | ||
GEN Antonio Guzmán Blanco (3rd term) | Feb. 1879 – May 1884 | ||
GEN Joaquín Crespo | May 1884 – April 1886 | ||
GEN Antonio Guzmán Blanco (4th term) | April 1886 – August 1887 | ||
GEN Hermógenes López | August 1887 – June 1888 | ||
Doctor Juan Pablo Rojas Paúl | Jul. 1888 – Mar. 1890 | ||
Doctor Raimundo Andueza Palacio | Mar. 1890 – Oct. 1892 | ||
GEN Joaquín Crespo (2nd term) | Oct. 1892 – Feb. 1898 | ||
LTGEN Ignacio Andrade | Feb. 1898 – Oct. 1899 | ||
LTGEN 西普里亚诺·卡斯特罗 | Oct. 1899 – Nov. 1908 | ||
LTGEN 胡安·比森特·戈麦斯 | Nov. 1908 – Dec. 1935 | ||
LTGEN Eleazar López Contreras | Dec. 1935 – May 1941 | ||
MGEN Isaías Medina Angarita | May 1941 – Oct 1945 | ||
LTCOL Carlos Delgado Chalbaud | Oct. 1945 – Nov. 1948 | ||
LTCOL (later COL, BRIG and MGEN) 马科斯·佩雷斯·希门内斯 | Nov. 1948 – Aug 1954 | ||
BRIG Hugo Fuentes | Aug 1954 – Dec. 1957 | ||
BRIG Rafael Virgilio Vivas | Dec. 1957 – Jan. 1958 | ||
Office of Commanding General of the Army was vacant from January 1958 to January 1959. | |||
BRIG Marco A. Moros A. | Jan 1959 – Feb. 1960 | ||
MGEN Pedro J. Quevedo D. | Feb. 1960 – Jul. 1964 | ||
BRIG Pablo A. Flores A. | Jul. 1964 – Ene. 1968 | ||
MGEN Roberto Morean Soto | Ene. 1968 – Feb. 1970 | ||
MGEN Víctor M. Maldonado | Feb. 1970 – Sep. 1971 | ||
MGEN Homero I. Leal T. | Sep. 1971 – Feb. 1973 | ||
BRIG Juan Manuel Sucre Figarella | Feb. 1973 – April 1974 | ||
MGEN Manuel I. Bereciartu P. | Apr. 1974 – Oct. 1975 | ||
MGEN Víctor M. Molino V. | Oct. 1975 – Jun. 1977 | ||
MGEN Ernesto Brandt T. | Jun. 1977 -Jun. 1978 | ||
MGEN Arnaldo Castro | Jun. 1978 – May 1979 | ||
MGEN Ángel V. Berrio Brito | May 1979 – Jun. 1979 | ||
MGEN Tomás Abreu R. | Jun. 1979 – Jan. 1980 | ||
MGen Rafael G. Marín. G. | Jan. 1980 – Jun. 1981 | ||
MGEN Vicente L. Narváez O. | Jun. 1981 – Jun. 1982 | ||
MGEN Luis Octavio Romero | Jun. 1982 – Jun. 1983 | ||
MGEN Luís J. Silva Tirado | Jun. 1983 – Jun. 1984 | ||
MGEN José A. Olavarría | Jun. 1984 – Jun. 1985 | ||
MGEN José Humberto Vivas | Jun. 1985 – Jun. 1986 | ||
MGEN Elidoro A. Guerrero | Jun. 1986 – Jun. 1987 | ||
MGEN Italo del Valle Alliegro | Jun. 1987 – Jun. 1988 | ||
MGEN José María Troconis Peraza | Jun. 1988 – Jun. 1989 | ||
MGEN Carlos J. Peñaloza Z. | Jun. 1989 – Jun. 1991 | ||
MGEN Pedro. R. Rangel R. | Jun. 1991 – Jun. 1993 | ||
MGEN Jorge I. Tagliaferro De Lima | Jun. 1993 – Jan 1994 | ||
MGEN Moisés A. Orozco Graterol | Feb 1994 – Dec 1994 | ||
Office of Commanding General of the Army was vacant from December 1994 to January the following year. | |||
MGEN Pedro N. Valencia V. | Jan. 1995 – Jul. 1996 | ||
MGEN Pedro Hernández G. | Jul. 1996 – Jul. 1997 | ||
MGEN Wilfredo J. Guerrero Z. | Jun. 1997 – Jul. 1998 | ||
MGEN Rubén M. Rojas Pérez | Jul. 1998 – Feb. 1999 | ||
MGEN Noel E. Martínez Ochoa | Feb. 1999 – Aug. 1999 | ||
MGEN Lucas Rincón Romero* | Aug. 1999 – Jun. 2001 | ||
MGEN Víctor A. Cruz Weffer | Jun. 2001 – Dec 2001 | ||
BRIG (later MGEN) Efraín Vásquez Velasco | Dec. 2001 – Apr. 2002 | ||
MGEN Julio J. García Montoya | April 2002 – Jan. 2003 | ||
MGEN Jorge Luis García Carneiro* | Jan. 2003 – Jan. 2004 | ||
MGEN Raúl Isaías Baduel* | Jan. 2004 – Jul. 2006 | ||
MGEN Pedro Azuaje Apitz | Jul. 2006 – Jul. 2007 | ||
LTGEN Carlos Mata Figueroa* | Jul. 2007 – Mar. 2009 | ||
LTGEN Juan Vicente Paredes Torrealba | Mar. 2009 – Jul. 2010 | ||
LTGEN Euclides Campos Aponte | Jul. 2010 – Jul. 2012 | ||
LTGEN Carlos Alcalá Cordones | Jul. 2012 – Jul. 2013 | ||
LTGEN Alexis Ascension López Ramírez | Jul. 2012 – Jul. 2014 | ||
LTGEN Gerardo Izquierdo Torres | Jul. 2014– July 2015 | ||
LTGEN Juan de Jesús García Toussaintt | July 2015 – June 2017 | ||
LTGEN Jesús Rafael Suárez Chourio | June 2017 – |
(*): Marks promotion to the rank of full General (and appointment as Minister of Defense) after serving term as Commanding General of the Army
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- . 6 April 2021 [2022-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-15).
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