大元帅 | |
大元帅军衔肩章 | |
國家/地區 | |
服務組織 | 朝鲜人民军 |
建立 | 1992年4月 |
无 | |
共和国元帅 |
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国大元帅 | |
諺文 | |
汉字 | |
文观部式 | |
马-赖式 |
1992年4月,朝鲜劳动党中央委员会、中央军事委员会、国防委员会、中央人民委员会共同决定,为纪念金日成80岁诞辰(太阳节),特此设立大元帅衔并将其授予金日成。 2012年2月,金日成之子和继任者金正日在其七十岁冥诞(光明星节)之际被追授这一称号[4][5]。
大元帅肩章与元帅相似,但在朝鲜国徽下方的帅星下方的徽章经过调整(并且在阅兵制服领子下方佩戴的的帅星上添另外加上了国徽)。肩章基于苏联非正式军衔“苏联大元帅”式样设计 。
- Yi, Wonju. . Yonhap News Agency. 28 April 2022 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-29) (英语).
- The People's Liberation Army as organization: reference volume v 1.0 - Volume 1 - Page 30 James C. Mulvenon, Andrew N. D. Yang, Center for Asia-Pacific Policy (Rand Corporation) - 2002 "Rank Categories - Ranks 1. Generalissimo (dayuanshuai) 2. Marshal (yuanshuai) 3. General Grade (jiangguan).. "
- China this century - Page 169 Rafe De Crespigny - 1992 "In 1917 Sun Yatsen took for a time the title dayuanshuai, which basically means 'commander-in-chief ; though it is a general term rather than a military rank, it was translated as "
- James Fleming Broken Border - Page 22 2009 "President Kim Jong Il is a man of many titles: Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, Commander of the Armed Forces, Taewŏnsu (a seven–star general), Chairman of the National Defense Committee, General Secretary, ..."
- Armstrong, Charles: "The Role and Influence of Ideology". In Kyung-Ae Park, Scott Snyder (ed.) North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economy, and Society 2012 "Kim Jong Il ... and on April 20th, 1992, he was named “Marshal” (Wonsu). Kim Il Sung had been named “Generalissimo” (Taewonsu) ..."
- USFK Comparative Ranks Chart Publication (2006)
- U.S. 7th Fleet Sharem Intelligence Brief, published 13 Dec 2007
- 金日成身穿大元帅制服的形象
- 金正日元帅和金日成大元帅肩/领徽章和徽章的形象
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