戒肉在歷史上主要是基於宗教理由 (例如: 週五齋戒日)。漢傳佛教主張在家信眾於至少於農曆每月初一、十五茹素,稱之為「朔望齋」,亦有於六齋日、十齋日茹素,以及於佛、菩薩的誕日茹素。循道衛理教會在大齋期期間,信眾普遍認為每週一日不吃肉是一種懺悔贖罪的方式。[1] 普世聖公宗(美國聖公會) 以及羅馬天主教會的傳統也奉行週五齋戒日。[2][3] 在歷史上, 聖公會和天主教國家會強制所有人民在大齋期的某些特定日全面禁止葷食。比方說在英國, 屠夫及餐館老闆受制於高額擔保費必須保證每週的週五及週六不得屠殺或販售肉品。[4] 在東正教, 週三和週五是齋戒日。[5] 在信義宗的歷史上,週五和週六是他們的齋戒日。[6]
備戰時期所實施的糧食定量配給或在一些經濟蕭條的國家也有無肉日的規定。 (例如: 第一次世界大戰時,加拿大以及美國實施週二無肉日[7] ,同時也實施週三無麥日)[8][9] 。
在波蘭人民共和國時期, 因為市場力量的趨動,政府鼓勵人民響應無肉日。他們的目標是減少肉品的消費,而鼓勵麵粉製品的消費。依照傳統,他們的無肉日是週五、週一或週三。
- 香港蔬食協會舉辦之「香港無肉聚會」 [13]
- 新加坡素食協會發起之週四無肉日 [14]
Reportedly, Meatless Tuesdays and Wednesdays were observed in Pakistan, from Benazir Bhotto's era in the 1990 through part of the 21st century. [16][17][18]
- 瑞士素食協會(Swissveg)發起之週四無肉日[25]
- . The United Methodist Church. [27 April 2014]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-10).
- Buchanan, Colin. . Scarecrow Press. 4 August 2009: 182. ISBN 9780810870086.
In the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, there is a list of "Days of Fasting, or Abstinence," consisting of the 40 days of Lent, the ember days, the three rogation days (the Monday to Wednesday following the Sunday after Ascension Day), and all Fridays in the year (except Christmas, if it falls on a Friday).
- Green, Jennifer. . Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 25 May 2006: 224 [27 April 2014]. ISBN 9781846425127. (原始内容存档于2017-01-24).
Friday is a day of abstinence and self-denial for Catholics in health, and, by tradition, this became a meat-free day.
- Barrows, Susanna; Room, Robin. . University of California Press. 1991: 340 [27 April 2014]. ISBN 9780520070851. (原始内容存档于2017-01-24).
The main legally enforced prohibition in both Catholic and Anglican countries was that against meat. During Lent, the most prominent annual season of fasting in Catholic and Anglican churches, authorities enjoined abstinence from meat and sometimes "white meats" (cheese, milk, and eggs); in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England butchers and victuallers were bound by heavy recognizances not to slaughter or sell meat on the weekly "fish days," Friday and Saturday.
- Vitz, Evelyn Birge. . Ignatius Press. 1991: 80 [27 April 2014]. ISBN 9780898703849. (原始内容存档于2020-07-29).
In the Orthodox groups, on ordinary Wednesdays and Fridays no meat, olive oil, wine, or fish can be consumed.
- Lund, Eric. . Fortress Press. January 2002: 166. ISBN 9781451407747.
Of the Eating of Meat: One should abstain from the eating of meat on Fridays and Saturdays, also in fasts, and this should be observed as an external ordinance at the command of his Imperial Majesty.
- "Making Do with Less": Rationing in Canada Archive.is的存檔,存档日期2012-12-16
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- Pollack, Martin. . City of Cape Town. 2010-07-30 [2010-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-02).
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- [Alter, S. Amritsar to Lahore: A Journey Across the India-Pakistan Border. pp. 107-109]
- Traynor, Ian. . Sydney Morning Herald. 2009-05-22 [2010-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-23).
- . The Telegraph. [2017-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-27).
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- Smith, Jennifer. . Daily Mail. 2013-11-20 [2016-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- Saul, Heather. . The Independent. 2013-11-30 [2016-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-19).
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- Lowery, Wesley. [ . Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA). 2012-11-12 [2012-11-12].
- . LACityClerk Connect. 2012-11-09 [2012-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-02).