

Poromya granulata
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
纲: 双壳纲 Bivalvia
目: 笋螂目 Anomalodesmata
科: 砂蛤科 Poromyidae
属: 砂蛤属 Poromya
Forbes, 1844




  • Poromya australis E. A. Smith, 1885
  • 印度尼西亚砂蛤 Poromya butoni (Prashad, 1932)
  • 龙骨砂蛤 Poromya carinata Lan, MS
  • 栗壳孔螂 Poromya castanea Habe,1952
  • Poromya cymata Dall, 1890
  • 砂纸砂蛤 Poromya flexuosa Yokoyama, 1922
  • Poromya granifera (Cotton, 1931)
  • Poromya granosissima G. B. Sowerby III, 1904
  • Poromya granulata (Nyst & Westendorp, 1839)[2]
  • Poromya granuloderma Scarlato, 1981
  • Poromya hayashii Habe, 1958
  • Poromya houbricki F. R. Bernard, 1989
  • Poromya illevis Hedley, 1913
  • Poromya intracta (Sturany, 1899)
  • Poromya laevis E. A. Smith, 1885
  • Poromya microsculpta Dell, 1995
  • Poromya neozelanica (Dell, 1956)
  • Poromya rostrata Rehder, 1943
  • Poromya sansibarica Jaeckel & Thiele, 1931[3]
  • 中华孔螂 Poromya sinica F.-S. Xu, 1999
  • Poromya striata G. B. Sowerby III, 1904
  • 苏岛孔螂 Poromya sumatrana Thiele,1931
  • 龙骨砂蛤 Poromya undosa Hedley & Petterd, 1906


  1. . GBIF. [2022-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-07).
  2. Strafella P , Montagnini L , Punzo E , et al. First record of three Bivalvia species: Thyasira succisa, Lyonsia norwegica and Poromya granulata in the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean)[J]. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2015, 8:165-181.
  3. Pholadomyoidea. Poromya sansibarica Jaeckel & Thiele, 1931.
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