

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
纲: 双壳纲 Bivalvia
目: 笋螂目 Anomalodesmata
总科: 砂蛤總科 Poromyoidea
科: 砂蛤科 Poromyidae
Dall, 1886




  • Cetomya Dall, 1889
  • Dermatomya Dall, 1889
    • Dermatomya buttoni Dall, 1916
    • Dermatomya mactroides (Dall, 1889)
  • Dilemma Leal, 2008[3]
    • Dilemma japonicum Sasaki & Leal, 2008[4]
  • Liopistha Meek, 1864
  • Lissomya Krylova, 1997
  • 砂蛤屬 Poromya Forbes, 1844
    • 龍骨砂蛤 Poromya carinata Lan, 2000
    • 栗壳孔螂 Poromya castanea
    • 砂紙砂蛤 Poromya flexuosa[5]
    • Poromya albida Dall, 1886
    • Poromya beringiana (Dall, 1916)
    • Poromya elongata Dall, 1886
    • Poromya granulata (Nyst and Westendorp, 1839)
    • Poromya houbricki Bernard, 1989
    • Poromya laevis E. A. Smith, 1885
    • Poromya leonina (Dall, 1916)
    • Poromya malespinae (Ridewood, 1903)
    • Poromya neaeroides Sequenza, 1876
    • 新西蘭孔螂 Poromya neozelanica (Dell, 1956)
    • Poromya rostrata Rehder, 1943
    • 中華孔螂 Poromya sinica Xu, 1999
    • 蘇島孔螂 Poromya sumatrana Thiele, 1931
    • Poromya tenuiconcha (Dall, 1913)
    • Poromya tornata (Jeffreys, 1876)
    • Poromya trosti Strong and Hertlein, 1937


  1. 徐凤山; 中国科学院中国动物志编辑委员会 (编). . 无脊椎动物 第20卷 软体动物门 双壳纲 原鳃亚纲 异韧带亚纲. 科学出版社. 1999-05: 330 pp. [2019-07-12]. ISBN 7030070275. (原始内容存档于2019-07-12) (中文(简体)).
  2. . WoRMS. [2017-12-11].
  3. Leal, J. H. (PDF). Zootaxa. 2008, 1764: 1–18. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-07-19) (英语).
  4. Sasaki, T.; Leal  , J. H. (PDF). The Nautilus. 2008, 122: 166–170. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-11-30) (英语).
  5. . [2017-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2003-02-26).
  • Powell A. W. B. (1979). New Zealand Mollusca. William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 0-00-216906-1



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