

典型的硅铝层物质, 密苏里州St. Francis Mountains正長石基质中的前寒武纪花岗岩




硅铝层的密度低(2700–2800 kg/m3[5])。与硅镁层分界面并不对应于康拉德不连续面[6] 而是相当随意地设定为平均密度2800 kg/m3的地方。[3]

根据地殼均衡理论[7] 山脉既向下也向上扩展其岩石圈[7],因此大陆地壳的硅铝层厚度从5 km到70 km。[8]



  1. Continental crust has been defined as That type of the Earth’s crust which underlies the continents and the continental shelves: it is equivalent to the sial. Neuendorf, Klaus K. E.; Mehl, James P.; Jackson, Julia A. (编). 5th. Alexandria, Virginia: American Geological Institute. 2005: 139. ISBN 978-3-540-27951-8.
  2. Smith, Frederick Gordon. . Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. 1963: 379. OCLC 253612701.
  3. Ritter, Michael E. . . 2006. (原始内容存档于11 November 2007).
  4. Kuenen, Philip Henry. . New York: Wiley. 1950: 117. OCLC 489742.
  5. Fairbridge, Rhodes W. (编). . New York: Reinhold Publishing. 1967: 323. OCLC 430153.
  6. Monastersky, Richard. . Science News. 1989, 136 (17): 266–268, page 266. JSTOR 3973827. doi:10.2307/3973827.
  7. Bridges, Edwin Michael. . Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1990: 13. ISBN 978-0-521-38343-1.
  8. Lliboutry, Luis. . London: Springer-Praxis. 2000: 152. ISBN 978-1-85233-115-3.
  • Bates, R.L., and Jackson, J.A., (1987) Glossary of geology American Geological Institute, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Dilek, Y. and Newcomb, S. (eds.) (2003) Ophiolite Concept and the Evolution of Geological Thought Geological Society of America Special Paper 373, Boulder, Colorado.
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