短葉絲蘭![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 单子叶植物 Monocots |
目: | 天門冬目 Asparagales |
科: | 天门冬科 Asparagaceae |
亚科: | 龙舌兰亚科 Agavoideae |
属: | 絲蘭屬 Yucca |
种: | 短葉絲蘭 Y. brevifolia |
二名法 | |
Yucca brevifolia Engelm. | |
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自然分布範圍 | |
異名[1] | |
短葉絲蘭於西班牙語中被稱為「izote de desierto」,意思為「沙漠之匕首」[6],最早在1871年由喬治·恩格曼於西經100度線地質探勘(或稱「惠勒勘測」)時[7]發現並進行命名發表。
短葉絲蘭的別名約書亞樹最早是由19世紀中期的一群摩爾門教徒移民於跨越莫哈韋沙漠所命名,這種樹扮演了在沙漠中指引他們的角色,且它們的獨特外型就如同約書亞伸直的手臂,引領著他們前往上帝耶和華的應許之地迦南(Joshua 8:18–26)[8][9][10];此外,蓬亂的的葉子外型也與鬍鬚相似[11]。然而,並無直接或間接的證明能證實這樣的命名起源,唯一的證據就是在摩爾門教徒到來之後,才有了約書亞樹這樣的別稱出現[8][12]。另外,短葉絲蘭的外型比起約書亞,更像是《出埃及記》中身處利非訂時的摩西[13]。
除了種名亞種Y. b. subsp. brevifolia外,也包含了其他兩個亞種[15]:Y. b. subsp. herbertii(赫伯特短葉絲蘭)及Y. b. subsp. jaegeriana(耶格爾短葉絲蘭),不過它們有時也被視為是變種[6][16][17]或變型[18]。或是如短葉絲蘭的亞種Y. b. subsp. jaegeriana,有時被視為是獨立種[19]。
短葉絲蘭為快速生長的沙漠物種,新生的幼苗於前十年每年能成長7.6 cm(3.0英寸),而在這之後每年生長約3.8 cm(1.5英寸)[20]。樹幹由上千的小纖維所組成,缺乏年輪,這讓它們的樹齡難以被判定。具有深而發達的根系,深度可達11米(36英尺)[21]。如果能撐過沙漠的嚴酷環境,短葉絲蘭的壽命可達數百年,甚至一千年。樹高可達15米(49英尺)。新植株可透過種子繁殖,或是透過母株的地下根莖重新長出新植株。
常綠葉呈暗綠色,基部寬度7至15 mm(0.28至0.59英寸),為細長的刺刀狀,長度約15至35 cm(5.9至13.8英寸)。葉片排列呈螺旋狀排列叢生於莖部頂端,葉緣為白色並具有鋸齒。

花期為每年的二月至四月底,為圓錐花序,花序高30至55 cm(12至22英寸)、直徑30至38 cm(12至15英寸), 單一花朵長4至7 cm(1.6至2.8英寸),具有六枚奶油白至綠色矛形的花被片。雌蕊長3 cm(1.2英寸),柱頭腔被裂瓣所圍繞。半肉質的果實為棕綠色,呈橢圓形,內有許多扁平的種子。短葉絲蘭多半只有在開花之後才會開始分枝(或是當其生長點被象鼻蟲啃食破壞時)。它們並不會每年開花,而是和其他沙漠植物一樣,必須有合適的降雨情況為前提,並且必須先經歷過寒冬的低溫刺激。
當它們開花時,花朵會吸引絲蘭蛾(Tegeticula synthetica)前來授粉,牠們在將卵產在花朵內的同時也會沾上花粉。絲蘭蛾的幼體主要以種子為食,但短葉絲蘭仍能保有足夠數量的種子進行繁殖。此外,短葉絲蘭也會提早使上面沾有過多蛾卵的花或果實脫落。

生活於美國一南部的原住民卡惠拉族將短葉絲蘭視為是珍貴的資源,並稱其為「hunuvat chiy'a」或「humwichawa」。他們的祖先會使用短葉絲蘭的葉片來編織涼鞋與籃簍,並食用其種子與花芽,紅色的根則是用作染料[28]。短葉絲蘭的根含有皂素醣苷[29]。
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An application to Mr. Frederick V. Coville, botanist of the Department of Agriculture, elicited the following response: 'The statement is often made that this name Joshua-tree was applied to Cleistoyucca brevifolia because it was this tree which led the Mormons through the desert. I have no means of knowing, however, whether this explanation is authentic or whether it was invented as an explanation of the name. It seems to me more likely that Joshua tree is a garbled Indian name' […] I asked Professor Marcus E. Jones, whose knowledge of the desert flora is unsurpassed, and who has had a long acquaintance with members of the Mormon church. In reply, he kindly wrote as follows: 'The Mormon church officials do not know exactly the origin of the term, but assume that it is from the wide-spreading arms (branches) that in the night remind of the time when in battle Joshua had his arms held up in order to win a battle. This I got from one of the twelve apostles of the Mormon church.' Plausible as this explanation is, its value is more or less shaken when one finds, as I did after looking up the family Bible, that it was Moses, not Joshua, who had his arms held up during the battle, while Joshua conducted the fighting (Ex. 17:8–13). There is, however, another account of a fight, which may be what the Mormon apostle had in mind. It is told in the book of Joshua 7:18–26 [sic].
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