
羅茲猶太區(Łódź Ghetto)或称利茨曼施塔特猶太區(Litzmannstadt Ghetto)是第二次世界大戰期間歐洲境內第二大的猶太人聚居區。由於羅茲猶太區生產力相當出色,直到1944年8月仍然存在,從德國和中歐聚集40,000名猶太人。戰爭後期,德國人運送剩餘猶太人至奧斯威辛集中營海烏姆諾滅絕營,其中大部分居民都死亡。羅茲猶太區是波蘭最後一個遭到清算的少數民族居住區[1]


  1. The statistical data is compiled on the basis of "Glossary of 2,077 Jewish towns in Poland" 存檔,存档日期2016-02-08., Virtual Shtetl, Museum of the History of the Polish Jews  (英文), as well as "Getta Żydowskie," by Gedeon, 页面存档备份,存于  (波兰文) and "Ghetto List" by Michael Peters at www.deathcamps.org/occupation/ghettolist.htm  (英文). Accessed June 21, 2011.
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