
陰翼手亞目 Yinpterochiroptera

狐蝠亚科 Pteropodinae

  • 利齿狐蝠属 Acerodon
  1. 西里伯斯利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon celebensis (Sulawesi fruit bat)
  2. 塔劳利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon humilis (Talaud fruit bat)
  3. 鬃毛利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon jubatus (Golden-capped fruit bat)
  4. 神女利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon leucotis (Palawan fruit bat)
  5. 班乃岛利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon lucifer (Panay golden-capped fruit bat)
  6. 小巽他利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon mackloti (Sunda fruit bat)
  1. 菲果蝠 - Aethalops alecto (Pygmy fruit bat)
  • 番果蝠属 Alionycteris
  1. 番果蝠 (少齒果蝠) - Alionycteris paucidentata (Mindanao pygmy fruit bat)
  1. 豕果蝠 Aproteles bulmerae (Bulmer's fruit bat)
  • 斑翅果蝠属 Balionycteris
  1. 斑翅果蝠 (黃斑果蝠) - Balionycteris maculata (Spotted-winged fruit bat)
  • 宽腭狐蝠属 Boneia
  1. 寬齶狐蝠 (彭山狐蝠) - Boneia bidens (Manado fruit bat)
  1. 短齶果蝠 - Casinycteris argynnis (Short-palated fruit bat)
  1. 黑冠果蝠 - Chironax melanocephalus (Black-capped fruit bat)
  • 犬蝠属 Cynopterus
  1. 短耳犬蝠 (小耳短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus brachyotis (Lesser short-nosed fruit bat)
  2. 馬來犬蝠 (栓齒短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus horsefieldi (Horsfield's fruit bat)
  3. 印尼犬蝠 - Cynopterus nusatenggara (Nusatenggara short-nosed fruit bat)
  4. 犬蝠 (大短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus sphinx (Greater short-nosed fruit bat)
  5. 爪哇犬蝠 - Cynopterus titthaecheilus (Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat)
  1. 懷古裸背果蝠 (布氏裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia beaufordi (Beaufort's naked-backed fruit bat)
  2. 查氏裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia chapmani (Negros naked-backed fruit bat)
  3. 新幾內亞裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia emersa (Biak naked-backed fruit bat)
  4. 西里伯斯裸背果蝠 (蘇島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia exoleta (Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat)
  5. 所羅門裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia inermis (Solomons naked-backed fruit bat)
  6. 小裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia minor (Lesser naked-backed fruit bat)
  7. 大裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia moluccensis (Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat)
  8. 盤尼裸背果蝠 (潘島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia pannieyensis (Panniet naked-backed fruit bat)
  9. 小巽他裸背果蝠 (脊翼裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia peroni (Western naked-backed fruit bat)
  10. 新不列顛裸背果蝠 (新島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia praedatrix (New Britain naked-backed fruit bat)
  11. 綠裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia viridis (Greenish naked-backed fruit bat)
  • 棕榈果蝠属 Dyacopterus
  1. 棕櫚果蝠 (栗色達族果蝠) - Dyacopterus spadiceus (Dyak fruit bat)
  2. Dyacopterus brooksi (Brooks’s Dyak Fruit Bat)
  1. 馬島黃毛果蝠 - Eidolon dupreanum (Madagascan fruit bat)
  2. 黃毛果蝠 (草色果蝠) - Eidolon helvum (straw-colored fruit bat)
  1. 安哥拉頸囊果蝠 (安哥拉肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus angolensis (Angolan epauletted fruit bat)
  2. 甘比亞頸囊果蝠 (西非肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus gambianus (Gambian epauletted fruit bat)
  3. 大頸囊果蝠 - Epomophorus grandis (Lesser Angolan epauletted fruit bat)
  4. 小頸囊果蝠 (白唇肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus labiatus (Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat)
  5. 侏頸囊果蝠 - Epomophorus minimus (East African epauletted fruit bat)
  6. 韋式頸囊果蝠 (華伯肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus wahlbergi (Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat)
  1. 迦納飾肩果蝠 (布氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops buttikoferi (Buettikofer's epauletted bat)
  2. 中非饰肩果蝠 (杜氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops dobsoni (Dobson's fruit bat)
  3. 富氏饰肩果蝠 (富氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops franqueti (Franquet's epauletted bat)
  1. 簡果蝠 (孤獨果蝠) - Haplonycteris fisheri (Philippine pygmy fruit bat)
  • 多尖齿果蝠属 Harpyionycteris
  1. 西里伯斯多尖齿果蝠 (蘇島鵰形果蝠) - Harpyionycteris celebensis (Sulawesi harpy fruit bat)
  2. 怀氏多尖齿果蝠 (懷氏鵰形果蝠) - Harpyionycteris whiteheadi (Harpy fruit bat)
  1. 錘頭果蝠 - Hypsignathus monstrosus (Hammer-headed fruit bat)
  • 偏齿果蝠属 Latidens
  1. 偏齒果蝠 (瑞齒果蝠) - Latidens salimalii (Salim Ali's fruit bat)
  • 无尾果蝠属 Megaerops
  1. 无尾果蝠 (大臉果蝠) - Megaerops ecaudatus (Temminck's tailless fruit bat)
  2. 爪哇无尾果蝠 (爪哇大臉果蝠) - Megaerops kusnotei (Javan tailless fruit bat)
  3. 泰国无尾果蝠 - Megaerops niphanae (Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat)
  4. 菲律宾无尾果蝠 (白頸大臉果蝠) - Megaerops wetmorei (White-collared fruit bat)
  • 小狐蝠属 Micropteropus
  1. 海氏小狐蝠 (中型小果蝠) - Micropteropus intermedius (Hayman's dwarf epauletted fruit bat)
  2. 非洲小狐蝠 (小果蝠) - Micropteropus pusillus (Peters's dwarf epauletted fruit bat)
  1. 圣多美领果蝠 (短頭鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris brachycephala (Sao Tomé collared fruit bat)
  2. 孤领果蝠 (孑遺鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris relicta (East African little collared fruit bat)
  3. 小领果蝠 (環頸鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris torquatus (Little collared fruit bat)
  • 侏果蝠属 Nanonycteris
  1. 侏果蝠 (倭果蝠) - Nanonycteris veldkampi (Veldkamp's bat)
  • 细齿狐蝠属 Neopteryx
  1. 細齒狐蝠 (新翼狐蝠) - Neopteryx frosti (Small-toothed fruit bat)
  1. 寬紋管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene aello (Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat)
  2. 白腹管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene albiventer (Common tube-nosed fruit bat)
  3. 黑管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene celaeno (Dark tube-nosed fruit bat)
  4. 帕拉斯管鼻果蝠 (印尼管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene cephallotes (Pallas's tube-nosed fruit bat)
  5. 角管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene certans (Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat)
  6. 圓耳管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene cyclotis (Round-eared tube-nosed fruit bat)
  7. 印度管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene draconilla (Dragon tube-nosed fruit bat)
  8. 大管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene major (island tube-nosed fruit bat)
  9. 马莱塔管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene malaitensis (Malaita tube-nosed fruit bat)
  10. 马氏管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene masalai (Demonic tube-nosed fruit bat)
  11. 小管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene minutus (Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat)
  12. 雷伯管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene rabori (Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat)
  13. 昆士兰管鼻果蝠 (澳洲管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene robinsoni (Queensland tube-nosed fruit bat)
  14. 圣克鲁斯管鼻果蝠 (聖島管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene sanctacrucis (Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat)
  15. 新几内亚管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene vizcaccia (Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 大耳果蝠属 Otopteropus
  1. 大耳果蝠 - Otopteropus cartilagonodus (Luzon fruit bat)
  • 副管鼻果蝠属 Paranyctimene
  1. 副管鼻果蝠 (異管鼻果蝠) - Paranyctimene raptor (Unstriped tube-nosed bat)
  1. 短吻果蝠 (哀鳴果蝠) - Penthetor lucasi (Lucas's short-nosed fruit bat)
  • 安氏果蝠属 Plerotes
  1. 安氏果蝠 (安奇塔果蝠) - Plerotes anchietae (D'anchieta's fruit bat)
  • 沟齿果蝠属 Ptenochirus
  1. 沟齿果蝠 - Ptenochirus jagori (Greater musky fruit bat)
  2. 小沟齿果蝠 - Ptenochirus minor (Lesser musky fruit bat)
  1. 锥齿狐蝠 (斐濟尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex acrodonta (Fijian monkey-faced bat),目前已成為單屬種學名Mirimiri acrodonta
  2. 双锥齿狐蝠 (布島尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex anceps (Bougainville monkey-faced bat)
  3. 黑衣锥齿狐蝠 (尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex atrata (Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat)
  4. 美丽锥齿狐蝠 - Pteralopex pulchra (Montane monkey-faced bat)
  • 狐蝠属 Pteropus
  1. 巴布亚狐蝠 (海軍狐蝠) - Pteropus admiraltatum (Admiralty flying fox)
  2. 中央狐蝠 (黑妖狐蝠) - Pteropus alecto (Black flying fox)
  3. 游狐蝠 (赫島狐蝠) - Pteropus anetianus (Vanauatu flying fox)
  4. 银狐蝠 (銀色狐蝠) - Pteropus argentatus (Ambon flying fox)
  5. 棕狐蝠 - Pteropus brunneus (Dusky flying fox)
  6. 蒼頭狐蝠 - Pteropus caniceps (North Moluccan flying fox)
  7. 金尾狐蝠 (黃臀狐蝠) - Pteropus chrysoprotus (Moluccan flying fox)
  8. 眼镜狐蝠 (眼圈狐蝠) - Pteropus conspicillatus (Spectacled flying fox)
  9. 琉球狐蝠 - Pteropus dasymalus (Ryukyu flying fox)
  10. 稷狐蝠 - Pteropus faunulus (Nicobar flying fox)
  11. 班克狐蝠 (班島狐蝠) - Pteropus fundatus (Banks flying fox)
  12. 印度狐蝠 (狐蝠) - Pteropus giganteus (Indian flying fox)
  13. 吉氏狐蝠 (紀氏狐蝠) - Pteropus gilliardi (Gilliard's flying fox)
  14. 灰狐蝠 - Pteropus griseus (Gray flying fox)
  15. 豪角狐蝠 (郝島狐蝠) - Pteropus howensis (Ontong Java flying fox)
  16. 小狐蝠 (黑喉狐蝠) - Pteropus hypomelanus (Variable flying fox)
  17. 鲁克狐蝠 (鹿島狐蝠) - Pteropus insularis (Truck flying fox)
  18. 白翼狐蝠 - Pteropus leucopterus (White-winged flying fox)
  19. 科摩罗狐蝠 (科島狐蝠) - Pteropus livingstonii (Comoro black flying fox)
  20. 龍目狐蝠 - Pteropus lombocensis (Lombok flying fox)
  21. 莱丽狐蝠 (柬泰狐蝠) - Pteropus lylei (Lyle's flying fox)
  22. 大狐蝠 (大耳狐蝠) - Pteropus macrotis (Big-eared flying fox)
  23. 矮狐蝠 (麻島狐蝠) - Pteropus mahaganus (Sanborn's flying fox)
  24. 馬里亞納狐蝠 - Pteropus marianus (Marianas flying fox)
  25. 巴西兰狐蝠 (棉島狐蝠) - Pteropus mearnsi (Mearns's flying fox)
  26. 黑髯狐蝠 (黑鬚狐蝠) - Pteropus melanopogon (Black-bearded flying fox)
  27. 黑耳狐蝠 - Pteropus melanotus (Black-eared flying fox)
  28. 东加罗林狐蝠 (莫洛西斯狐蝠) - Pteropus molossinus (Caroline flying fox)
  29. 俾斯麦狐蝠 (光背狐蝠) - Pteropus neohibernicus (Great flying fox)
  30. 黑狐蝠 (黑犬狐蝠) - Pteropus niger (Greater Mascarene flying fox)
  31. 所罗门狐蝠 (克魯斯狐蝠) - Pteropus nitendiensis (Temotu flying fox)
  32. 斯兰狐蝠 (大眼狐蝠) - Pteropus ocularis (Ceram flying fox)
  33. 丽狐蝠 (花臉狐蝠) - Pteropus ornatus (Ornate flying fox)
  34. 饰面狐蝠 (花面狐蝠) - Pteropus personatus (Masked flying fox)
  35. 黑首狐蝠 (烏頭狐蝠) - Pteropus phaecocephalus (Mortlock flying fox)
  36. 绒狐蝠 (多毛狐蝠) - Pteropus pilosus (Large Palau flying fox)
  37. 新几内亚狐蝠 (紀灣狐蝠) - Pteropus pohlei (Geelvink bay flying fox)
  38. 灰首狐蝠 (灰頭狐蝠) - Pteropus poliocephalus (Gray-headed flying fox)
  39. 小笠原狐蝠 - Pteropus pselaphon (Bonin flying fox)
  40. 菲狐蝠 (菲律賓倭狐蝠) - Pteropus pumilus (Little golden-mantled flying fox)
  41. 瑞纳狐蝠 (雷氏狐蝠) - Pteropus rayneri (Solomons flying fox)
  42. 罗得里格斯狐蝠 (羅島狐蝠) - Pteropus rodricensis (Rodriguez flying fox)
  43. 马达加斯加狐蝠 (赤褐狐蝠) - Pteropus rufus (Madagascan flying fox)
  44. 萨摩亚狐蝠 - Pteropus samoensis (Samoan flying fox)
  45. 圣克鲁斯狐蝠 - Pteropus sanctacrucis (Santa Cruz flying fox)
  46. 岬狐蝠 (小紅狐蝠) - Pteropus scapulatus (Little red flying fox)
  47. 塞舌尔狐蝠 (賽島狐蝠) - Pteropus seychellensis (Seychelles flying fox)
  48. 灿烂狐蝠 (灰白狐蝠) - Pteropus speciosus (Philippine gray flying fox)
  49. 暗黑狐蝠 (淺黑狐蝠) - Pteropus subniger (Dark flying fox)
  50. 坦氏狐蝠 (丁氏狐蝠) - Pteropus temmincki (Temminck's flying fox)
  51. 關島狐蝠 - Pteropus tokudae (Guam flying fox)
  52. 海岛狐蝠 (湯加狐蝠) - Pteropus tonganus (Pacific flying fox)
  53. 赘狐蝠 (瓦島狐蝠) - Pteropus tuberculatus (Vanikoro flying fox)
  54. 马来大狐蝠 (馬來亞狐蝠) - Pteropus vampyrus (Large flying fox)
  55. 新喀里多尼亚狐蝠 (喀島狐蝠) - Pteropus vetulus (New Caledonia flying fox)
  56. 奔巴狐蝠 (奔島狐蝠) - Pteropus voeltzkowi (Pemba flying fox)
  57. 侏狐蝠 (伍氏狐蝠) - Pteropus woodfordi (Dwarf flying fox)
  • 果蝠属 Rousettus
  1. 北非果蝠 (埃及果蝠) - Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian rousette)
  2. 抱尾果蝠 - Rousettus amplexicaudatus (Geoffroy's rousette)
  3. 安哥拉果蝠 - Rousettus angolensis (Angolan rousette)
  4. 蘇拉威西果蝠 (西里伯斯果蝠) - Rousettus celebensis (Sulawesi rousette)
  5. 狭齿果蝠 (多毛果蝠) - Rousettus lanosus (Long-haired rousette)
  6. 棕果蝠 (列氏果蝠) - Rousettus leschenaulti (Leschenault's rousette)
  7. 马达加斯加果蝠 (馬島果蝠) - Rousettus madagascariensis (Madagascan rousette)
  8. 科摩羅果蝠 - Rousettus obliviosus (Comoro rousette)
  9. 棘果蝠 (光背果蝠) - Rousettus spinalatus (Bare-backed rousette)
  • 灰果蝠属 Scotonycteris
  1. 蜥齿灰果蝠 (蛇齒夜果蝠) - Scotonycteris ophiodon (Pohle's fruit bat)
  2. 灰果蝠 (詹氏夜果蝠) - Scotonycteris zenkeri (Zenker's fruit bat)
  1. 布氏球果蝠 (短球鼻果蝠) - Sphaerias blanfordi (Blanford's fruit bat)
  1. 花面狐蝠 (紋面狐蝠) - Styloctenium wallacei (Stripe-faced fruit bat)
  • 捷果蝠属 Thoopterus
  1. 捷果蝠 (短鼻快翼果蝠) - Thoopterus nigrescens (Swift fruit bat)

长舌果蝠亚科 Macroglossinae

  • 大长舌果蝠属 Eonycteris
  1. 长舌果蝠 (大曉長舌果蝠) - Eonycteris major (Greater dawn bat)
  2. 大长舌果蝠 (曉長舌果蝠) - Eonycteris spelaea (Lesser dawn bat)
  • 小长舌果蝠属 Macroglossus
  1. 小長舌果蝠 - Macroglossus minimus (Lesser long-tongued fruit bat)
  2. 安氏长舌果蝠 (大長舌果蝠) - Macroglossus sobrinnus (Greater long-tongued fruit bat)
  1. 非洲長舌果蝠 - Megaloglossus woermanni (Woermann's bat)
  1. 桔色所罗门果蝠 (橙黃長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris aurantius (Orange fruit bat)
  2. 黑腹所罗门果蝠 (黑面長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris melanops (Black-bellied fruit bat)
  3. 伍氏所罗门果蝠 (伍氏長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris woodfordi (Woodford's fruit bat)
  1. 長尾果蝠 (背翼果蝠) - Notopteris macdonaloli (Long-tailed fruit bat)
  • 无花果蝠属 Syconycteris
  1. 无花果蝠 (南無花果果蝠) - Syconycteris australis (Southern blossom bat)
  2. 印尼无花果蝠 - Syconycteris carolinae (Halmahera blossom bat)
  3. 山地无花果蝠 - Syconycteris hobbit (Moss-forest blossom bat)

鼠尾蝠科 Rhinopomatidae

  • 鼠尾蝠屬 Rhinopoma
  1. 小鼠尾蝠 - Rhinopoma hardwickii (Lesser mouse-tailed bat)
  2. 大鼠尾蝠 - Rhinopoma microphyllum (Greater mouse-tailed bat)
  3. 鼠尾蝠 (阿曼鼠尾蝠) - Rhinopoma muscatellum (Small mouse-tailed bat)

凹脸蝠科 Craseonycteridae

  • 凹臉蝠屬 - Craseonycteris
  1. 凹臉蝠 (混合蝠) - Craseonycteris thonglongyai (Bumblebee bat)

假吸血蝠科 Megadermatidae

  1. 非洲假吸血蝠 (心鼻蝠) - Cardioderma cor (Heart-nosed bat)
  1. 黃翼蝠 (黃翼洗浣蝠) - Lavia frons (Yellow-winged bat)
  1. 澳洲假吸血蝠 - Macroderma gigas (Australian false vampire bat)
  1. 印度假吸血蝠 (大巨耳蝠) - Megaderma lyra (Greater false vampire bat)
  2. 马来假吸血蝠 (小巨耳蝠) - Megaderma spasma (Lesser false vampire bat)

菊頭蝠亞科 Rhinolophinae

  1. 大角菊头蝠 (尖鼻菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus acuminatus (Acuminate horseshoe bat)
  2. 刚果菊头蝠 (亞當菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus adami (Adam's horseshoe bat)
  3. 中型菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus affinis (Intermediate horseshoe bat)
  4. 魚狗菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus alcyone (Halcyon horseshoe bat)
  5. 安氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus andersensi (Andersen's horseshoe bat)
  6. 弓型菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus arcuatus (Arcuate horseshoe bat)
  7. 布腊氏菊头蝠 (鞍形菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus blasii (Blasius's horseshoe bat)
  8. 婆羅菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus borneensis (Bornean horseshoe bat)
  9. 坎氏菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus canuti (Canut's horseshoe bat)
  10. 南非菊头蝠 (開普菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus capensis (Cape horseshoe bat)
  11. 马都拉菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus celebensis (Sulawesi horseshoe bat)
  12. 佐氏菊头蝠 (丘陵菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus clivosus (Geoffroy's horseshoe bat)
  13. 十字菊头蝠 (空葉菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus coelophyllus (Croslet horseshoe bat)
  14. 安達曼菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus cognatus (Andaman horseshoe bat)
  15. 角菊头蝠 (冕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus cornutus (Little Japanese horseshoe bat)
  16. 柯氏菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus creaghi (Creagh's horseshoe bat)
  17. 達氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus darlingi (Darling's horseshoe bat)
  18. 德氏菊头蝠 (代肯菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus deckene (Decken's horseshoe bat)
  19. 几内亚菊头蝠 (旦氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus denti (Dent's horseshoe bat)
  20. 乌干达菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus eloquens (Eloquent horseshoe bat)
  21. 地中海菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus euryale (Mediterranean horseshoe bat)
  22. 宽耳菊头蝠 (肥耳菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus euryotis (Broad-eared horseshoe bat)
  23. 马铁菊头蝠 (大菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Greater horseshoe bat)
  24. 达马拉菊头蝠 (煙熏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus fumigatus (Rüppell's horseshoe bat)
  25. 海岸菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus guineensis (Guinean horseshoe bat)
  26. 中非菊头蝠 (喜氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus hildebrandtii (Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat)
  27. 小菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus hipposideros (Lesser horseshoe bat)
  28. 伊氏菊头蝠 (西表菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus imaizumi (Imaizumi's horseshoe bat)
  29. 纤菊头蝠 (彎面菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus inops (Philippine forest horseshoe bat)
  30. 岛菊头蝠 (卡伊菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus keyensis (Insular horseshoe bat)
  31. 东非菊头蝠 (蘭氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus landeri (Lander's horseshoe bat)
  32. 短翼菊头蝠 (小巧菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus lepidus (Blyth's horseshoe bat)
  33. 大菊头蝠 (多毛菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus luctus (Woolly horseshoe bat)
  34. 扎伊尔菊头蝠 (麥可蘭菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus maclandi (Maclaud's horseshoe bat)
  35. 大耳菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus macrotis (Big-eared horseshoe bat)
  36. 馬來菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus malayanus (Malayan horseshoe bat)
  37. 馬氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus marshalli (Marshall's horseshoe bat)
  38. 南方菊头蝠 (大葉菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus megaphyllus (Smaller horseshoe bat)
  39. 西班牙菊头蝠 (米氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus mehylyi (Mehely's horseshoe bat)
  40. 钟形菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus mitratus (Mitred horseshoe bat)
  41. 单角菊头蝠 (獨角菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus monoceros (Formosan lesser horseshoe bat)
  42. 纳土纳菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus nereis (Neriad horseshoe bat)
  43. 奥氏菊头蝠 (歐氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus osgoodi (Osgood's horseshoe bat)
  44. 高鞍菊头蝠 (奇異菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus paradoxolophus (Bourret's horseshoe bat)
  45. 皮氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus pearsonii (Pearson's horseshoe bat)
  46. 菲律賓菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus philippinensis (Large-eared horseshoe bat)
  47. 菲菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus pusillus (Least horseshoe bat)
  48. 贵州菊头蝠 (王菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rex (King horseshoe bat)
  49. 泰国菊头蝠 (半島菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus robinsoni (Peninsular horseshoe bat)
  50. 鲁氏菊头蝠 (勞氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rouxi (Rufous horseshoe bat)
  51. 广鞍菊头蝠 (紅色菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rufus (Large rufous horseshoe bat)
  52. 小绒菊头蝠 (毛茸菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus sedulus (Lesser woolly horseshoe bat)
  53. 扁颅菊头蝠 (沙氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus shameli (Shamel's horseshoe bat)
  54. 林菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus silvestris (Forest horseshoe bat)
  55. 龍目菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus simplex (Lombok horseshoe bat)
  56. 北非菊头蝠 (灌叢菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus simulator (Bushveld horseshoe bat)
  57. 小褐菊头蝠 (小棕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus stheno (Lesser brown horseshoe bat)
  58. 栗褐菊头蝠 (淺棕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus subbadius (Little Nepalese horseshoe bat)
  59. 淡紅菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus subrufus (Small rufous horseshoe bat)
  60. 史氏菊头蝠 (斯文氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus swinnyi (Swinny's horseshoe bat)
  61. 托氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus thomasi (Thomas's horseshoe bat)
  62. 三葉菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus trifoliatus (Trefoil horseshoe bat)
  63. 灌林菊头蝠 (室女菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus virgo (Yellow-faced horseshoe bat)
  64. 雲南菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus yunnanensis (Dobson's horseshoe bat)

蹄蝠亞科 Hipposiderinae

  1. 花面蝠 (花顔蝠) - Anthops ornatus (Flower-faced bat)
  1. 东非三叉蹄蝠 (帕氏三葉鼻蝠) - Asellia patricii (Patrizi's trident leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 三叉蹄蝠 (三葉鼻蝠) - Asellia tridens (Trident leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 三叶蹄蝠 (大陸三尖鼻蝠) - Aselliscus stoliczkanus (Stoliczka's trident bat)
  2. 澳洲三叶蹄蝠 (南洋三尖鼻蝠) - Aselliscus tricuspidatus (Temminck's trident bat)
  1. 非洲三叉蝠 (短耳三葉鼻蝠) - Cloeotis percivali (Percival's trident bat)
  • 无尾蹄蝠属 Coelops
  1. 无尾蹄蝠 (無尾空面蹄蝠) - Coelops frithi (East Asian tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 蓬毛无尾蹄蝠 (多毛空面蹄蝠) - Coelops hirsutus (Philippine tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  3. 马来无尾蹄蝠 (馬來空面蹄蝠) - Coelops robinsoni (Malayan tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 宽袍蹄蝠 (阿巴蹄蝠) - Hipposideros abae (Aba roundleaf bat)
  2. 大蹄蝠 - Hipposideros armiger (Great roundleaf bat)
  3. 黑蹄蝠 - Hipposideros ater (Dusky roundleaf bat)
  4. 侏蹄蝠 (西非小蹄蝠) - Hipposideros beatus (Benito roundleaf bat)
  5. 双色蹄蝠 - Hipposideros bicolor (Bicolored roundleaf bat)
  6. 短颅蹄蝠 (短頭蹄蝠) - Hipposideros breviceps (Short-headed roundleaf bat)
  7. 南非蹄蝠 - Hipposideros caffer (Sundevall's roundleaf bat)
  8. 距蹄蝠 (靴刺蹄蝠) - Hipposideros calcaratus (Spurred roundleaf bat)
  9. 喀麦隆蹄蝠 (大圓面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros camerunensis (Greater roundleaf bat)
  10. 澳洲蹄蝠 (黃褐蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cervinus (Fawn roundleaf bat)
  11. 小蹄蝠 (灰蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cineraceus (Ashy roundleaf bat)
  12. 康氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros commersoni (Commerson's roundleaf bat)
  13. 戴帽蹄蝠 (有冠蹄蝠) - Hipposideros coronatus (Large Mindanao roundleaf bat)
  14. 新几内亚蹄蝠 - Hipposideros corynophyllus (Telefomin roundleaf bat)
  15. 考氏蹄蝠 (柯氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros coxi (Cox's roundleaf bat)
  16. 帝汶蹄蝠 - Hipposideros crumeniferus (Timor roundleaf bat)
  17. 短尾蹄蝠 - Hipposideros curtus (Short-tailed roundleaf bat)
  18. 大眼蹄蝠 (圓面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cyclops (Cyclops roundleaf bat)
  19. 冕蹄蝠 (帽盔蹄蝠) - Hipposideros diadema (Diadem roundleaf bat)
  20. 猛蹄蝠 (恐面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros dinops (Fierce roundleaf bat)
  21. 囊蹄蝠 - Hipposideros doriae (Borneo roundleaf bat)
  22. 達雅蹄蝠 - Hipposideros dyacorum (Dayak roundleaf bat)
  23. 乌灰蹄蝠 (煤黑蹄蝠) - Hipposideros fuliginosus (Sooty roundleaf bat)
  24. 大耳蹄蝠 (茶黃蹄蝠) - Hipposideros fulvus (Fulvus roundleaf bat)
  25. 黄褐蹄蝠 (短耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros galeritus (Cantor's roundleaf bat)
  26. 华富里蹄蝠 - Hipposideros halophyllus (Thailand roundleaf bat)
  27. 毛冠蹄蝠 (蘇北蹄蝠) - Hipposideros inexpectatus (Crested roundleaf bat)
  28. 西非蹄蝠 (鍾思蹄蝠) - Hipposideros jonesi (Jones's roundleaf bat)
  29. 拉氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros lamottei (Lamotte's roundleaf bat)
  30. 印度蹄蝠 (蘭卡蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lankadiva (Indian roundleaf bat)
  31. 中蹄蝠 (花面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros larvatus (Intermediate roundleaf bat)
  32. 泰国蹄蝠 (列氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lekaguli (Large Asian roundleaf bat)
  33. 鞘面蹄蝠 (盾面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lylei (Shield-faced roundleaf bat)
  34. 大泡蹄蝠 - Hipposideros macrobullatus (Big-eared roundleaf bat)
  35. 史氏蹄蝠 (瑪吉蹄蝠) - Hipposideros maggietaylarae (Maggie Taylor's roundleaf bat)
  36. 几内亚蹄蝠 (瑪麗薩蹄蝠) - Hipposideros marisae (Aellen's roundleaf bat)
  37. 串耳蹄蝠 (大耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros megalotis (Ethiopian large-eared roundleaf bat)
  38. 长耳蹄蝠 (伏河蹄蝠) - Hipposideros muscinus (Fly river roundleaf bat)
  39. 楔缝蹄蝠 (馬來蹄蝠) - Hipposideros nequarii (Malayan roundleaf bat)
  40. 暗色蹄蝠 (陰暗蹄蝠) - Hipposideros obscura (Philippine forest roundleaf bat)
  41. 巴布亞蹄蝠 - Hipposideros papua (Biak roundleaf bat)
  42. 果树蹄蝠 - Hipposideros pomona (Pomona roundleaf bat)
  43. 普氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros pratti (Pratt's roundleaf bat)
  44. 吕宋蹄蝠 (微型蹄蝠) - Hipposideros pygmaeus (Philippine pygmy roundleaf bat)
  45. 雷氏蹄蝠 (里氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros ridleyi (Ridley's roundleaf bat)
  46. 赤道蹄蝠 (赤色蹄蝠) - Hipposideros ruber (Noack's roundleaf bat)
  47. 沙巴蹄蝠 - Hipposideros sabanus (Least roundleaf bat)
  48. 裂蹄蝠 - Hipposideros schistaceus (Split roundleaf bat)
  49. 扁吻蹄蝠 (大疣鼻蹄蝠) - Hipposideros semoni (Semon's roundleaf bat)
  50. 施氏蹄蝠 (穴蹄蝠) - Hipposideros speoris (Schneider's roundleaf bat)
  51. 狭耳蹄蝠 (狹耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros stenotis (Narrow-eared roundleaf bat)
  52. 丑蹄蝠 - Hipposideros turpis (lesser roundleaf bat)
  53. 沃氏蹄蝠 (烏氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros wallastoni (Wollaston's roundleaf bat)
  • 大耳无尾蹄蝠属 Paracoelops
  1. 大耳无尾蹄蝠 (漏斗耳蝠) - Paracoelops megalotis (Vietnam leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 金蹄蝠 (橘色蝠) - Rhinonicteris aurantia (Orange leaf-nosed bat)
  • 波斯叶鼻蝠属 Triaenops
  1. 马达加斯加叶鼻蝠 (馬島三叉鼻蝠) - Triaenops furculus (Trouessart's trident bat)
  2. 波斯叶鼻蝠 (波斯三叉鼻蝠) - Triaenops persicus (Persian trident bat)

陽翼手亞目 Yangochiroptera

鞘尾蝠科 Emballonuridae

  • 小兜翼蝠属 - Balantiopteryx
  1. 暗色兜蝠 (暗色囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx infusca (Ecuadorian sac-winged bat)
  2. 小兜翼蝠 (河神囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx io (Thomas's sac-winged bat)
  3. 襞兜翼蝠 (小囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx plicata (Gray sac-winged bat)
  • 松毛鞘尾蝠屬 Centromycteris
  1. 松毛鞘尾蝠 - Centromycteris maximillani (Shaggy bat)
  • 东非鞘尾蝠属 Coleura
  1. 南鞘尾蝠 (東非鞘尾蝠) - Coleura afra (African sheath-tailed bat)
  2. 塞舌爾鞘尾蝠 - Coleura seychellensis (Seychelles sheath-tailed bat)
  1. 袋翼蝠 (球尾囊翼蝠) - Cormura brevirostris (Chestnut sac-winged bat)
  1. 蜂眼蝠 (麻面蝠) - Cyttarops alecto (Short-eared bat)
  1. 白灵蝠 (南美白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus albus (Northern ghost bat)
  2. 山灵蝠 (強大白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus ingens (Greater ghost bat)
  3. 亚马孙灵蝠 - Diclidurus isabellus (Isabelle's ghost bat)
  4. 盾灵蝠 (盾盤白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus scutatus (Lesser ghost bat)
  1. 菲律賓鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura alecto (Small Asian sheath-tailed bat)
  2. 黑纱鞘尾蝠 (馬島鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura atrata (Peters's sheath-tailed bat)
  3. 新几内亚鞘尾蝠 (別氏鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura beccarii (Beccari's sheath-tailed bat)
  4. 马莱塔鞘尾蝠 (倫島鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura dianae (Large-eared sheath-tailed bat)
  5. 大鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura furax (New Guinea sheath-tailed bat)
  6. 山鞘尾蝠(小鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura monticola (Lesser sheath-tailed bat)
  7. 西兰鞘尾蝠 (拉氏鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura raffrayana (Raffray's sheath-tailed bat)
  8. 半尾鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura semicaudata (Polynesian sheath-tailed bat)
  • 暗鞘尾蝠属 Mosia
  1. 暗鞘尾蝠 - Mosia nigrescens (Dark sheath-tailed bat)
  • 兜翼蝠属 Peropteryx
  1. 大兜翼蝠 (大犬形囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx kappleri (Greater dog-like bat)
  2. 白兜翼蝠 (犬形白囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx leucopterus (White-winged dog-like bat)
  3. 大耳兜翼蝠 (小犬形囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx macrotis (Lesser dog-like bat)
  • 缨蝠属 Rhynchonycteris
  1. 缨蝠 (尖長鼻蝠) - Rhynchonycteris naso (Proboscis bat)
  • 囊喉墓蝠属 Saccolaimus
  1. 黄腹墓蝠 - Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied pouched bat)
  2. 昆士兰墓蝠 - Saccolaimus mixtus (Troughton's pouched bat)
  3. 贝尔墓蝠 - Saccolaimus peli (Pel's pouched bat)
  4. 富墓蝠 - Saccolaimus pluto (Philippine pouched bat)
  5. 囊喉墓蝠 - Saccolaimus saccolaimus (Naked-rumped pouched bat)
  1. 大银线蝠 (雙線囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx billineata (Greater sac-winged bat)
  2. 灰银线蝠 (灰頭囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx canescens (Frosted sac-winged bat)
  3. 裸尾银线蝠 (裸尾囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx gymnura (Amazonian sac-winged bat)
  4. 小银线蝠 (細尾囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx leptura (Lesser sac-winged bat)
  1. 南墓蝠 (昆士蘭墓蝠) - Taphozous australis (Coastal tomb bat)
  2. 尖吻墓蝠 (尖鼻墓蝠) - Taphozous georgianus (Sharp-nosed tomb bat)
  3. 苏丹墓蝠 (哈氏墓蝠) - Taphozous hamiltoni (Hamilton's tomb bat)
  4. 肯尼亚墓蝠 (希氏墓蝠) - Taphozous hildegardeae (Hildegarde's tomb bat)
  5. 希氏墓蝠 - Taphozous hilli (Hill's tomb bat)
  6. 澳洲墓蝠 (白紋墓蝠) - Taphozous kapalgensis (Arnhem tomb bat)
  7. 長臂墓蝠 - Taphozous longimanus (Long-winged tomb bat)
  8. 南非墓蝠 - Taphozous mauritianus (Mauritian tomb bat)
  9. 黑髯墓蝠 (黑鬚墓蝠) - Taphozous melanopogon (Black-bearded tomb bat)
  10. 裸腹墓蝠 - Taphozous nudiventris (Naked-rumped tomb bat)
  11. 埃及墓蝠 - Taphozous perforatus (Egyptian tomb bat)
  12. 菲律賓墓蝠 - Taphozous philippinensis (Philippine tomb bat)
  13. 西氏墓蝠 (席氏墓蝠) - Taphozous theobaldi (Theobald's tomb bat)

夜凹脸蝠科 Nycteridae

  1. 淡色凹脸蝠 (倍氏裂顔蝠) - Nycteris arge (Bate's slit-faced bat)
  2. 冈比亚凹脸蝠 (西非裂顔蝠) - Nycteris gambiensis (Gambian slit-faced bat)
  3. 魁凹脸蝠 (巨裂顔蝠) - Nycteris grandis (Large slit-faced bat)
  4. 粗毛凹脸蝠 (粗毛裂顔蝠) - Nycteris hispida (Hairy slit-faced bat)
  5. 传媒凹脸蝠 - Nycteris intermedia (Intermediate slit-faced bat)
  6. 爪哇凹脸蝠 (爪哇裂顔蝠) - Nycteris javanica (Javan slit-faced bat)
  7. 大耳凹脸蝠 (大耳裂顔蝠) - Nycteris macrotis (Large-eared slit-faced bat)
  8. 大凹脸蝠 (大裂顔蝠) - Nycteris major (Ja slit-faced bat)
  9. 侏凹脸蝠 (小裂顔蝠) - Nycteris nana (Dwarf slit-faced bat)
  10. 非洲凹脸蝠 (埃及裂顔蝠) - Nycteris thebaica (Egyptian slit-faced bat)
  11. 马来凹脸蝠 - Nycteris tragata (Malayan slit-faced bat)
  12. 伍氏凹脸蝠 (武氏裂顔蝠) - Nycteris woodi (Wood's slit-faced bat)

兔唇蝠科 Noctilionidae

  1. 南兔唇蝠 (白腹兔唇蝠) - Noctilio albiventris (Lesser bulldog bat)
  2. 墨西哥兔唇蝠 (兔唇蝠) - Noctilio leporinus (Greater bulldog bat)

髯蝠科 Mormoopidae

  1. 安德列斯怪脸蝠 (妖面蝠) - Mormoops blainvilli (Antillean ghost-faced bat)
  2. 大叶怪脸蝠 (大葉妖面蝠) - Mormoops megalophylla (Ghost-faced bat)
  1. 裸背蝠 (戴氏裸背蝠) - Pteronotus davyi (Davy's naked-backed bat)
  2. 大裸背蝠 - Pteronotus gymnonotus (Big naked-backed bat)
  3. 马氏髯蝠 (瑪氏裸背蝠) - Pteronotus macleayii (Macleay's mustached bat)
  4. 帕氏髯蝠 (紅斑裸背蝠) - Pteronotus parnellii (Parnell's mustached bat)
  5. 魏氏髯蝠 (面具裸背蝠) - Pteronotus personatus (Wagner's mustached bat)
  6. 灰髯蝠 (四齒裸背蝠) - Pteronotus quadridens (Sooty mustached bat)

狭叶蝠亞科 Brachyphyllinae

  • 狭叶蝠属 Brachyphylla
  1. 狭叶蝠 (聖文森短葉果蝠) - Brachyphylla cavernarum (Antillean fruit-eating bat)
  2. 小狭叶蝠 (古巴短葉果蝠) - Brachyphylla nana (Cuban fruit-eating bat)

短尾葉口蝠亞科 Carollinae

  1. 短尾葉口蝠 - Carollia brevicauda (Silky short-tailed bat)
  2. 艾氏短尾叶鼻蝠 (栗色短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia castanea (Chestnut short-tailed bat)
  3. 昭短尾叶鼻蝠 (壯觀短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia perspicillata (Seba's short-tailed bat)
  4. 粉红短尾叶鼻蝠 (淺紅短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia subrufa (Gray short-tailed bat)
  1. 真叶吻蝠 (阿列辛侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla alethina (Hairy little fruit bat)
  2. 费氏叶吻蝠 (費恩侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla fischerae (Fischer's little fruit bat)
  3. 小叶吻蝠 (侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla pumilio (Dwarf little fruit bat)

吸血蝠亞科 Desmodontinae

  1. 吸血蝠 - Desmodus rotundus (Vampire bat)
  1. 白翼吸血蝠 - Diaemus youngi (White-winged vampire bat)
  1. 毛腿吸血蝠 (小吸血蝠) - Diphylla ecaudata (Hairy-legged vampire bat)

长舌叶鼻蝠亞科 Glossophaginae

  1. 南美长鼻蝠 (吉氏無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura caudifera (Tailed tailless bat)
  2. 巴拿马长鼻蝠 (刀形無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura cultrata (Handley's tailless bat)
  3. 无尾长鼻蝠 (無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura geoffroyi (Geoffroy's tailless bat)
  4. 委内瑞拉长鼻蝠 - Anoura latidens (Broad-toothed tailless bat)
  • 長尾長舌蝠屬 Choereniscus
  1. 戈氏長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus godmani (Godman's long-tailed bat)
  2. 中長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus intermedius (Intermediate long-tailed bat)
  3. 小長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus minor (Lesser long-tailed bat)
  4. 海外長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus periosus (Greater long-tailed bat)
  • 墨西哥长吻蝠属 Choeronycteris
  1. 墨西哥长吻蝠 (豬吻長舌蝠) - Choeronycteris mexicana (Mexican long-tongued bat)
  1. 加勒比长舌叶鼻蝠 (康氏長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga commissarisi (Commissaris's long-tongued bat)
  2. 李氏长舌叶鼻蝠 (李氏長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga leachii (Gray long-tongued bat)
  3. 长吻长舌叶鼻蝠 (長吻長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga longirostris (Miller's long-tongued bat)
  4. 莫氏长舌叶鼻蝠 - Glossophaga morenoi (Western long-tongued bat)
  5. 鼩形长舌蝠 (鼩形長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga soricina (Pallas's long-tongued bat)
  1. 长吻长舌蝠 (林棲長舌蝠) - Hylonycteris underwoodi (Underwood's long-tongued bat)
  • 索热尔长舌蝠属 Leptonycteris
  1. 库腊索长舌蝠 (庫島細長鼻蝠) - Leptonycteris curasoae (Southern long-nosed bat)
  2. 白长舌蝠 (騷氏細長鼻蝠) - Leptonycteris nivalis (Mexican long-nosed bat)
  1. 暗色长齿长舌蝠 (褐扁長鼻蝠) - Lichonycteris obscura (Dark long-tongued bat)
  • 安德列斯长舌蝠属 Monophyllus
  1. 小安德列斯长舌蝠 (巴島長舌蝠) - Monophyllus plethodon (Insular single leaf bat)
  2. 牙買加長舌蝠 - Monophyllus redmani (Leach's single leaf bat)
  1. 蕉蝠 (芭蕉長舌蝠) - Musonycteris harrisoni (Banana bat)
  1. 鼓颏长舌蝠 (鞏膜蝠) - Scleronycteris ega (Ega long-tongued bat)

尖叶长舌蝠亞科 Lonchophyllinae

  1. 窄齿长舌蝠 (平滑長舌蝠) - Lionycteris spurrelli (Chestnut long-tongued bat)
  • 尖叶长舌蝠属 Lonchophylla
  1. 勃氏长舌蝠 (勃氏長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla bokermanni (Bokermann's nectar bat)
  2. 德氏长舌蝠 - Lonchophylla dekeyseri (Dekeyser's nectar bat)
  3. 汉氏长舌蝠 (韓氏長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla handlevi (Handley's nectar bat)
  4. 暮色长舌蝠 (日落長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla hesperia (Western nectar bat)
  5. 螫長舌蝠 - Lonchophylla mordax (Goldman's nectar bat)
  6. 巴拿马长舌蝠 (強壯長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla robusta (Orange nectar bat)
  7. 托氏長舌蝠 - Lonchophylla thomasi (Thomas's nectar bat)
  1. 铲齿蝠 (蓖形門齒蝠) - Platalina genovensium (Long-snouted bat)

花蝠亞科 Phyllonycterinae

  1. 黃花蝠 (褐葉蝠) - Erophylla sezekorni (Buffy flower bat)
  1. 牙買加花蝠 - Phyllonycteris aphylla (Jamaican flower bat)
  2. 古巴花蝠 - Phyllonycteris poeyi (Cuban flower bat)

矛吻蝠亞科 Phyllostominae

  • 绒假吸血蝠属 Chrotopterus
  1. 绒假吸血蝠 (染色翼蝠) - Chrotopterus auritus (Big-eared woolly bat)
  1. 金剑鼻蝠 (湯氏劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina aurita (Tomes's sword-nosed bat)
  2. 费氏剑鼻蝠 - Lonchorhina fernandezi (Fernandez's sword-nosed bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚剑鼻蝠 (馬氏劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina marinkelli (Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat)
  4. 委内瑞拉剑鼻蝠 (奧河劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina orinocoensis (Orinoco sword-nosed bat)
  1. 长叶蝠 (長腿大葉口蝠) - Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Long-legged bat)
  1. 加州叶鼻蝠 (加州大葉口蝠) - Macrotus californicus (California leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 沃氏叶鼻蝠 (大葉口蝠) - Macrotus waterhousii (Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 贝氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris behni (Behni's big-eared bat)
  2. 短耳大耳蝠 - Micronycteris brachyotis (Yellow-throated big-eared bat)
  3. 达氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris davies (Davies's big-eared bat)
  4. 绒大耳蝠 - Micronycteris hirsuta (Hairy big-eared bat)
  5. 巴西大耳蝠 - Micronycteris megalotis (Little big-eared bat)
  6. 侏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris minuta (White-bellied big-eared bat)
  7. 尼氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris nicefordi (Niceforo's big-eared bat)
  8. 哥伦比亚大耳蝠 - Micronycteris pusilla (Least big-eared bat)
  9. 中美大耳蝠 - Micronycteris schmidtorum (Schmidts's big-eared bat)
  10. 棕褐大耳蝠 - Micronycteris sylvestris (Tri-colored big-eared bat)
  1. 葛氏矛吻蝠 (貝奈特尖耳蝠) - Mimon bennetti (Golden bat)
  2. 锯缘矛吻蝠 (鋸齒尖耳蝠) - Mimon crenulatum (Striped hairy-nosed bat)
  • 狭面矛吻蝠属 Phylloderma
  1. 狭面矛吻蝠 (葉皮蝠) - Phylloderma stenops (Pale-faced bat)
  1. 苍白矛吻蝠 (淡色葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus discolor (Pale spear-nosed bat)
  2. 细长矛吻蝠 (細長葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus elongatus (Lesser spear-nosed bat)
  3. 矛吻蝠 (葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus hastatus (Greater spear-nosed bat)
  4. 侧叶矛吻蝠 (偏葉葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus latifolius (Guianan spear-nosed bat)
  1. 圆耳蝠 (斯氏圓耳蝠) - Tonatia bidens (Greater round-eared bat)
  2. 巴西圓耳蝠 - Tonatia brasiliensis (Pygmy round-eared bat)
  3. 卡氏圓耳蝠 - Tonatia carrikeri (Carriker's round-eared bat)
  4. 中美圓耳蝠 - Tonatia evotis (Davis's round-eared bat)
  5. 许氏圆耳蝠 (舒氏圓耳蝠) - Tonatia schulzi (Schultz's round-eared bat)
  6. 林棲圓耳蝠 - Tonatia silvicola (White-throated round-eared bat)
  • 粗面蝠屬 Trachopos
  1. 粗面蝠 - Trachopos cirrhosus (Fringe-lipped bat)
  1. 美洲假吸血蝠 (假吸血蝠) - Vampyrum spectrum (Spectral bat)

尖皮蝠亞科 Stenoderminae

  • 掠果蝠属 Ametrida
  1. 掠果蝠 (刈割蝠) - Ametrida centurio (Little white-shouldered bat)
  1. 美洲林蝠 (加勒比樹蝠) - Ardops nichollsi (Tree bat)
  1. 食果蝠 (黃食果蝠) - Ariteus flavescens (Jamaican fig-eating bat)
  1. 苏利亚果蝠 - Artibeus amplus (Large fruit-eating bat)
  2. 安氏美洲果蝠 (安氏食果蝠) - Artibeus anderseni (Andersen's fruit-eating bat)
  3. 阿兹特克果蝠 (阿族食果蝠) - Artibeus aztecus (Aztec fruit-eating bat)
  4. 灰美洲果蝠 (灰食果蝠) - Artibeus cinereus (Gervais's fruit-eating bat)
  5. 匀色美洲果蝠 (單色食果蝠) - Artibeus concolor (Brown fruit-eating bat)
  6. 流苏美洲果蝠 - Artibeus fimbriatus (Fringed fruit-eating bat)
  7. 仲美洲果蝠 (和睦食果蝠) - Artibeus fraterculus (Fraternal fruit-eating bat)
  8. 银色美洲果蝠 - Artibeus glaucus (Silver fruit-eating bat)
  9. 哈氏美洲果蝠 (小食果蝠) - Artibeus hartii (Velvety fruit-eating bat)
  10. 绒毛美洲果蝠 (多毛食果蝠) - Artibeus hirsutus (Hairy fruit-eating bat)
  11. 牙买加果蝠 (牙買加食果蝠) - Artibeus jamaicensis (Jamaican fruit-eating bat)
  12. 大食果蝠 (大食果蝠) - Artibeus lituratus (Great fruit-eating bat)
  13. 烟青美洲果蝠 - Artibeus obscurus (Dark fruit-eating bat)
  14. 幽暗美洲果蝠 (黑耳食果蝠) - Artibeus phacotis (Pygmy fruit-eating bat)
  15. 扁吻美洲果蝠 (扁吻食果蝠) - Artibeus planirostris (Flat-faced fruit-eating bat)
  16. 中美果蝠 (托族食果蝠) - Artibeus toltecus (Toltec fruit-eating bat)
  1. 襞面蝠 (格翼蝠) - Centurio senex (Wrinkle-faced bat)
  • 大眼蝠属 Chiroderma
  1. 道氏大眼蝠 (多麗手皮蝠) - Chiroderma dortae (Brazilian big-eyed bat)
  2. 瓜德罗普大眼蝠 (安袋手皮蝠) - Chiroderma improvisum (Guadeloupe big-eyed bat)
  3. 沙氏大眼蝠 (白紋手皮蝠) - Chiroderma salvimi (Salvin's big-eyed bat)
  4. 特立尼达大眼蝠 (特島手皮蝠) - Chiroderma trinitatum (Little big-eyed bat)
  5. 多毛大眼蝠 (多毛手皮蝠) - Chiroderma villosum (Hairy big-eyed bat)
  • 白蝠属 Ectophylla
  1. 白蝠 (白外葉蝠) - Ectophylla alba (White bat)
  1. 间叶蝠 - Mesophylla macconnelli (Macconnell's bat)
  1. 食花蝠 (古巴葉顔蝠) - Phyllops falcatus (Cuban fig-eating bat)
  • 白线蝠属 Platyrrhinus
  1. 华丽白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus aurarius (Eldorado broad-nosed bat)
  2. 短首白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus brachycephatus (Short-headed broad-nosed bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Choco broad-nosed bat)
  4. 侧白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus dorsalis (Thomas's broad-nosed bat)
  5. 海勒白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus helleri (Heller's broad-nosed bat)
  6. 暗白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus infuscus (Buffy broad-nosed bat)
  7. 白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus lineatus (White-lined broad-nosed bat)
  8. 巴西白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus recifinus (Recife broad-nosed bat)
  9. 隐白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus umbratus (Shadowy broad-nosed bat)
  10. 大白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus vittatus (Greater broad-nosed bat)
  • 尾翼果蝠属 Pygoderma
  1. 尾翼果蝠 - Pygoderma bilabiatum (Ipanema bat)
  1. 南美球果蝠 (球葉蝠) - Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum (Visored bat)
  • 红果蝠属 Stenoderma
  1. 红果蝠 (紅尖皮蝠) - Stenoderma rufum (Red fruit bat)
  1. 哥伦比亚黄肩蝠 (阿托氏黃肩蝠) - Sturnira aratathomasi (Aratathomas's yellow-shouldered bat)
  2. 厄瓜多尔黄肩蝠 (雙齒黃肩蝠) - Sturnira bidens (Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat)
  3. 波哥大黄肩蝠 - Sturnira bogotensis (Bogota yellow-shouldered bat)
  4. 丹黄肩蝠 (淡紅黃肩蝠) - Sturnira erythromos (Hairy yellow-shouldered bat)
  5. 黃肩蝠 - Sturnira lilium (Little yellow-shouldered bat)
  6. 路氏黄肩蝠 (安氏黃肩蝠) - Sturnira ludovici (Highland yellow-shouldered bat)
  7. 秘鲁黄肩蝠 (路易斯黃肩蝠) - Sturnira luisi (Luis's yellow-shouldered bat)
  8. 大黃肩蝠 - Sturnira magna (Greater yellow-shouldered bat)
  9. 毛足黃肩蝠 - Sturnira mordax (Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat)
  10. 小黃肩蝠 - Sturnira nana (Lesser yellow-shouldered bat)
  11. 托氏黃肩蝠 - Sturnira thomasi (Thomas's yellow-shouldered bat)
  12. 特立尼达黄肩蝠 (特島黃肩蝠) - Sturnira tildae (Tilda yellow-shouldered bat)
  1. 筑帐蝠 (尾皮蝠) - Uroderma bilobatum (Tent-making bat)
  2. 大鼻筑帐蝠 (大吻尾皮蝠) - Uroderma magnirostrum (Brown tent-making bat)
  1. 双尖黄耳蝠 - Vampyressa bidens (Bidentate yellow-eared bat)
  2. 布氏黄耳蝠 (勃氏黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa brocki (Brock's yellow-eared bat)
  3. 蜜黄耳蝠 (蜜蜂黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa melissa (Melissa's yellow-eared bat)
  4. 大黃耳蝠 - Vampyressa nymphaea (Striped yellow-eared bat)
  5. 菲黄耳蝠 (黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa pusilla (Little yellow-eared bat)
  • 大纹面蝠属 Vampyrodes
  1. 大纹面蝠 (紋面蝠) - Vampyrodes caraccioli (Great stripe-faced bat)

长腿蝠科 Natalidae

  1. 丽长腿蝠 (美觀筒耳蝠) - Natalus lepidus (Gervais's funnel-eared bat)
  2. 牙买加长腿蝠 (小腳筒耳蝠) - Natalus micropus (Cuban funnel-eared bat)
  3. 墨西哥筒耳蝠 (筒耳蝠) - Natalus stramineus (Mexican funnel-eared bat)
  4. 巴西长腿蝠 - Natalus tumidifrons (Bahaman funnel-eared bat)
  5. 肿鼻筒耳蝠 (凸吻筒耳蝠) - Natalus tumidirostris (Trinidadian funnel-eared bat)

烟蝠科 Furipteridae

  1. 四指蝠 - Amorphochilus schnablii (Smoky bat)
  1. 煙蝠 (狂翼蝠) - Furipterus horrens (Thumbless bat)

盘翼蝠科 Thyropteridae

  1. 盤翼蝠 - Thyroptera discifera (Peter's disk-winged bat)
  2. 三色盘翼蝠 (拇翼蝠) - Thyroptera tricolor (Spix's disk-winged bat)

吸足蝠科 Myzopodidae

  1. 吸足蝠 (吸盤足蝠) - Myzopoda aurita (Sucker-footed bat)

彩蝠亚科 Kerivoulinae

  • 彩蝠属 Kerivoula
  1. 拟号彩蝠 - Kerivoula aerosa (Dubious trumpet-eared bat)
  2. 绒彩蝠 (坦桑號耳蝠) - Kerivoula africana (Tanzanian woolly bat)
  3. 管耳彩蝠 (清潔號耳蝠) - Kerivoula agnella (St. Aignan's trumpet-eared bat)
  4. 银彩蝠 (銀色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula argentata (Damara woolly bat)
  5. 凶野號耳蝠 - Kerivoula atrox (Groove-toothed bat)
  6. 铜黄彩蝠 (銅色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula cupresa (Copper woolly bat)
  7. 贼彩蝠 - Kerivoula eriophora (Ethiopian woolly bat)
  8. 花彩蝠 - Kerivoula flora (Flores woolly bat)
  9. 哈氏彩蝠 (號耳蝠) - Kerivoula hardwickei (Hardwicke's woolly bat)
  10. 婆罗洲彩蝠 - Kerivoula intermedia (Small woolly bat)
  11. 彼氏号尔蝠 (溝齒號耳蝠) - Kerivoula jagorii (Peters's trumpet-eared bat)
  12. 小彩蝠 (小號耳蝠) - Kerivoula lanosa (Lesser woolly bat)
  13. 林彩蝠 (小林號耳蝠) - Kerivoula minuta (Least woolly bat)
  14. 弗莱彩蝠 (蠅河號耳蝠) - Kerivoula muscina (Fly river trumpet-eared bat)
  15. 俾斯麦彩蝠 (俾斯麥號耳蝠) - Kerivoula myrella (Bismarck's trumpet-eared bat)
  16. 丘彩蝠 (多疣號耳蝠) - Kerivoula papillosa (Papillose woolly bat)
  17. 巴布亚号耳蝠 (金針號耳蝠) - Kerivoula papuensis (Golden-tipped bat)
  18. 洁翼彩蝠 (透翼號耳蝠) - Kerivoula pellucida (Clear-winged woolly bat)
  19. 灵彩蝠 (蛾形號耳蝠) - Kerivoula phalaena (Spurrell's woolly bat)
  20. 彩蝠 (彩色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula picta (Painted bat)
  21. 尼日利亚彩蝠 (史氏號耳蝠) - Kerivoula smithii (Smith's woolly bat)
  22. 怀氏彩蝠 - Kerivoula whiteheadi (Whitehead's woolly bat)

長翼蝠亞科 Miniopterinae

  1. 南长翼蝠 (亞澳長翼蝠) - Miniopterus australis (Little long-fingered bat)
  2. 南非长翼蝠 (黑長翼蝠) - Miniopterus fraterculus (Lesser long-fingered bat)
  3. 长翼蝠 (東南亞長翼蝠) - Miniopterus fuscus (Southeast Asian long-fingered bat)
  4. 大长翼蝠 (大長翼蝠) - Miniopterus inflatus (Greater long-fingered bat)
  5. 几内亚长翼蝠 - Miniopterus magnater (Western bent-winged bat)
  6. 小長翼蝠 - Miniopterus minor (Least long-fingered bat)
  7. 亚澳长翼蝠 (洛島長翼蝠) - Miniopterus robustior (Loyalty bent-winged bat)
  8. 普通长翼蝠 (長翼蝠) - Miniopterus schreibersi (Schreibers's long-fingered bat)
  9. 灰暗长翼蝠 - Miniopterus tristis (Great bent-winged bat)

管鼻蝠亞科 Murinae

  • 毛翼管鼻蝠属 Harpiocephalus
  1. 毛翼管鼻蝠 (鵰形蝠) - Harpiocephalus harpia (hairy-winged bat)
  1. 青銅管鼻蝠 - Murina aenea (Bronze tube-nosed bat)
  2. 金管鼻蝠 (小管鼻蝠) - Murina aurata (Little tube-nosed bat)
  3. 圓耳管鼻蝠 - Murina cyclotis (Round-eared tube-nosed bat)
  4. 花管鼻蝠 (小巽他管鼻蝠) - Murina florium (Flores tube-nosed bat)
  5. 暗色管鼻蝠 - Murina fusca (Dusky tube-nosed bat)
  6. 灰色管鼻蝠 - Murina grisea (Peters's tube-nosed bat)
  7. 胡氏管鼻蝠 - Murina huttoni (Hutton's tube-nosed bat)
  8. 白腹管鼻蝠 (大管鼻蝠) - Murina leucogaster (Greater tube-nosed bat)
  9. 洁管鼻蝠 (臺灣管鼻蝠) - Murina puta (Taiwan tube-nosed bat)
  10. 罗氏管鼻蝠 - Murina rozendaali (Gilded tube-nosed bat)
  11. 林管鼻蝠 - Murina silvatica (Forest tube-nosed bat)
  12. 棕管鼻蝠 (豬形管鼻蝠) - Murina suilla (Brown tube-nosed bat)
  13. 對馬管鼻蝠 - Murina tenebrosa (Gloomy tube-nosed bat)
  14. 克什米尔管鼻蝠 (南亞管鼻蝠) - Murina tubinaris (Scully's tube-nosed bat)
  15. 烏蘇里管鼻蝠 - Murina ussuriensis (Ussuri tube-nosed bat)

裂豆蝠亞科 Tomopealinae

  1. 錐蝠 (裂豆蝠) - Tomopeas ravus (Blunt-eared bat)

蝙蝠亞科 Vespertilioninae

  • 洞蝠属 Antrozous
  1. 墨西哥洞蝠 (特島穴蝠) - Antrozous dubiaquercus (Van Gelder's bat)
  2. 苍白洞蝠 (穴蝠) - Antrozous pallidus (Pallid bat)
  1. 欧洲宽耳蝠 (西方寬耳蝠) - Barbastella barbastellus (Western barbastelle)
  2. 亚洲宽耳蝠 (東方寬耳蝠) - Barbastella leucomelas (Eastern barbastelle)
  1. 白斑蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus alboguttatus (Allen's striped bat)
  2. 银蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus argentatus (Silvered bat)
  3. 加蓬蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus beatrix (Beatrix's bat)
  4. 大耳蝶蝠 (大染色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus dwyeri (Large-eared pied bat)
  5. 喀麦隆蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus egeria (Bibundi bat)
  6. 星蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus gleni (Glen's wattled bat)
  7. 垂缨蝶蝠 (谷氏葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's wattled bat)
  8. 肯尼亚蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus kenyacola (Kenyan wattled bat)
  9. 褐蝶蝠 (赭色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus morio(Chocolate wattled bat)
  10. 暗灰蝶蝠 (烏灰葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus nigrogriseus (Hoary wattled bat)
  11. 小蝶蝠 (小染色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus picalus (Little pied bat)
  12. 波蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus poensis (Abo bat)
  13. 傲蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus superbus (Pied bat)
  14. 隆蝶蝠 (結節葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus tuberculatus (Long-tailed wattled bat)
  15. 彩蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus variegatus (Butterfly bat)
  1. 贝氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus baverstocki (Inland forest bat)
  2. 伊朗棕蝠 (勃氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus bobrinskoi (Bobrinski's serotine)
  3. 夜棕蝠 (博塔棕蝠) - Eptesicus bottae (Botta's serotine)
  4. 巴西棕蝠 - Eptesicus brasiliensis (Brazilian brown bat)
  5. 暗棕蝠 (褐色棕蝠) - Eptesicus brunneus (Dark-brown serotine)
  6. 南非棕蝠 (開普棕蝠) - Eptesicus capensis (Cape serotine)
  7. 翼足棕蝠 (南泰棕蝠) - Eptesicus demissus (Surat serotine)
  8. 南美棕蝠 (侏儒棕蝠) - Eptesicus diminutus (Diminutive serotine)
  9. 黃唇棕蝠 - Eptesicus douglasrum (Yellow-lipped bat)
  10. 菊黄棕蝠 (黃色棕蝠) - Eptesicus flavescens (Yellow serotine)
  11. 花棕蝠 (蘇丹角皮棕蝠) - Eptesicus floweri (Horn-skinned bat)
  12. 阿根廷棕蝠 (狂暴棕蝠) - Eptesicus furinalis (Argentine brown bat)
  13. 大棕蝠 (北美大棕蝠) - Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat)
  14. 瓜达卢佩棕蝠 (瓜島棕蝠) - Eptesicus guadelupensis (Guadeloupe big brown bat)
  15. 小夜棕蝠 (幾內亞棕蝠) - Eptesicus guineensis (Tiny serotine)
  16. 長尾棕蝠 - Eptesicus hottentotus (Long-tailed house bat)
  17. 和平棕蝠 (無辜棕蝠) - Eptesicus inoxius (Harmless serotine)
  18. 考氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus kobayashii (Kobayashi's serotine)
  19. 家棕蝠 (苗氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus melckorum (Melck's house bat)
  20. 大鼻棕蝠 (信德棕蝠) - Eptesicus nasutus (Sind bat)
  21. 北棕蝠 - Eptesicus nilssoni (Northern bat)
  22. 肥耳棕蝠 (厚耳棕蝠) - Eptesicus pachyotis (Thick-eared bat)
  23. 阔面棕蝠 - Eptesicus platyops (Lagos serotine)
  24. 小棕蝠 (穴居小棕蝠) - Eptesicus pumilus (Eastern forest bat)
  25. 王棕蝠 (王河小棕蝠) - Eptesicus regulus (Southern forest bat)
  26. 任氏棕蝠 (阮氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus rendalli (Rendall's serotine)
  27. 冕棕蝠 (林棲大棕蝠) - Eptesicus sagittula (Large forest bat)
  28. 棕蝠 - Eptesicus serotinus (Serotine)
  29. 索马里棕蝠 (索馬利亞棕蝠) - Eptesicus somalicus (Somali serotine)
  30. 泰氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus tatei (Sombre bat)
  31. 白翼棕蝠 - Eptesicus tenuipinnis (White-winged serotine)
  32. 鹫棕蝠 (林棲小棕蝠) - Eptesicus vulturnus (Little forest bat)
  1. 花尾蝠 (小斑點蝠) - Euderma maculatum (Spotted bat)
  1. 胼足蝠 (盤足蝠) - Eudiscopus denticulus (Disk-footed bat)
  1. 爪哇盘蝠 (爪哇厚指油蝠) - Glischropus javanus (Javan thick-thumbed bat)
  2. 粗指盘蝠 (厚指油蝠) - Glischropus tylopus (Common thick-thumbed bat)
  • 梓蝠属 Hesperoptenus
  1. 梓蝠 (布氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus blanfordi (Blanford's bat)
  2. 马来梓蝠 (多麗夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus doriae (False serotine bat)
  3. 加氏梓蝠 - Hesperoptenus gaskelli (Gaskell's false serotine)
  4. 南亚梓蝠 (逖氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus tickelli (Tickell's bat)
  5. 托氏梓蝠 (佟氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus tomesi (Large false serotine)
  • 帆耳蝠属 Histiotus
  1. 奇异帆耳蝠 (異邦薄耳蝠) - Histiotus alienus (Strange big-eared brown bat)
  2. 帆耳蝠 (大耳薄耳蝠) - Histiotus macrotus (Big-eared brown bat)
  3. 高山帆耳蝠 (山薄耳蝠) - Histiotus montanus (Small big-eared brown bat)
  4. 巴西帆耳蝠 (褐薄耳蝠) - Histiotus velatus (Tropical big-eared brown bat)
  • 南蝠属 Ia
  1. 南蝠 - Ia io (Great evening bat)
  1. 艾氏大耳蝠 - Idionycteris phyllotis (Allen's big-eared bat)
  1. 安哥拉长耳蝠 (安哥拉帆耳蝠) - Laephotis angolensis (Angolan long-eared bat)
  2. 博茨瓦纳长耳蝠 (波瓦納帆耳蝠) - Laephotis botswanae (Botswanan long-eared bat)
  3. 纳米比亚长耳蝠 (西南非帆耳蝠) - Laephotis namibensis (Namib long-eared bat)
  4. 温氏长耳蝠 (東非帆耳蝠) - Laephotis wintoni (De Winton's long-eared bat)
  • 銀毛蝠屬 Lasionyeteris
  1. 銀毛蝠 - Lasionyeteris noctivagans (Silver-haired bat)
  1. 赤蓬毛蝠 (紅毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus borealis (Red bat)
  2. 巴拿马蓬毛蝠 (栗色毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus castaneus (Tacarcuna bat)
  3. 灰蓬毛蝠 (霜灰毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus cinereus (Hoary bat)
  4. 埃加蓬毛蝠 (拉美毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus ega (Southern yellow bat)
  5. 雅蓬毛蝠 - Lasiurus egregius (Big red bat)
  6. 墨西哥蓬毛蝠 (中型毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus intermedius (Northern yellow bat)
  7. 佛罗里达蓬毛蝠 (錫族毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus seminolus (Seminole bat)
  1. 非洲偏颅蝠 (默氏扁頭蝠) - Mimetillus moloreyi (Moloney's flat-headed bat)
  • 鼠耳蝠屬 Myotis
  1. 萨哈林鼠耳蝠 (阿部鼠耳蝠) - Myotis abei (Sakhalin myotis)
  2. 爪哇大足鼠耳蝠 (大腳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis adversus (Large-footed bat)
  3. 阿根廷鼠耳蝠 (亞倫鼠耳蝠) - Myotis aelleni (Southern myotis)
  4. 巴拉圭鼠耳蝠 (白毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis albescens (Silver-tipped myotis)
  5. 西南鼠耳蝠 (祭壇鼠耳蝠) - Myotis altarium (Szechwan myotis)
  6. 缺齿鼠耳蝠 (毛面鼠耳蝠) - Myotis anneetans (Hairy-faced bat)
  7. 阿塔卡马鼠耳蝠 (阿塔鼠耳蝠) - Myotis atacamensis (Atacama myotis)
  8. 北美鼠耳蝠 (金光鼠耳蝠) - Myotis auriculus (Southwestern myotis)
  9. 南鼠耳蝠 (小足鼠耳蝠) - Myotis australis (Australian myotis)
  10. 東南鼠耳蝠 - Myotis austroriparius (Southeastern myotis)
  11. 长耳鼠耳蝠 (彼氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis bechsteini (Bechstein's bat)
  12. 尖耳鼠耳蝠 (髭鼠耳蝠) - Myotis blythi (Lesser mouse-eared bat)
  13. 棕红鼠耳蝠 (赤色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis bocagei (Rufous mouse-eared bat)
  14. 嗡声鼠耳蝠 - Myotis bombinus (Far eastern myotis)
  15. 布氏鼠耳蝠 (伯氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis brandti (Brandt's bat)
  16. 加州鼠耳蝠 - Myotis californicus (California myotis)
  17. 長指鼠耳蝠 - Myotis capaccinii (Long-fingered bat)
  18. 智利鼠耳蝠 - Myotis chiloensis (Chilean myotis)
  19. 中华鼠耳蝠 - Myotis chinensis (Large myotis)
  20. 古巴鼠耳蝠 - Myotis cobanensis (Guatemalan myotis)
  21. 沼鼠耳蝠 (池塘鼠耳蝠) - Myotis dasycheme (Pond bat)
  22. 水鼠耳蝠 (道氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis daubentonii (Daubenton's bat)
  23. 多明尼加鼠耳蝠 - Myotis dominicensis (Dominican myotis)
  24. 华美鼠耳蝠 (精致鼠耳蝠) - Myotis elegans (Elegant myotis)
  25. 佐氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy's bat)
  26. 北美长耳鼠耳蝠 (長耳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis evotis (Western long-eared myotis)
  27. 芬氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis findleyi (Findley's myotis)
  28. 桔色鼠耳蝠 - Myotis formosus (Hodgson's bat)
  29. 樟色鼠耳蝠 (剛齒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis fortidens (Cinnamon myotis)
  30. 福建鼠耳蝠 (昆仲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis frater (Fraternal myotis)
  31. 马达加斯加鼠耳蝠 (馬島鼠耳蝠) - Myotis gondotii (Malagasy mouse-eared bat)
  32. 灰色鼠耳蝠 - Myotis griseseens (Gray myotis)
  33. 小巨足蝠 (哈塞鼠耳蝠) - Myotis hasseltii (Lesser large-footed bat)
  34. 郝氏鼠耳蝠 (何氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis horsfieldi (Horsfield's bat)
  35. 日本鼠耳蝠 (本州鼠耳蝠) - Myotis hosonoi (Hosono's myotis)
  36. 伊氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ikonnikovi (Ikonnikov's bat)
  37. 海岛鼠耳蝠 - Myotis insularum (Insular myotis)
  38. 中美鼠耳蝠 (基思鼠耳蝠) - Myotis keaysi (Hairy-legged myotis)
  39. 凯氏鼠耳蝠 (基恩鼠耳蝠) - Myotis keenii (Keen's myotis)
  40. 小褐鼠耳蝠 - Myotis leibii (Eastern small-footed myotis)
  41. 开普敦鼠耳蝠 - Myotis lesueuri (Lesueur's hairy bat)
  42. 轻捷鼠耳蝠 (輕快鼠耳蝠) - Myotis levis (Yellowish myotis)
  43. 长足鼠耳蝠 (長腳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis longipes (Kashmir cave bat)
  44. 莹鼠耳蝠 (棕色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis lucifugus (Little brown bat)
  45. 大趾鼠耳蝠 - Myotis macrodactylus (Big-footed myotis)
  46. 大掌鼠耳蝠 (大跗鼠耳蝠) - Myotis macrotarsus (Pallid large-footed myotis)
  47. 马提尼克鼠耳蝠 (馬提鼠耳蝠) - Myotis martiniquensis (Schwartz's myotis)
  48. 米氏鼠耳蝠 (密勒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis milleri (Miller's myotis)
  49. 缅甸鼠耳蝠 (遊山鼠耳蝠) - Myotis montivagus (Burmese whiskered bat)
  50. 埃塞俄比亚鼠耳蝠 (莫氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis morrisi (Morris's bat)
  51. 南洋鼠耳蝠 (牆棲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis muricola (Whiskered myotis)
  52. 大鼠耳蝠 (鼠耳蝠) - Myotis myotis (Mouse-eared bat)
  53. 须鼠耳蝠 (多鬚鼠耳蝠) - Myotis mystacinus (Whiskered bat)
  54. 纳氏鼠耳蝠 (紅灰鼠耳蝠) - Myotis nattereri (Natterer's bat)
  55. 库腊索鼠耳蝠 (島棲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis nesopolus (Curacao myotis)
  56. 黑毛鼠耳蝠 - Myotis nigricans (Black myotis)
  57. 新加坡鼠耳蝠 - Myotis oreias (Singapore whiskered bat)
  58. 南美鼠耳蝠 - Myotis oxyotus (Montane myotis)
  59. 本州鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ozensis (Honshu myotis)
  60. 墨西哥鼠耳蝠 (半島鼠耳蝠) - Myotis peninsularis (Peninsular myotis)
  61. 北京鼠耳蝠 (京西鼠耳蝠) - Myotis pequinius (Peking myotis)
  62. 平颅鼠耳蝠 (扁頭鼠耳蝠) - Myotis planiceps (Flat-headed myotis)
  63. 霜白鼠耳蝠 (霜毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis pruinosus (Frosted myotis)
  64. 大足鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ricketti (Rickett's big-footed bat)
  65. 瑞氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ridleyi (Ridley's bat)
  66. 溪岸鼠耳蝠 (岸邊鼠耳蝠) - Myotis riparius (Riparian myotis)
  67. 洛氏鼠耳蝠 (厚指鼠耳蝠) - Myotis rosscti (Thick-thumbed myotis)
  68. 丹鼠耳蝠 (紅毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis ruber (Red myotis)
  69. 肖布鼠耳蝠 - Myotis schaubi (Schaub's myotis)
  70. 东非鼠耳蝠 (斯氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis scotti (Scott's mouse-eared bat)
  71. 翼腺鼠耳蝠 - Myotis seabrai (Angolan hairy bat)
  72. 刺鼠耳蝠 - Myotis sicarius (Mandelli's mouse-eared bat)
  73. 高颅鼠耳蝠 (小齒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis siligorensis (Himalayan whiskered bat)
  74. 仰鼻鼠耳蝠 (僞裝鼠耳蝠) - Myotis simus (Velvety myotis)
  75. 社鼠耳蝠 (喜群鼠耳蝠) - Myotis sodalis (Indiana bat)
  76. 基岛鼠耳蝠 (卡伊鼠耳蝠) - Myotis stalkeri (Kei myotis)
  77. 缨鼠耳蝠 (挂繸鼠耳蝠) - Myotis thysanodes (Fringed myotis)
  78. 南非鼠耳蝠 (三色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis tricolor (Cape hairy bat)
  79. 洞鼠耳蝠 (洞穴鼠耳蝠) - Myotis velifer (Cave myotis)
  80. 索诺拉鼠耳蝠 (食魚蝠) - Myotis vivesi (Fish-eating bat)
  81. 长腿鼠耳蝠 (飛翔鼠耳蝠) - Myotis volans (Long-legged myotis)
  82. 魏氏鼠耳蝠 (衛氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis welwitschi (Welwitch's bat)
  83. 北海道鼠耳蝠 - Myotis yesoensis (Yoshiyuki's myotis)
  84. 尤马鼠耳蝠 (育馬鼠耳蝠) - Myotis yumanensis (Yuma myotis)
  1. 日本山蝠 - Nyctalus aviator (Birdlike noctule)
  2. 亚岛山蝠 - Nyctalus azoreum (Azores noctule)
  3. 毛翼山蝠 (大夜蝠) - Nyctalus lasiopterus (Giant noctule)
  4. 小山蝠 (小夜蝠) - Nyctalus leisleri (Lesser noctule)
  5. 印度山蝠 - Nyctalus montanus (Mountain noctule)
  6. 山蝠 (夜蝠) - Nyctalus noctula (Noctule)
  1. 阔鼻暮蝠 - Nycticeius balstoni (Western broad-nosed bat)
  2. 小阔鼻暮蝠 - Nycticeius greyii (Little broad-nosed bat)
  3. 美洲暮蝠 (北美黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius humeralis (Evening bat)
  4. 鲁氏暮蝠 (廣鼻黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius rueppellii (Rueppell's broad-nosed bat)
  5. 桑氏暮蝠 - Nycticeius sanborni (Northern broad-nosed bat)
  6. 施氏暮蝠 (寬鼻黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius schlieffeni (Schlieffen's bat)
  1. 阿南长耳蝠 (阿納姆愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus arnhemensis (Northern long-eared bat)
  2. 小长耳蝠 (小愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser long-eared bat)
  3. 古氏长耳蝠 (雙炬愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus gouldi (Gould's long-eared bat)
  4. 双炬长耳蝠 - Nyctophilus heran (Sunda long-eared bat)
  5. 小齿长耳蝠 (小齒愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus microdon (Small-toothed long-eared bat)
  6. 巴布亚长耳蝠 (巴布亞愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus microtis (New Guinea long-eared bat)
  7. 澳洲大长耳蝠 (大愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus timoriensis (Greater long-eared bat)
  8. 澳北长耳蝠 (沃氏愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus walkeri (Pygmy long-eared bat)
  • 長耳蝠屬 Otonycleris
  1. 長耳蝠 - Otonycleris hemprichii (Desert long-eared bat)
  1. 壺耳蝠 - Pharotis imogene (New Guinea big-eared bat)
  1. 新几内亚掠蝠 (狹翼情侶棕蝠) - Philetor brachypterus (Rohu's bat)
  1. 荒漠伏翼 - Pipistrellus aegyptius (Egyptian pipistrelle)
  2. 东非伏翼 (空中油蝠) - Pipistrellus aero (Mt. Gargues pipistrelle)
  3. 茶褐伏翼 (褐色油蝠) - Pipistrellus affinis (Chocolate pipistrelle)
  4. 安氏伏翼 (安奇塔油蝠) - Pipistrellus anchietai (Anchieta's pipistrelle)
  5. 缅甸伏翼 (安東尼油蝠) - Pipistrellus anthonyi (Anthony's pipistrelle)
  6. 阿拉伯伏翼 (阿曼油蝠) - Pipistrellus arabicus (Arabian pipistrelle)
  7. 苏丹伏翼 (沙漠油蝠) - Pipistrellus ariel (Desert pipistrelle)
  8. 巴布伏翼 (巴布油蝠) - Pipistrellus babu (Himalayan pipistrelle)
  9. 以色列伏翼 (勃氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus bodenheimeri (Bodenheimer's pipistrelle)
  10. 宽异伏翼 (卡多納油蝠) - Pipistrellus cadornae (Cadorna's pipistrelle)
  11. 斯里兰卡伏翼 (錫蘭油蝠) - Pipistrellus ceylonicus (Kelaart's pipistrelle)
  12. 黑伏翼 (大黑油蝠) - Pipistrellus circumdatus (Black gilded pipistrelle)
  13. 印度伏翼 (印度油蝠) - Pipistrellus coromandra (Indian pipistrelle)
  14. 宽首伏翼 (肥頭油蝠) - Pipistrellus crassulus (Broad-headed pipistrelle)
  15. 铜色伏翼 - Pipistrellus cuprosus (Coppery pipistrelle)
  16. 道氏伏翼 (夜油蝠) - Pipistrellus dormeri (Dormer's pipistrelle)
  17. 艾氏伏翼 (艾氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus eisentrauti (Eisentraut's pipistrelle)
  18. 本州伏翼 (遠藤油蝠) - Pipistrellus endoi (Endo's pipistrelle)
  19. 西方伏翼 (西美油蝠) - Pipistrellus hesperus (Western pipistrelle)
  20. 棕伏翼 (有鱗油蝠) - Pipistrellus imbricatus (Brown pipistrelle)
  21. 喜得伏翼 - Pipistrellus inexspectatus (Aellen's pipistrelle)
  22. 爪哇伏翼 (爪哇油蝠) - Pipistrellus javanicus (Javan pipistrelle)
  23. 杰氏伏翼 - Pipistrellus joffrei (Joffre's pipistrelle)
  24. 基氏伏翼 (赤褐油蝠) - Pipistrellus kicheneri (Red-brown pipistrelle)
  25. 库氏伏翼 (白邊油蝠) - Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl's pipistrelle)
  26. 冠伏翼 (冠尾油蝠) - Pipistrellus lophurus (Burma pipistrelle)
  27. 大耳伏翼 (大耳油蝠) - Pipistrellus macrotis (Big-eared pipistrelle)
  28. 马德拉伏翼 (馬德拉油蝠) - Pipistrellus maderensis (Madeira pipistrelle)
  29. 印度小伏翼 (印度小油蝠) - Pipistrellus mimus (Indian pygmy pipistrelle)
  30. 米岛伏翼 (蘇島油蝠) - Pipistrellus minahassae (Minahassa pipistrelle)
  31. 螫伏翼 (灰白油蝠) - Pipistrellus mordax (Pungent pipistrelle)
  32. 加蓬小伏翼 (蠅狀油蝠) - Pipistrellus musciculus (Mouselike pipistrelle)
  33. 中非小伏翼 (西非小油蝠) - Pipistrellus nanulus (Tiny pipistrelle)
  34. 香蕉伏翼 (香蕉油蝠) - Pipistrellus nanus (Banana pipistrelle)
  35. 纳氏伏翼 (厚皮油蝠) - Pipistrellus nathusii (Nathusius's pipistrelle)
  36. 棒茎伏翼 - Pipistrellus paterculus (Mount Popa pipistrelle)
  37. 勃固伏翼 (勃固油蝠) - Pipistrellus peguensis (Pegu pipistrelle)
  38. 坦桑尼亚伏翼 (坦桑油蝠) - Pipistrellus permixtus (Dar-es-Salaam pipistrelle)
  39. 彼氏伏翼 (多毛油蝠) - Pipistrellus petersi (Peters's pipistrelle)
  40. 伏翼 (油蝠) - Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Common pipistrelle)
  41. 灰伏翼 (多塵油蝠) - Pipistrellus pulveratus (Chinese pipistrelle)
  42. 吕氏伏翼 (儒氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus rueppelli (Rueppel's pipistrelle)
  43. 锈色伏翼 (鏽色油蝠) - Pipistrellus rusticus (Rusty pipistrelle)
  44. 萨氏伏翼 (山油蝠) - Pipistrellus savii (Savi's pipistrelle)
  45. 社伏翼 (結群油蝠) - Pipistrellus societatus (Social pipistrelle)
  46. 狭翼伏翼 (狹翼油蝠) - Pipistrellus stenopterus (Narrow-winged pipistrelle)
  47. 斯氏伏翼 - Pipistrellus sturdeei (Sturdee's pipistrelle)
  48. 东方伏翼 (東美油蝠) - Pipistrellus subflavus (Eastern pipistrelle)
  49. 塔斯马尼亚伏翼 - Pipistrellus tasmaniensis (Eastern false pipistrelle)
  50. 侏伏翼 (瘦油蝠) - Pipistrellus tenuis (Least pipistrelle)
  1. 大耳蝠 (兔蝠) - Plecotus auritus (Brown big-eared bat)
  2. 灰大耳蝠 (灰兔蝠) - Plecotus austriacus (Gray big-eared bat)
  3. 墨西哥大耳蝠 (墨西哥兔蝠) - Plecotus mexicanus (Mexican big-eared bat)
  4. 拉氏大耳蝠 (瘤鼻兔蝠) - Plecotus rafinesquei (Rafinesque's big-eared bat)
  5. 台湾大耳蝠 - Plecotus taivanus (Taiwan big-eared bat)
  6. 淡黄大耳蝠 - Plecotus teneriffae (Canary big-eared bat)
  7. 汤氏大耳蝠 (唐氏兔蝠) - Plecotus townsendii (Townsend's big-eared bat)
  1. 艾氏美洲黄蝠 - Rhogeessa alleni (Allen's yellow bat)
  2. 金氏美洲黄蝠 - Rhogeessa genowaysi (Genoways's yellow bat)
  3. 纤细美洲黄蝠 (瘦小黃蝠) - Rhogessa gracilis (Slender yellow bat)
  4. 小美洲黄蝠 (小巧黃蝠) - Rhogessa minutilla (Tiny yellow bat)
  5. 中美黄蝠 (奇異黃蝠) - Rhogessa mira (Least yellow bat)
  6. 墨西哥黄蝠 (細小黃蝠) - Rhogessa parvula (Little yellow bat)
  7. 南美黄蝠 (腫瘤黃蝠) - Rhogessa tumida (Black-winged little yellow bat)
  1. 淡翼宽吻蝠 (淡翼夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus albofuscus (Light-winged lesser house bat)
  2. 中非宽吻蝠 (深翼夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus hirundo (Dark-winged lesser house bat)
  3. 苍白宽吻蝠 (黃沙夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus pallidus (Desert yellow bat)
  1. 无沿斑蝠 - Scotomanes emarginatus (Emarginate harlequin bat)
  2. 斑蝠 (白斑蝠) - Scotomanes ornatus (Harlequin bat)
  1. 马达加斯加黄蝠 (馬島黃蝠) - Scotophilus borbonicus (Lesser yellow bat)
  2. 西里伯斯黄蝠 (蘇島黃蝠) - Scotophilus celebensis (Sulawesi yellow bat)
  3. 非洲黄蝠 - Scotophilus dinganii (African yellow bat)
  4. 大黃蝠 - Scotophilus heathii (Greater Asiatic yellow bat)
  5. 库氏黄蝠 (小黃蝠) - Scotophilus kuhlii (Lesser Asiatic yellow bat)
  6. 白腹黃蝠 - Scotophilus leucogasler (White-bellied yellow bat)
  7. 家黄蝠 (黑黃蝠) - Scotophilus nigrata (Schreber's yellow bat)
  8. 喀麦隆黄蝠 - Scotophilus nux (Nut-colored yellow bat)
  9. 膘黄蝠 - Scotophilus robustus (Robust yellow bat)
  10. 南非黄蝠 - Scotophilus viridis (Greenish yellow bat)
  1. 扁颅蝠 (棒足蝠) - Tylonycteris pachypus (Lesser bamboo bat)
  2. 褐扁颅蝠 (粗壯棒足蝠) - Tylonycteris robustula (Greater bamboo bat)
  1. 普通蝙蝠 (霜蝠) - Vespertilio murinus (Particolored bat)
  2. 大蝙蝠 (雛蝠) - Vespertilio superaus (Asian particolored bat)

短尾蝠科 Mystacinidae

  1. 强壮短尾蝠 - Mystacina robusta (New Zealand greater short-tailed bat)
  2. 短尾蝠 (髭蝠) - Mystacina tuberculata (New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat)

犬吻蝠科 Molossidae

  1. 加纳犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon aloysiisabaudiae (Duke Of Abruzzi's free-tailed bat)
  2. 安氏犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon ansorgei (Ansorge's free-tailed bat)
  3. 腺尾犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon bemmeleni (Gland-tailed free-tailed bat)
  4. 斑犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon bivittata (Spotted free-tailed bat)
  5. 查平犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon chapini (Chapin's free-tailed bat)
  6. 扎伊尔犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon gallagheri (Gallagher's free-tailed bat)
  7. 北方犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon jobensis (Northern mastiff bat)
  8. 苏门答腊犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon johorensis (Northern free-tailed bat)
  9. 垂耳犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon major (Lappet-eared free-tailed bat)
  10. 尼日利亚犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon nigeriae (Nigerian free-tailed bat)
  11. 皱唇犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon plicata (Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat)
  12. 小犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon pumila (Little free-tailed bat)
  13. 赤犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon russata (Russet free-tailed bat)
  1. 裸蝠 (黑裸體蝠) - Cheiromeles torquatus (Hairless bat)
  1. 垂耳真蝠 (垂耳獒面蝠) - Eumops auripendulus (Black bonneted bat)
  2. 毕氏真蝠 (彼得獒面蝠) - Eumops bonariensis (Dwarf bonneted bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚真蝠 - Eumops dabbenei (Big bonneted bat)
  4. 银白真蝠 (藍灰獒面蝠) - Eumops glaucinus (Wagner's bonneted bat)
  5. 汉莎真蝠 (漢沙獒面蝠) - Eumops hansae (Sanborn's bonneted bat)
  6. 杰亚那真蝠 (朦朧獒面蝠) - Eumops maurus (Guianan bonneted bat)
  7. 大真蝠 (尖耳獒面蝠) - Eumops perotis (Western bonneted bat)
  8. 昂氏真蝠 (恩氏獒面蝠) - Eumops unaerwoodi (Underwood's bonneted bat)
  • 加勒比海犬吻蝠属 Molossops
  1. 秘鲁犬吻蝠 - Molossops abrasus (Cinnamon dog-faced bat)
  2. 格氏犬吻蝠 (格氏犬面蝠) - Molossops greenhalli (Greenhall's dog-faced bat)
  3. 马托犬吻蝠 - Molossops mattogrossensis (Mato Grosso dog-faced bat)
  4. 苏里南犬吻蝠 (蘇里南犬面蝠) - Molossops neglectus (Rufous dog-faced bat)
  5. 巴拿马犬吻蝠 (扁吻犬面蝠) - Molossops planirostris (Southern dog-faced bat)
  6. 坦氏犬吻蝠 (丁氏犬面蝠) - Molossops temminckii (Dwarf dog-faced bat)
  • 獒蝠属 Molossus
  1. 赤獒蝠 (赤犬吻蝠) - Molossus ater (Black mastiff bat)
  2. 邦达獒蝠 (邦達犬吻蝠) - Molossus bondae (Bonda mastiff bat)
  3. 獒蝠 (帕氏犬吻蝠) - Molossus molossus (Pallas's mastiff bat)
  4. 珍獒蝠 (密勒犬吻蝠) - Molossus pretiosus (Miller's mastiff bat)
  5. 艾氏獒蝠 (亞倫犬吻蝠) - Molossus sinaloe (Sinaloan mastiff bat)
  1. 短翼犬吻蝠 - Mops brachypterus (Sierra Leone free-tailed bat)
  2. 安哥拉犬吻蝠 - Mops condylurus (Angolan free-tailed bat)
  3. 麦杰犬吻蝠 - Mops congicus (Medje free-tailed bat)
  4. 伏耳塔犬吻蝠 - Mops demonstrator (Mongalla free-tailed bat)
  5. 米达犬吻蝠 - Mops midas (Midas free-tailed bat)
  6. 马来犬吻蝠 - Mops mops (Malayan free-tailed bat)
  7. 侏儒犬吻蝠 - Mops nanulus (Dwarf free-tailed bat)
  8. 尼氏犬吻蝠 - Mops niangarae (Niangara free-tailed bat)
  9. 白腹犬吻蝠 - Mops niveiventer (White-bellied free-tailed bat)
  10. 彼氏犬吻蝠 - Mops petersoni (Peterson's free-tailed bat)
  11. 西里伯斯犬吻蝠 - Mops sarasinorum (Sulawesi free-tailed bat)
  12. 斯氏犬吻蝠 - Mops spurrelli (Spurrell's free-tailed bat)
  13. 无畏犬吻蝠 - Mops thersites (Railer bat)
  14. 苏丹犬吻蝠 - Mops trevori (Trevor's free-tailed bat)
  1. 纳塔尔犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus acetabulosus (Natal free-tailed bat)
  2. 贝氏犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus beccarii (Beccari's mastiff bat)
  3. 道瑞犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus doriae (Sumatran mastiff bat)
  4. 彼氏犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus jugularis (Peters's wrinkle-lipped bat)
  5. 智利犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus kalinowskii (Kalinowski's mastiff bat)
  6. 古巴小犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus minutus (Little goblin bat)
  7. 诺福克犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus norfolkensis (Eastern little mastiff bat)
  8. 岩居犬吻蝠 (扁頭蜥鼠蝠) - Mormopterus petrophilus (Roberts's flat-headed bat)
  9. 怪翼犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus phrudus (Incan little mastiff bat)
  10. 平犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus planiceps (Southern free-tailed bat)
  11. 彼德犬吻蝠 (扁頭蝠) - Mormopterus setiger (Peters's flat-headed bat)
  1. 道氏蝇蝠 (道氏蠅翼蝠) - Myopterus daubentoni (Daubenton's free-tailed bat)
  2. 比尼蝇蝠 (蠅翼蝠) - Myopterus whitleyi (Bini free-tailed bat)
  1. 金毛犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops aurispinosus (Peale's free-tailed bat)
  2. 兜犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops femorosaccus (Pocketed free-tailed bat)
  3. 宽尾犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops laticaudatus (Broad-eared bat)
  4. 大犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops macrotis (Big free-tailed bat)
  1. 爪哇游尾蝠 (爪哇大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops formosus (Java mastiff bat)
  2. 纳塔耳游尾蝠 (非洲大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops martiensseni (Large-eared free-tailed bat)
  3. 大耳游尾蝠 (巴布亞大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops papuensis (Big-eared mastiff bat)
  4. 斗蓬游尾蝠 (新島大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops secundus (Mantled mastiff bat)
  5. 印度游尾蝠 (印度大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops wroughtoni (Wroughton's free-tailed bat)
  1. 中部穹腭蝠 (中美圓齶蝠) - Promops centralis (Big crested mastiff bat)
  2. 大鼻穹腭蝠 (大鼻圓齶蝠) - Promops nasutus (Brown mastiff bat)
  • 犬吻蝠属 Tadarida
  1. 北非犬吻蝠 (埃及皺唇蝠) - Tadarida aegyptiaca (Egyptian free-tailed bat)
  2. 南犬吻蝠 (南澳皺唇蝠) - Tadarida australis (White-striped free-tailed bat)
  3. 巴西犬吻蝠 (美洲皺唇蝠) - Tadarida brasiliensis (Brazilian free-tailed bat)
  4. 圣特雷莎犬吻蝠 - Tadarida espiritosantensis (Espirito Santo free-tailed bat)
  5. 岛犬吻蝠 (馬島皺唇蝠) - Tadarida fulminans (Madagascan large free-tailed bat)
  6. 大耳犬吻蝠 (葉耳皺唇蝠) - Tadarida lobata (Kenyan big-eared free-tailed bat)
  7. 宽耳犬吻蝠 (歐亞皺唇蝠) - Tadarida teniotis (European free-tailed bat)
  8. 非洲犬吻蝠 (非洲巨皺唇蝠) - Tadarida ventralis (African giant free-tailed bat)
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