
钾离子通道钾通道 Kv1.2/2.1 嵌合体的晶体结构。双层脂膜的计算烃边界是由红色和蓝色点表示。
- 整合膜蛋白是镶嵌在磷脂双分子层上的蛋白质,总是与膜结合在一起,往往可多次跨膜,形成多个α-螺旋构成的跨膜通道。可以定义为需要通过人工加入去垢剂(如SDS或Triton X-100)或其他非极性溶剂才能够从膜中分离出来的蛋白质。其跨膜結構域通常是由20-25个非极性氨基酸组成的α-螺旋结构,而亲水结构域则伸出细胞质面和膜的外表面。内在膜蛋白还可以根据与双分子膜之间结合关系的差异细分为:
- 外在膜蛋白是能够暂时与膜或整合膜蛋白结合的蛋白质,主要是通过疏水、静电和其他非共价相互作用来进行结合,这种结合可以通过加入极性试剂,如高pH或高盐溶液来破坏。
- 脂锚定蛋白是膜蛋白以共价键与脂相连,并以脂肪酸链插入膜中,细胞外表面和胞质面都存在
- 吴光耀 主编:《精英教案》,军事宜文出版社,2005
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:膜蛋白质 |
- Membrane Protein Structural Dynamics Consortium (页面存档备份,存于)
- Transmembrane Protein Center (页面存档备份,存于) at University of Wisconsin-Madison
- List of transmembrane proteins of known 3D structure
- TCDB - Transporter Classification database
- Orientations of Proteins in Membranes (OPM) database 3D structures of integral and peripheral membrane proteins arranged in the lipid bilayer
- Membrane PDB (页面存档备份,存于) Database of 3D structures of integral membrane proteins and hydrophobic peptides with an emphasis on crystallization conditions
- Protein Data Bank of Transmembrane Proteins 3D models of all transmembrane proteins currently in PDB. Approximate positions of membrane boundary planes were calculated for each PDB entry.
- TransportDB Genomics-oriented database of transporters from TIGR
- Membrane targeting domains (MeTaDoR)
- (英文)The Human Membrane Proteome (页面存档备份,存于) - A comprehensive article covering the transmembrane protein component of the human proteome
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