认知地图 (有时称为心理地图或心理模型 )是一种心理表征 ,提供現象在日常生活中或隱喻性空間環境中的相對位置和屬性的資訊,使個體得以获取、编码、儲存、回憶及解码。由爱德华托尔曼于1948年提出。 [1]该术语后来被一些研究者推广(特别是在运筹学领域),指的是一种表示个人知识或基模的語義網路 。 [2] [3] [4]
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多個領域都對認知地圖有所研究,如心理学、教育、考古学、规划、地理、制图、建筑、景观建筑、城市规划、管理及历史。 [5]这些心智模式通常有不同的称呼,如认知地图、心理地图、行為脚本、基模、參考框架 。
认知地图提供關于空间知识的构建和积累,允許「 心靈之眼 」想像圖像,以减少认知负荷 ,增强資訊的回忆和学习 。这种类型的空间思维也可以用作非空间任务的隐喻,像是涉及记忆和成像的非空间任务時,就會使用空间知识来帮助处理任务。 [6]
通常認為认知地圖主要是海马迴的功能。海马迴与大脑的其他部分连接,使其成为整合空间和非空间資訊的理想选择。后脑皮质和內侧内嗅皮质(medial entorhinal cortex, MEC)的连接为海马迴提供空间資訊。嗅緣皮質和外侧内嗅皮质( lateral entorhinal cortex , LEC)的连接則提供非空间資訊。这些資訊在海马迴被整合,使得海马迴可组合目標的位置和其他特征,成为认知地圖的实际位置, [9]
認知地圖由多個來源產生,包括视觉系统和其他地方。 大部分認知地圖是透過自我生成的運動線索創建。藉由視覺、本体感觉 、嗅覺及聽覺等感官的輸入,推斷一個人在環境中的位置。認知地圖允許路徑整合創建一個向量,藉此表示一個人在環境中的位置和方向,特別是與之前的參考點相比較。所產生的向量會送到海馬迴位置細胞進行解讀,提供更多關於認知地圖的環境資訊及位置資訊。[18]
認知地圖的概念最初由一位早期認知心理學家爱德华·托尔曼(Edward C. Tolman),在做老鼠和迷宮實驗時引入。在托爾曼的實驗中,他將一隻老鼠放入十字形的迷宮並讓它探索,經過初次探索之後,老鼠先被放在十字架的某臂,然後將食物放在下一條右轉的臂上。 接著老鼠適應了這種佈局,並學會在十字路口右轉,以便找到食物。當老鼠被放置在十字迷宮的不同手臂上時,由於在迷宮創建了最初的認知地圖,所以仍然會朝著正確的方向去獲取食物。無論食物放在何處,老鼠不會只是決定在十字路口右轉,而是能夠準確地確定食物的路徑[19]。
班尼特(Andrew T.D.Bennett)认为「没有明确的证据證明非人類的动物也存在认知地图(根据托尔曼的定义)。」[20] 根據研究分析指出,有更简单的解释可符合实验结果。 班尼特強調在非人類動物的認知地圖測試中,有三個不能排除的更簡單備案:(1)看似新穎的捷徑並非真正新穎。(2)使用路径整合。(3)從一個新的角度識別出熟悉的地標,然後向它們移動。
- 运动感知
- Tolman, Edward C. . Psychological Review. July 1948, 55 (4): 189–208. PMID 18870876. doi:10.1037/h0061626.
- Eden, Colin. . European Journal of Operational Research. July 1988, 36 (1): 1–13. doi:10.1016/0377-2217(88)90002-1.
In the practical setting of work in with a team of busy managers cognitive mapping is a tool for building interest from all team members in the problem solving activity. [...] The cycle of problem construction, making sense, defining the problem, and declaring a portfolio of solutions, which I have discussed elsewhere (Eden, 1982) is the framework that guides the process of working with teams. Thus building and working with the cognitive maps of each individual is primarily aimed at helping each team member reflectively 'construct' and 'make sense' of the situation they believe the team is facing. (pp. 7–8)
- Fiol, C. Marlene; Huff, Anne Sigismund. (PDF). Journal of Management Studies. May 1992, 29 (3): 267–285 [2019-08-11]. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.1992.tb00665.x. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-12-23).
For geographers, a map is a means of depicting the world so that people understand where they are and where they can go. For cognitive researchers, who often use the idea of a 'map' as an analogy, the basic idea is the same. Cognitive maps are graphic representations that locate people in relation to their information environments. Maps provide a frame of reference for what is known and believed. They highlight some information and fail to include other information, either because it is deemed less important, or because it is not known. (p. 267)
- Ambrosini, Véronique; Bowman, Cliff. Huff, Anne Sigismund; Jenkins, Mark , 编. . London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2002: 19–45. ISBN 0761969497. OCLC 47900801.
We shall not explain here what cognitive maps are about as this has been done extensively elsewhere (Huff, 1990). Let us just say that cognitive maps are the representation of an individual's personal knowledge, of an individual's own experience (Weick and Bougon, 1986), and they are ways of representing individuals' views of reality (Eden et al., 1981). There are various types of cognitive maps (Huff, 1990). (pp. 21–22)
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- Sargolini, Francesca; Fyhn, Marianne; Hafting, Torkel; McNaughton, Bruce L.; Witter, Menno P.; Moser, May-Britt; Moser, Edvard I. . Science. May 2006, 312 (5774): 758–762. Bibcode:2006Sci...312..758S. PMID 16675704. doi:10.1126/science.1125572.
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- O'Keefe, John; Nadel, Lynn. . Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press. 1978 [2019-08-11]. ISBN 0198572069. OCLC 4430731. (原始内容存档于2019-09-27).
- Moser, Edvard I.; Kropff, Emilio; Moser, May-Britt. . Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2008, 31: 69–89. PMID 18284371. doi:10.1146/annurev.neuro.31.061307.090723.
- O'Keefe, John; Nadel, Lynn. . Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press. 1978 [2019-08-11]. ISBN 0198572069. OCLC 4430731. (原始内容存档于2019-09-27).
- Moser, Edvard I.; Kropff, Emilio; Moser, May-Britt. . Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2008, 31: 69–89. PMID 18284371. doi:10.1146/annurev.neuro.31.061307.090723.
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