![]() 2010年芬兰的一只设得兰矮种马 | |
特徵 | 高智商、体型小、敦实、皮毛厚、矮而壮。美国亚品种身体稍显精瘦,四肢偏长、皮毛更顺滑 |
別名 | 设得兰 |
原產國 | 苏格兰设得兰群岛 |
品種認定 | |
Shetland Pony Studbook Society | Breed standards |
American Shetland Pony Club | Breed standards |
马 Equus ferus caballus |

设德兰矮种马原产自苏格兰本土东北方的设德兰群岛。 自青铜时代起,设德兰群岛上就开始驯养小型马。岛上的原住民可能随后将本地马种与诺斯人移民带来的矮种马杂交。 公元前2000年至前1000年之间被引进的凯尔特矮种马可能也对设德兰矮种马有一定的影响。[1]由于环境恶劣、食物缺乏,当地矮种马变得极其适应恶劣环境。
设德兰矮种马最初被用于拖拉推车,拉载泥炭、煤及其他物品,耕犁农田。在19世纪中叶,由于工业革命大大增加了煤炭的需求量,成百上千的设德兰矮种马被运往不列颠本土,成为了矿井矮种马,在地底托运煤,通常终生如此(而且生命一般相对短暂)。 美国东部的煤矿同样也引进了一部分这类动物。美国最后一处矮种马矿井于1971年关停。[2]
英国的The Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society[3]于1890年成立,旨在维持物种纯正,并鼓励驯养优质动物。1957年,Shetland Islands Premium Stallion Scheme成立,为认定的优质雄马提供津贴,旨在改进种畜质量。

青年轻驾马车赛由昆士兰的一个育种人组织创建,给予6至16岁的青少年初步接触轻驾马车产业的机会。孩子们有机会驾设得兰矮种马进行竞赛。 矮种马竞赛不设奖金,不过冠军或获得名次者都会得到奖章。[4]


1888年,American Shetland Pony Club成立,而今拥有两种血统证书:A类和B类。A类中登记杂交(非设得兰)血统小于等于八分之一的矮种马,B类则向杂交血统高于八分之一的矮种马开放。对于A类畜种四代以内的矮种马,基础认证也适用。自2009年起,登记时不再区分A类、B类。

American Shetland Ponies are more refined than the traditional Shetland. They often have a long, thin, "hooky" neck, a more refined body, and longer legs. The breed tends to be long and narrow through the back, with broad and muscular hindquarters and high withers. The shoulder has good slope, allowing for extravagant action. These ponies are most often used for harness work and as children's ponies. They can be seen show jumping in classes for young riders, at horse shows in both Western and English riding classes, as well as many other competitive events, including gymkhana, novelty harness racing, and shown at halter, Costume.
The American Shetland Pony Club recognizes four types of Shetlands-Modern, Pleasure, Classic and Foundation. Modern Shetland are typically the tallest of the breed; they are shown with a high head set, ribbon braids in their manes, tail sets and have high stepping action. Pleasure ponies have similar breeding though their action is more subdued. Classic Shetlands are the most typical type and are known for their refinement and gentle nature while lacking most of the action of the Modern ponies. Finally, Foundation ponies do not have any Hackney influence for four generations and are all under 42" tall. Their looks are most reflective of their British ancestry.
However, the compact "classic" type of Shetland is still more prevalent in overall numbers in the USA, though such ponies are not always registered.
German Classic Pony

In 1965, German breeders began to selectively breed American Shetlands to create a "Sporty Shetland Pony." with a more elegant appearance, refined head, friendly look, better gaits, and better temperament.[6] In 2000, when the British Shetland registry refused to register ponies with American bloodlines as purebred, the German breeders formed their own registry, with the breed's official name being the "Deutsches Classic-Pony."[7] All coat colors are acceptable, but liver chestnut with a flaxen mane is particularly common and popular.[8]
There are several major registries for Shetland ponies, the Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society[3] (SPSBS) based in UK, American Shetland Pony Club[9] (ASPC), and the Shetland Pony Society of North America[10] (SPSNA), both based in the USA. Shetland ponies registered with the SPSBS cannot be taller than 42英寸(10.2手距;110) at maturity. ASPC Shetlands range in height from about 30英寸(76) (rare) to 46英寸(120) (the ASPC measures in inches, not in hands). The Shetland Pony Society of North America was formed to honor the traditional Shetland Pony of island type. Any pony registered with other American, British, or Canadian registries can be cross-registered if it meets the pedigree and conformation standards of the SPSNA.
- 设得兰群岛动物品种
- 苏格兰驯服品种列表
- 马品种列表
- 矮种马
- 山野矮种马品种
- Hovens, Hans; Rijkers, Toon. (PDF). Lutra. 2013, 56 (2): 134 [17 December 2017]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-10-04).
- The Last Pony Mine, a documentary film, Les Benedict, director, Steve Knudston, producer, 1972. Available on Youtube in 3 parts part 1 (页面存档备份,存于)part 2 (页面存档备份,存于)part 3 (页面存档备份,存于)
- . Shetland Pony Stud Book Society. [2011-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-01).
- . Just Racing. [2011-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-20).
- . BBC News. 2003-06-01 [2011-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-24).
- . classic-pony.com. [2018-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-01).
- . [2018-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03).
- Tamara Reinisch. . spezialrassen-online.de. [2018-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-02).
- . Shetlandminiature.com. [2011-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-28).
- Laurie D. . Shetlandponysociety.com. 2011-06-01 [2011-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-28).