
賽斯資料英語:)是美國靈媒珍·羅伯茲的一系列作品,由其從1963年開始,口述給其丈夫,直至她於1984年逝世為止。珍·羅伯茲宣稱,賽斯資料來自一個叫做賽斯(Seth)的靈體,賽斯借用她的身體說話。[1]賽斯資料被認為是新時代(New Age)哲學的基石之一,在新時代運動圈裡是第二次世界大戰後,除了愛德加·凱西的作品與《奇蹟課程》之外,最具影響力的通靈作品。[2]阿爾格西大學臨牀心理學教授Jon Klimo在其關於通靈的書中稱,在通靈的概念進入公眾認知的過程中,賽斯資料發揮了重要作用。[3]

其他的靈媒作者也陸續寫了號稱通靈自賽斯的資料,特別是在羅伯茲過世之後。這些作者有創立賽斯-荷米斯基金會(Seth-Hermes Foundation)的湯瑪斯·馬薩里(Thomas Massari),他說他早在1972年即與賽斯通靈,另一位靈媒作者琴·盧米斯(Jean Loomis),她是康乃狄克州寶瓶座中心(Aquarian Center)的主任。[4]美國各地出現了專門與賽斯資料共同合作的研究團隊。[5]

芝加哥大學美國宗教史教授凱薩琳·阿勒本尼斯(Catherine L. Albanese)在1970年代指出,賽斯資料開啟了美國全國上下關注通靈趨勢的紀元,而且也是崛起的新時代運動自我認同的來源。[6]約翰·紐波特(John P. Newport)研究新時代思想對社會的衝擊,指出賽斯資料的中心思想是每個人都能創造自己的實相(Reality,即境遇)。這是新時代運動裡首次明確出現在賽斯資料裡的基本概念。[7]根據布拉德利大學研究宗教的歷史學者羅伯特·富勒(Robert C. Fuller),賽斯人格填補了心靈引導的角色,他稱之為「非教會的美國靈性」(unchurched American spirituality),其主題涵蓋了輪迴業報自由意志、古代形上學的智慧、「基督意念」(Christ consciousness)。[8]


1963年晚期,珍·羅伯茲和其丈夫羅伯特·霸茲(Robert Butts)以通靈板為實驗器材,撰寫一本有關超感官知覺的書。[9]根據羅伯茲和霸茲,他們於1963年12月2日開始接收來自一男性人格的連貫信息,此人格後來被確認為賽斯。不久之後,羅伯茲說她在腦中聆聽這些信息。她開始不用通靈板寫下聽到的信息,而她最後也捨棄通靈板不用了。直到1984年羅伯茲過世為止,這二十一年間她持續接收賽斯資料(但其中一年因病而空缺)。通靈時她會進入出神狀態,據稱代表了賽斯本人傳達信息。[10]




賽斯資料的核心思想是以意識創造物質實相的理論為基礎的[16],指出每個人都可以透過思想、信念和期許創造自己的實相[5][17][18][19][20],而且吾人在當下就可以通過威力之點(point of power)影響事物的變化。[18]

賽斯資料探討的形上學概念包山包海,包括上帝的本質在內,說它「一切萬有」(All That Is)[19][21],有時也會提到「多次元上帝」(The Multidimensional God)(現身於平行宇宙或可能存在的宇宙中)[22];物質實相的本質[22]宇宙的起源[21]基督的故事[8];靈魂的進化、死亡和重生的所有面向,包括輪迴業報前世瀕死經驗、「護衛靈」(guardian spirits)、高昇至「較高意識」的層次[8][18][20][23];生命的目的和善惡的本質;受苦的目的[20];多次元實相[24]、平行生命[5]、超個人層次[18][23]


根據賽斯資料,整個自我或「存有」(entity)是完形的,由內在自我(inner self)和多種自我所構成。賽斯資料假定此一存有通過過去的存有(有形或無形的)而存在,同時也因所有當下的化身自我(incarnated selves)和可能存在的對應面而存在[5],而輪迴則是賽斯資料的核心原則[23]

阿姆斯特丹大學荷米斯哲學教授福特·漢拿赫夫(Wouter Hanegraaff)表示,羅伯茲對自我本質的觀點(以賽斯的身分)影響了其他的新紀元著者(他們有些人使用「較高自我」這個詞指涉相同的概念),而且羅伯茲使用的術語也為某些著者所採用[25]。漢拿赫夫說,賽斯使用各種詞彙詮釋「自我」,包括「存有」(entity)、「全我」(whole self)、「超靈」((over)soul)[25]


有些與賽斯資料相關的中文獻把 Reality 翻譯成「實相」,但是 Reality 有個眾所周知的意思,就是「現實」,一般辭彙中並沒有「實相」一辭,因此,把 Reality 譯成實相,有點難知所云。而佛經中的「實相」意指「終極不變的狀態」,而在賽斯的論點中,終極不變的狀態是不存在的,Reality 絕不是「終極不變的狀態」。直接把 Reality 譯成「現實」,表示「現在是事實」,再也恰當不過,不用另闢蹊徑。再不然,將之譯成「實境」「世界」「天地」「界域」等常用詞彙,也遠比譯成「實相」讓人更易了解[26]。賽斯資料說,所有的個體都創造了自身的境遇,並於共同的塵世環境經歷境遇。這類似「責任承擔」的教義。「你創造你的現實」這句話表達了這個概念[20],而此概念可能源自於賽斯資料。內在自我負責建構、維持個體的肉身和當下的物質環境,而外在自我的期許、態度和信念則決定了事件的開展。外在自我就是人類所認知的自己[18]

賽斯書探討一個概念,即物質環境乃由個體佔有者(包括動物在內)的內在自我所建構、維持[27]。內在自我在物質現實裡投射出「整體」(en masse),而物質現實則充滿了個體所需的能量。所有的事件也是以這種方式產生的[20]


  • Roberts, Jane (1966). How To Develop Your ESP Power. Publisher: Federick Fell. (Later retitled and reprinted as The Coming of Seth.) ISBN 978-0-8119-0379-0.
  • Roberts, Jane (1970). The Seth Material. Reprinted, 2001 by New Awareness Network. ISBN 978-0-9711198-0-2 .
  • Roberts, Jane and Robert F. Butts (1972). Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. Reprinted 1994 by Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-07-5.
  • Roberts, Jane (1974). The Nature of Personal Reality. Prentice-Hall. Reprinted 1994, Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-06-8.
  • Roberts, Jane (1975). Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-013953-5.
  • Roberts, Jane (1975). Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-208538-0. Poetry.
  • Roberts, Jane (1976). Psychic Politics: An Aspect Psychology Book. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-731752-3.
  • Roberts, Jane (1977). The "Unknown" Reality Vol. 1. Prentice-Hall. Reprinted 1997, Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-25-9.
  • Roberts, Jane (1979). The "Unknown" Reality Vol. 2. Prentice-Hall. Reprinted 1997, Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-26-6 .
  • Roberts, Jane (1977). The World View of Paul Cezanne: A Psychic Interpretation. ISBN 978-0-13-968859-1.
  • Roberts, Jane (1978). The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher: The World View of William James. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-018515-0.
  • Roberts, Jane (1979). Emir's Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-1-57174-142-4. Children's literature.
  • Roberts, Jane (1979). The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression. Prentice-Hall. Reprinted 1996, Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-22-8 .
  • Roberts, Jane (1981). The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0134572599. Reprinted 1994, Amber-Allen Publishing, ISBN 978-1-878424-21-1.
  • Roberts, Jane (1995). The Oversoul Seven Trilogy. Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-17-4. Edition: Paperback; May 1, 1995 (originally published as three separate books: The Education of Oversoul 7 (1973); The Further Education of Oversoul Seven (1979); Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time (1984).
  • Roberts, Jane (1981). The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-01-335749-0. Reprinted 2000, Moment Point Press. ISBN 978-0-9661327-5-5.
  • Roberts, Jane (1982). If We Live Again, Or, Public Magic and Private Love. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-450619-7. Poetry.
  • Roberts, Jane (1986). Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment. Prentice-Hall, two volumes, ISBN 978-0-13-219452-5 and ISBN 978-0-13-219460-0.
  • Roberts, Jane (1986). Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness. Stillpoint Publishing.
  • (1993). A Seth Reader. Vernal Equinox Press. Compendium edited by Richard Roberts. ISBN 978-0-942380-15-6.
  • Roberts, Jane (1995). The Magical Approach : Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living. Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-878424-09-9.
  • Roberts, Jane (1997). The Way Toward Health. Robert F. Butts (Foreword), Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 187842430.
  • Roberts, Jane (2006). The World View of Rembrandt. New Awareness Network. ISBN 978-0-9768978-2-8.
  • Roberts, Jane (1997 and after). The Early Sessions (Sessions 1 through 510 of the Seth Material). New Awareness Network. Edited by Robert Butts. Nine volumes. ISBN 978-0-9652855-0-6.
  • Roberts, Jane (2003). The Personal Sessions. New Awareness Network. Deleted session material. Seven volumes. ISBN 978-0-9711198-4-0.
  • Roberts. Jane. The Early Class Sessions. New Awareness Network. Two volumes.


  • Watkins, Susan M. Conversations with Seth. Moment Point Press, 2005, 2006, two volumes. ISBN 978-1-930491-05-2 and ISBN 978-1-930491-09-0 (original version published: Vol. 1 (1980), Vol 2 (1981).
  • Dahl, Lynda Madden (1995). Ten Thousand Whispers. Moment Point Press. ISBN 978-1-889964-06-5.
  • Stack, Rick. Out-Of-Body Adventures : 30 days to the Most Exciting Experience of Your Life. Contemporary Books. ISBN 978-0-8092-4560-4.
  • Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Reality : A Seth Workbook. Prentice-Hall Press, 1984. ISBN 978-0-13-189127-2.
  • Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Happiness: A Seth Workbook. Prentice-Hall Press, 1988. ISBN 978-0-13-189226-2.
  • Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Dreams: A Seth Workbook. Prentice-Hall Press, 1990. ISBN 978-0-13-189382-5.
  • Norman Friedman. Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm's Physics, The Perennial Philosophy and Seth. Living Lake Books, 1994. ISBN 978-0-9636470-0-9.
  • Norman Friedman. The Hidden Domain: Home of the Quantum Wave Function, Nature's Creative Source. Woodbridge Group, 1997. ISBN 978-1-889964-09-6.
  • Susan M. Watkins. Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the Author of the Seth Material. Moment Point Press, 2001. ISBN 978-0-9661327-7-9.
  • Rich Kendall. The Road To Elmira. Rich Kendall Books, 2011. ISBN 978-0-9835776-0-7; ISBN 978-0-9835776-0-7.
  • (Soon to be published). Seth: The Ultimate Guide. New World View Publishing. Compendium edited by Paul Helfrich.


查爾斯·厄普敦(Charles Upton)在其專門批判新紀元運動的《敵基督的系統》(The System of Antichrist)一書中指稱,羅伯茲多重化自我的作法實則出自對死亡的恐懼,而賽斯資料只不過是因誤解基督教和東方宗教而來的。厄普敦也認為,「賽斯的教訓裡可以發現秘傳教義的確切痕跡」[22]。特瑞·侯里(Terry Holley)、克爾文·畢斯那(E Calvin Beisner)和羅伯特·柏曼(Robert M Bowman Jr)所著的《占星學和靈媒現象》(Astrology and Psychic Phenomena)特別著重闡述東方神秘主義及其哲學所隱含的影響。他們說,「身為夫君的羅伯特·霸茲承認賽斯的想法和各類宗教、哲學乃至神秘教義之間都存在相似性。這些思想從近東、中東、到遠東……例如,我們的確讀了一些佛教、印度教、禪宗、道教的資料,更不要說薩滿教、巫毒教和奧比巫術了。」[28]心理學家兼超心理學批判家詹姆斯·阿勒卡克(James E. Alcock)下結論:「從所有的賽斯思想來看,賽斯資料只能被看作是微不足道的。人們有的是時間和才能扮演好騙局的角色,但我們又無從分辨騙局的可能性和潛意識產物的可能性--不管怎麼樣,這些因素也沒有足夠的理由讓我們考慮超自然力量介入的可能性。」[29]


  1. Roberts, Jane. ESP Power. 2000; Stack, Rick. Out-Of-Body Adventures. 1988; Hathaway, Michael R. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Past Life Regression. 2003, p. 208; Watkins, Susan. Conversations With Seth, Book 2: 25th Anniversary Edition. 2006.
  2. Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe, 1991; Hanegraff, Wouter J. New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, SUNY Press, 1998, pp. 122–126; Hammer, Olav. Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. BRILL, 2004, p. 342; Upton, Charles. The System of Antichrist: Truth and Falsehood in Postmodernism and the New Age. Sophia Perennis, 2005, pp. 169–173.
  3. Klimo, Jon. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources. North Atlantic Books 1998, p. 22.
  4. Fuller, Robert C. Spiritual, But Not Religious: Understanding Unchurched America. Oxford University Press, 2001, p. 187; Newport, John P. The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview: Conflict and Dialogue. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 1998, p. 165; Klimo, Jon. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources. North Atlantic Books 1998, p. 62.
  5. Larson, Bob. Larson's Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 2004, p. 484.
  6. Albanese, Catherine L. A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion. Yale University Press 2007, p. 501.
  7. Newport, John P. The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview: Conflict and Dialogue. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 1998, p. 165.
  8. Fuller, Robert C. Spiritual, But Not Religious: Understanding Unchurched America. Oxford University Press 2001, p. 60.
  9. ESP Power, by Jane Roberts (2000) (introductory essay by Lynda Dahl). ISBN 978-0-88391-016-0
  10. Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives, by Roger Woolger (1988). ISBN 978-0-553-34595-7
  11. Chapter 1, Session 511, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, by Jane Roberts (1972).
  12. Klimo, Jon. . North Atlantic Books. 1998: 30. ISBN 1-55643-248-8.
  13. Chapter 10, The Seth Material, by Jane Roberts (1970).
  14. Chapter 1, Session 511, and Chapter 2, Session 514, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, by Jane Roberts (1972).
  15. Tyler, Paula J.; Fran Stagg. . Ozark Mountain Publishing. 1987: 40. ISBN 0-9617920-0-0.
  16. Chapter 1, Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts (1972); "Consciousness creates form. It is not the other way around".
  17. Clarke, Peter Bernard. . Routledge. 2006: 25. ISBN 0-415-25748-4.
  18. Leskowitz, Eric D. . CRC Press. 1999: 107, 163, 173. ISBN 0-8493-2237-5.
  19. Bruce, Alexandra. . The Disinformation Company. 2005: 116–117. ISBN 1-932857-22-2.
  20. Wolf, Joachim. . Trafford Publishing. 2003: 136–7,163,176–8. ISBN 1-55395-567-6.
  21. Hanegraaff, Wouter J. . SUNY Press. 1998: 122–4,125,126. ISBN 0-7914-3854-6.
  22. Upton, Charles. . Sophia Perennis. 2005: 169–173. ISBN 0-900588-38-1.
  23. Neff, Joanna Neff. . Trafford Publishing. 2003: 59, 63. ISBN 1-4120-1613-4.
  24. Brennan, Barbara Ann. . Bantam. 1987: 243. ISBN 0-553-34539-7.
  25. Hanegraaff, Wouter J. . SUNY Press. 1998: 214. ISBN 0-7914-3854-6.
  26. 葉乃嘉. . 台北: 台灣商務印書館. ISBN 9789602575523 请检查|isbn=值 (帮助).
  27. Session 610, The Nature of Personal Reality, by Jane Roberts (1974). ISBN 978-0-13-610576-3
  28. Kole, Andre; E Calvin Beisner, Robert M Bowman Jr, Terry Holley Astrology and Psychic Phenomena Zondervan Publishing House 1989 ISBN 978-0-310-48921-4 p.51
  29. Kole, Andre; E Calvin Beisner, Robert M Bowman Jr, Terry Holley Astrology and Psychic Phenomena Zondervan Publishing House 1989 ISBN 978-0-310-48921-4 p.52




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