




2007年2月28日,西班牙巴利阿里群島議會通過了世界上第一個承認所有類人猿擁有合法人格的立法。[3] 該立法引起了整個西班牙的反響。2008年6月25日,一個議會委員會開始催促西班牙政府保障靈長類動物有生命權和自由權,如果能過成功,那麼“將通過西班牙刑法典禁止有害的靈長類動物實驗以及馬戲團豢養、商業廣告或非法拍攝”。[4]

歐洲在動物權利立法上也已做過努力。1992年,瑞士修改了其憲法,承認動物是“生命”而不是“東西”。[5] 不過1999年瑞士憲法被重寫,這個修正案就失效了。2002年德國在憲法修正案中再次確保動物權利,成為第一個承認動物權利的歐盟國家。[5][6][7]




2015年4月20日,纽约州最高法院的巴巴拉法官先生签署针对两只圈养的猩猩的保护令[11] 4月21日,刪除保护令中的“人身保护令”(writ of habeas corpus)幾字。[12][13]



2013年12月,NhRP针对四只黑猩猩被纽约州监禁一例提起了三次诉讼,认为他们应该被视作拥有基本的人身自由权利的法人(即不被囚禁),他们享有普通法赋予的人身保护权利,因此立即释放并将他们送往保护区。[15] 三项人身保护令状的请愿均被否决,保留上诉的权利。NhRP目前正在呼吁三项决议的通过。[16]


其他如贝兰和埃文斯做的研究[17] 表明人类与非人类的灵长类动物在自制力上也有一定相似之处。他们用类似在儿童身上使用的自我分心手段来让黑猩猩控制他们的冲动。类人猿也表现出制定计划的能力,甚至可以“将自己投射到未来”,也就是进行心理时间之旅。故而类人猿似乎也具备自我意识,因为“自我意识实现延迟满足(),因为具有自我意识的个体可以推测自己的未来”。[18]


作家兼讲师托马斯·罗斯认为给予非人类同等法律权利并不是什么新鲜事。比如多数国家都这样规定:“公司法人是合法的人,享有人类所有的大多数权利,如起诉权,选举权和言论自由。”[3] 唐·普林斯-休斯整理了类人猿所满足的人格的标准:“自我意识;对过去、未来、现在的理解;理解复杂的规则和知晓情感带来的后果的能力;选择规避风险的能力,情感共鸣的能力,和抽象思维能力。"[20]






  1. Bhagwat, S. B. Foundation of Geology. Global Vision, 2009, pp. 232–235:
    "The Hominidae form a taxonomic family, including four extant genera: humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans."
    Groves, Colin P. "Great Apes: The Conflict of Gene-Pools, Conservation and Personhood" in Emily Rousham, Leonard Freedman, and Rayma Pervan. Perspectives in Human Biology: Humans in the Australasian Region. World Scientific, 1996, p. 31:
    "The recognition that we as a species are not phylogenetically separated from other animals, but are nested within the primate group known as the Great Apes, is no longer controversial. Goodman (1963) proposed on this basis to include the great apes (orang utan, gorilla and chimpanzee) in the family Hominidate, a view revived by Groves (1986) and increasingly adopted since then. Increasingly, too, the vernacular term 'Great Apes' has come to be used as a pure synonym for Hominidae, so that humans are also 'Great Apes.' The only remaining systemic controversy seems to be whether chimpanzees and gorillas together form the sister-group of humans, or chimpanzees and humans together constitute the sister-group of gorillas."
    Karcher, Karen. "The Great Ape Project" in Marc Bekoff (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Greenwood, 2009, pp. 185–187:
    "The Great Ape Project (GAP) seeks to extend the scope of three basic moral principles to all members of what the GAP founders call the five great ape species (humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans)."
  2. Goodall, Jane in Paola Cavalieri & Peter Singer (eds.) The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. St Martin's Griffin, 1994.
    Dawkins, Richard. "Gaps in the Mind" 页面存档备份,存于 in Paola Cavalieri & Peter Singer (eds.) The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. St Martin's Griffin, 1994.
    Cavalieri, Paola & Singer, Peter (eds.) The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity. St Martin's Griffin, 1994.
    Motavalli, Jim. "Rights from Wrongs. A Movement to Grant Legal Protection to Animals is Gathering Force" Archive.is存檔,存档日期2013-01-22, E Magazine, March/April 2003.
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  6. . CNN. 2002-06-21 [2008-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-19).
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  15. Charles Siebert. . New York Times Magazine. 23 April 2014 [2015-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-03).
  16. Robert Gavin. . Times Union. 3 October 2014 [2015-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-22).
  17. Beran MJ; Evans TA. . Behavioural Processes. 2006, 73 (3): 315–24 [2015-11-24]. PMID 16978800. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2006.07.005. (原始内容存档于2019-08-31).
  18. Heilbronner, S. Platt, M., L. . 4 December 2007. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2007.10.012.
  19. Alok Jha. . The Guardian. 2005-12-05 [2008-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-13).
  20. Prince-Hughes, Dawn. . Harmony. 1987: 138. ISBN 1-4000-5058-8.
  21. Francione, Gary. . 2006 [2010-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-24).
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