中国伊斯兰教 |
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馬來遲來自一個有軍方背景的回民家庭。其祖父马从善是明朝的将军; 其父马家梭為清朝武举人,但他沒有在朝廷工作,反而經營商店,發了大財。 他是河州人(今甘肃临夏), 甘肅伊斯蘭教重地之一。[3]
變得一貧如洗的马家骏成為了茶行商,於青海西宁和賀州往来。 這個時候,馬來遲正在伊達雅圖勒拉的弟子阿訇太巴巴(1632–1709) 在附近米拉沟的伊斯蘭學校唸書。[3] (今民和回族土族自治縣).
作為阿訇太巴巴的得意弟子, 馬來遲在十八歲時已經完成伊斯蘭學校提供的所有課程。阿訇太巴巴任命他為一個阿訇,並讓他進入苏菲主义教派,把阿訇太巴巴從伊達雅圖勒拉得到的Barakah稱號傳給他。[3]
經過30多年的在河州地區的宗教工作,馬來遲離開中國,並於1728年朝覲伊斯蘭教在中東的聖地。 在1728年至1733年,他師從一些中東苏菲大師(主要是在麥加和也門,某些版本的他的傳記中也提到開羅和大馬士革)。由於資料不足和中國與阿拉伯語來源不準確,研究者們對馬來遲的麥加朝聖日期有不同的版本:中國版本為馬來遲從廣州航行到阿拉伯半島(並在那兒向一個著名的毛拉學習3個月),並以海路回國;其他版本為他旅行通過陸路到達西域,經過中亞,並在布哈拉研究一段時間。 在麥加,他的老師是 Khafiya zawiya(伊斯蘭學校)的負責人,Muhammad Jibuni Ahmad Agelai(或Ajilai)。
另一位對他影響極大的老師是Mawlana Makhdum,他給了馬來遲教名阿卜杜勒·哈里姆。沒有多少人知道Makhdum,但約瑟夫·弗萊徹推測,他可能是一個印度人。[2][3]

馬來遲去世後,他虎夫耶領袖的位置被他的兒子繼承,但此舉被哲合忍耶教派的建立者馬明心批評並反對。[8] 其後馬來遲的孫子繼承此位。[9]
馬來遲在臨夏市的墳墓於1986年修復。 這座寺廟包括一座清真寺,被稱為华寺拱北, 修復後,它繼續作為中國伊斯蘭教虎夫耶的中心。[2]
- Gladney, Dru C. 2. Harvard Univ Asia Center. 1996 [2015-03-25]. ISBN 0-674-59497-5. (原始内容存档于2015-04-02). (First edition appeared in 1991).
- Lipman, Jonathan Neaman. . Hong Kong University Press. 1998 [2015-03-25]. ISBN 962-209-468-6. (原始内容存档于2020-09-25).
- Weismann, Itzchak. . Volume 8 of Routledge Sufi series. Routledge. 2007. ISBN 0-415-32243-X.
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:馬來遲 |
- As it is often the case with the 17th and 18th-century Hui Sufi figures, the chronology of Ma Laichi's life is not set firmly. Gladney (1996) (p. 47) gives no birth year, and 1766 as the death year; Weismann (2007) (p. 83), gives no birth year, and 1753 as the death year. Lipman (1998) does not give exact years for birth and death, and emphasizes differences between different historians' chronologies (p. 67); however, adding up lengths of time intervals in his biographical account implies that Ma would be close to 48 in 1728. The Great Chinese Encyclopedia (中国大百科全书, vol. 14 宗教 (Religion), p. 255 (页面存档备份,存于)) gives 1681-1766.
- Gladney (1996), pp. 47-48
- Lipman (1998), p. 65-67
- Lipman (1998), p. 66. Lipman's telling of the story does not mention whether Ma Jiajun had been married already by the time of his asking for Afaq Khoja's help. One would imagine that he was already married or widowed, otherwise asking for divine intervention to get an heir would make little sense. Thus, it is not clear if he had other wives before, or simultaneously with, Ma Laichi's mother.
- . [2015-03-25] (英语).
- These days, Tibetan-speaking Muslim communities who have been Muslim since the 18th century are officially included into the Hui ethnic group, as there is no separate official designation for them. On the other hand, should a modern Tibetan convert to Islam, he would still officially remain an ethnic Tibetan. (Lipman (1998), p. 23)
- Probably, including the group known now as Bonan. (Lipman (1998), p. 65, citing Ma Tong).
- Lipman (1998), p. 179
- Lipman (1998), p. 111