馬德琳·麥卡恩 | |
![]() 2007年馬德琳3歲時的照片,右側是法庭素描師推測出2012年馬德琳9歲的樣子[1] | |
出生 | 馬德琳·貝絲·麥卡恩 2003年5月12日 ![]() |
失踪 | 2007年5月3日(3歲)![]() 37.0886565°N 8.7308398°W |
失踪情况 | 已失蹤16年11个月又6天 |
父母 | 格里·麥卡恩 凱特·麥卡恩(本姓希利) |
特征 | 金色直髮;左眼綠藍色;右眼綠色虹膜上有明顯斑點;左小腿上有小型褐色胎記 |
調查者 | 葡萄牙司法警察 萊斯特郡警察 倫敦警察廳(蘇格蘭場) |
聯繫 | Operation Grange(蘇格蘭場);瑪德琳基金會 |
瑪德琳當時正在葡萄牙與父母凱特(Kate)和格里·麥卡恩(Gerry McCann)及其他家庭成員一起度假。其父母在晚上八時半離開在公寓一樓睡覺的她和其孿生胞弟前往50(160英尺)外的餐廳就餐。[3] 晚上10點時其母發現瑪德琳失蹤,葡萄牙警方最初認為這是一起誘拐綁架案,但後來誤讀英國發出的DNA分析報告而誤判瑪德琳已經死亡。[4] 2007年9月其父母被懷疑謀殺了女孩,但次年7月得以澄清,當月葡萄牙司法部長宣佈結案。[5]
在2011年5月蘇格蘭場在英國內政大臣的要求下宣佈展開格蘭赫行動(Operation Grange)介入調查前,麥卡恩夫婦一直僱用私人偵探進行調查。2013年10月葡萄牙警方也開始重新調查此案,當月蘇格蘭場發佈了嫌犯的電子合成照片,其中一張照片顯示一名男子攜帶著瑪德琳在事發當晚走向沙灘。此外包括J·K·羅琳在內的社會各界人士給此案提供了懸賞金。[6]
這樁失蹤案引發了廣泛的國際關注。麥卡恩夫婦在瑪德琳失蹤後被錯誤地認為涉嫌謀殺而遭到來自推特和各種小報的人身攻擊,[7] 2008年他們收到了賠償金及來自英國出版商北殼集團的道歉,這也導致要求限制新聞輿論的聲音增強。[8][9]2020年,德國檢察官假定馬德琳·麥卡恩死亡,並且表示一名43歲德國籍連環性侵犯「克里斯坦·B(Christian B)」涉有重嫌。[10]
瑪德琳的父母均為羅馬天主教徒。母親凱特麥卡恩先後就讀於安菲爾德的諸聖學校和埃弗頓谷的聖母高中,並於 1992 年畢業於鄧迪大學,獲得醫學學位。她曾短暫地進入了婦產科,然後再進入了麻醉科,最後是全科[14]。
父親格里麥卡恩於1968年出生於格拉斯哥,曾就讀於荷里路德中學,並在1989年從格拉斯哥大學畢業完成生理學/運動科學學士學位。1992 年,他獲得了醫學資格,並於 2002 年獲得了來自格拉斯哥的醫學博士學位。2005 年以來,他一直是萊斯特格倫菲爾德醫院的心臟病專家顧問[15] 。麥卡恩夫婦於 1993 年在格拉斯哥相識,並於 1998 年結婚。有三個孩子,分別是2003年出生瑪德琳和2005年出生的龍鳳胎西恩(Sean)和艾米莉(Emelie) [16]。
麥卡恩夫婦在案發當時在與七個朋友和八個孩子一起度假,其中包括瑪德琳和瑪德琳弟妹[17]。晚上20:30九位大人一般都在度假村的塔帕斯餐廳一起用餐,因此媒體將這七個大人為“塔帕斯七人” [18]。塔帕斯七人中包括菲奧娜和大衛佩恩斯,他們都是醫生,他們家庭中前往的成員包括他們的兩個孩子以及菲奧娜的母親黛安韋伯斯特。麥卡恩與佩恩斯相識多年。凱特在2000年在萊斯特綜合醫院的重症監護室工作時認識菲奧娜[19]。陪同他們的是佩恩斯最初介紹給麥卡恩家族的兩對夫婦,營銷經理簡·坦納 (Jane Tanner) 和她的合夥人、醫生拉塞爾·奧布萊恩 (Russell O'Brien),他們都帶著兩個孩子去度假,以及另一位醫生馬修·奧德菲爾德 (Matthew Oldfield)與他的妻子、律師雷切爾·奧爾德菲爾德和他們的女兒在一起。多年來,格里、拉塞爾和馬修一直在一起工作[17][18]。根據簡.唐納的報告,她曾看到一名男子從45分鐘前報導瑪德琳度假村攜帶孩子帶走失踪成為案件的最討論方面之一[20]。
公寓位于地下层,有两间卧室,属于水边村(Waterside Village)公寓群的第五栋,地处马克华纳公司旗下海洋俱乐部(Ocean Club)度假村的附近[23]。麦卡恩一家的邻居有住在5B的马修和蕾切尔·奥德菲尔德(Matthew and Rachel Oldfield)、5D的珍·坦纳和罗素·奥布莱恩(Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien),以及同栋一楼的佩恩斯和黛安·韦伯斯特(Paynes and Dianne Webster)[24]。由于处在阿戈斯蒂尼奥·达席尔瓦博士路和弗朗西斯科·让蒂尔·马丁斯博士路的交界处,外人可以从两边进入5A[25]。从客厅后方的滑动玻璃露台门可俯瞰海洋俱乐部的游泳池、网球场、小吃餐厅和酒吧,也可以前往公用的让蒂尔·马丁斯博士路,来到通往5A栋阳台及客厅的小门及台阶。5A栋的前门则位于达席尔瓦博士路海洋俱乐部街区的对面[26][27]。
上午,父母带两个孩子在度假村的儿童俱乐部(Kids' Club)玩,中午在公寓吃午饭,之后到泳池玩水[26]。下午2点29分,凯特给玛德琳拍了最后一张公开的照片,当时玛德琳与父亲及两岁的妹妹坐在泳池边[30]。之后孩子回到儿童俱乐部,当晚6点和母亲回到5A,父亲则去上网球课[26]。晚上7点左右,父母哄孩子们上床睡觉,玛德琳穿着玛莎百货的粉白相间屹耳短袖睡衣,旁边有一条安抚巾,还有毛绒玩具抱抱猫(Cuddle Cat)[31]。
凭借这个重要的发现,调查人员确认了案发时间,但苏格兰场的人认为男子抱着的是红鲱鱼[43]。2013年10月,苏格兰场将坦纳看到的男子认定为一名英国度假者,当时这位度假者回海洋俱乐部的夜间托儿所接女儿回公寓[44]。他们让度假者穿上跟当晚一样和类似的衣服,用坦纳所述的姿势站着,拍下他的照片。男子女儿所穿的睡衣和坦纳报告的一样。农庄行动(Operation Grange)首席警探、总督察安迪·雷德伍德(Andy Redwood)表示,他们“几乎可以确认”坦纳所见与绑架案无关[43][45]。
晚上10点左右,史密斯夫妇在离麦卡恩公寓500碼(460)的小学街(Rua da Escola Primária)看到一名男子离开海洋俱乐部前往4月25日街(Rua 25 de Abril)和沙滩,带着一名约莫三四岁的女孩。女孩棕色头发、白皮肤,穿着浅色睡衣,光着脚,男子30岁左右,1米75到1米8(5.7英尺到7.5英尺),身材苗条,棕色短发,穿着奶油色或米色长裤[48][49]。在麦卡恩夫妇的聘请下,奥克利国际(Oakley International)于2008年根据史密斯夫妇的证词生成男子的电脑合成影像,后来苏格兰场于2013年在英国广播公司《英国犯罪观察》上首次公开该图像[50]。
犯罪现场未收到保护。葡萄牙警方采集了玛德琳睡房的样本,把样本送去三个法医实验室验证。据司法警察总督察奥莱加里奥·德·索萨(Olegário de Sousa)表示,2007年6月1日,警方找到一位“陌生人”的DNA,但房间关门前有大约20人进入5A公寓[65][36]。凯特表示,凌晨3点有位警官在儿童房的门口贴上的胶带,之后就离开了,没有保护好现场[57]。根据司警2008年发布的文件,案发一个月后,5A一直处于闲置状态,之后于2007年8月被封锁,方便进行后续的调查搜证[22][66]。公寓外面也出现了类似的情况,一大群人聚焦在5A公寓的前门,包括儿童睡房窗户的旁边(这里极有可能是绑匪进入或离开的地方),踩踏了证据[67]。一位警察在没有戴手套或穿防护衣的情况下在窗户外面的百叶窗扫指纹[36]。
玛德琳家乡的莱斯特郡警察在同意的情况下派出特遣队,负责协调英方的行动。行动队伍由地区警察局局长马特·巴戈特率领,与葡萄牙方的调查同期进行[68]。双方组成了一个代表战术协调小组(或称金色小组),由莱斯特郡警察、嚴重及有組織犯罪調查局、儿童剥削和网络保护中心及国家警察改进署的代表组成。司法警察明面上给英方提供了一个工作房间,暗地里不满他们前来。英方习惯把资料输入到內政部大型重要查詢系統,葡方则用箱子搜集资料。另外,葡方没有英方那样的自治权,一般要等候裁判官做决定,工作效率大大降低。在安东尼·桑默斯和罗宾·斯旺的《寻找玛德琳》(Looking for Madeleine,2014)一书中,时任儿童剥削和网络保护中心主任吉姆·甘布尔表示葡萄牙觉得他们屈尊于英国这样的“殖民大国”[69]。

2010年,葡萄牙司法警察的一名官员承认他们在“媒体马戏团”的影响下,从一开始就怀疑麦卡恩一家[70]。2008年,加里向《名利场》杂志表示,他曾决定“推销”玛德琳,让她一直受到公众的关注。结果,在当地警方的极为不满、认为媒体关注会有反作用之下,一群公共关系顾问来到卢玆[21]。英国公关机构贝尔波特廷格的亚历克斯·伍尔法(Alex Woolfall)在案发前十天一直代表马克·华纳公司跟媒体打交道,之后英国政府也派了新闻官,情况前所未见[71]。
在《每日镜报》当记者的新闻官雪莉·多德(Sheree Dodd)率先抵达,之后中央信息办公室的克拉伦斯·米切尔(Clarence Mitchell)主任抵达。英方召回米切尔后,麦卡恩一家又在猎头的帮助下聘请了贾斯婷·麦吉尼斯(Justine McGuinness)。贾斯婷离开后,由首相约翰·梅杰前私人秘书查尔斯·莱文顿(Charles Lewington)持有的汉诺威通讯(Hanover Communications)进场[72][73]。2007年9月,圣母峰之窗布赖恩·肯尼迪(Brian Kennedy)提出支付米切尔的薪水,方便她回来。随后米切尔辞去公职,全职投入麦卡恩一家的工作,由玛德琳基金会支付薪水[74][75]。
玛德琳失踪12天后,34岁的英国葡萄牙裔置业顾问罗伯特·穆拉特(Robert Murat)成为案件的首位嫌疑人[85][86]。穆拉特生于西伦敦汉默史密斯,住在母亲的“莉莲娜之家”(Casa Liliana),该处距5A公寓150码(137米),就位于坦纳目击男子所走的方向[85]。《星期日镜报》一位记者跟警察说穆拉特一直在问案件的情况后,警方将他列为嫌疑人。有一段时间,穆拉特是与司法警察签约的官方口译员。穆拉特说自己之所以帮忙,是因为在英国女儿也跟玛德琳一样大[87][88]。
小吃餐厅七人组中的菲欧娜·佩恩、拉塞尔·奥布莱恩和蕾切尔·奥德费尔德表示案发后不久看到穆拉特在5A公寓外,当时公寓外还有海洋俱乐部的一位保姆和两位英国度假者。考虑到穆拉特的住所临近5A,他的出现并不奇怪,但是他说自己和母亲整晚都呆在家里[89][90]。然而,麦卡恩家的身边人仍对穆拉特持怀疑态度:其中一位支持麦卡恩一家的人告诉BBC记者理查德·比尔顿(Richard Bilton),说可以提供案件的任何最新进展,前提是比尔顿的报道需要包括新闻界对穆拉特的看法[91]。从2007年5月15日开始,警方开始搜查穆拉特的家,排空了游泳池的水,检查了他的汽车、电脑、手机及监控录像,利用金属探测器与嗅探犬搜查了他的花园,询问了他两个手下[85][92]。2008年3月,其中一位助理放火烧了穆拉特的车子,并在人行道上用红漆写上“Fala”(说话)一词[93]。由于穆拉特及其朋友与失踪事件没有联系,警方于2008年7月21日结案时解除了他的嫌疑[94]。2008年4月,穆拉特发起诽谤官司达成庭外和解,其本人获得60万欧元的赔偿金;《观察家报》表示赔偿金是英国单一诽谤官司的最大庭外和解金。穆拉特的好友各获得10万欧元赔偿[95]。2014年7月格兰赫行动期间,穆拉特的其中一位好友以目击者身份受审,审问者是苏格兰场委托的司法警察[96]。同年12月,穆拉特与妻子及其他八人受审,审问者同样是苏格兰场的代表[97]。2017年,穆拉特母亲作为当晚5A附近可疑事件的目击者发声。据她向英国广播公司表示,当晚她驾车路过5A公寓,发现一位身穿梅色上衣、举止可疑的年轻女子就在门外,之后便将相关情报告诉给警察。另外,她还看到一辆棕色的小型出租汽车在单行道上逆行,飞速驶向公寓方向[98]。
在写给司法警察的证词中,多位目击者表示案发前夕及当天有几个举止怪异的男子出现在5A公寓附近。苏格兰场推测这几个人可能会为绑架或入室盗窃进行踩点。2007年1月到5月间,当地的入室盗窃案增长近四倍,而麦卡恩一家所在的大楼案发前一周就发生了两起,犯人通过窗户入室[43][99] 。
另一个问题是玛德琳卧室窗户上的外百叶窗是否可以从外面打开。据记者丹尼·科林斯(Danny Collins)透露,这扇百叶窗由有色金属板条制作,板条收纳在窗内顶部的一个盒子里,使用时拉动皮带即可。百叶窗放下来后,上面的板条会股固定在窗外,只能用窗内的带子拉起来[114]。据凯特回忆,玛德琳被叫上床睡觉的时候,百叶窗和窗户都是关着的,但她后来发现玛德琳失踪的时候是开着的。格里告诉司法警察,刚开始他注意到玛德琳失踪的时候,他把百叶窗降了下来,之后走到窗外,发现百叶窗只能从外面升起[115]。对于这一点,葡萄牙警方表示百叶窗在没有施力的情况下无法从外面升起,所以没有强行闯入的迹象。再者,强行把百叶窗拉开会弄出很大的动静[114]。
考虑到矛盾的地方过于明显,司法警察有理由认为案件不存在绑架情况[116][117]。凯特当时大喊“他们把她抓走了”也引起一些怀疑,不禁让人觉得她是想让大家误以为有绑架案[36]。需要注意的是,从8月份开始,有关嫌疑衍生出一种说法,认为玛德琳就死在5A公寓,死因是服用过量镇静剂意外死亡。之后父母把她的尸体藏了一个月,案发三个礼拜后用一辆租来的汽车把尸体运到神秘地点抛弃[118][119]。2010年,前葡萄牙警探联盟主席卡洛斯·安乔斯(Carlos Anjos)告诉BBC《广角镜》节目,葡萄牙的警探大多认为玛德琳是在公寓里意外身亡的[120]。
2007年6月28日,麦卡恩夫妇建议司法警察求助前南非警察丹尼·克鲁格(Danie Krugel),说克鲁格发明了一种名叫“物体定位系统”的手持设备,据说可以用DNA和卫星定位找到失踪人口[36]。多年后一位科学家听闻这件事,说这种探测器是“牛皮吹破天”[121]。凯特在2011年撰写的文章中也认为克鲁格是在吹牛,但麦卡恩夫妇深信不疑。6月第二个礼拜,麦卡恩一家的英国亲戚向克鲁格送来了玛德琳的头发和睫毛。7月15日,克鲁格来到普拉亞達盧什调查,据说是用仪器在罗查内格拉(Rocha Negra)悬崖附近的沙滩找到一个“静态信号”[122][36][123]。
负责司法警察调查行动的贡萨洛·阿马拉尔督察认为凯特对克鲁格的支持是烟雾弹,目的是在不损害自身利益的情况下“找出女儿尸体的位置”(她也考虑使用灵媒)[124]。带着这个看法,司法警察向英国警方发出委托书,请求协助搜查玛德琳的尸体[36][123]。为此,英国国家警务改进局国家搜索顾问马克·哈里森(Mark Harrison)来到普拉亞達盧什,以徒步及乘坐直升机的方式调查相关地点[125]。哈里森在报告中称克鲁格的做法“非常不靠谱”,表示截至2007年7月23日,有100名警察搜查了普拉亞達盧什周边9.3英里(15)的区域;除了里斯本来的搜救队,负责调查的警察及团体的大多数人都没接受过搜索程序训练。搜索人员也用上了搜索犬,但用的时间已经是提出使用的五天后,而不是建议的两天内。哈里森建议搜索海滩及海岸线区域、村子附近的空地、罗伯特·穆拉特的房产、5A公寓、塔帕斯七人组的公寓及涉事租车。他还建议使用透地雷達,用了来自南约克郡的两条史賓格犬Keela和Eddie[126][125]。
Hair and other fibres were collected from areas in the car and apartment 5A where Keela and Eddie had given alerts, and were sent to the Forensic Science Service (FSS) in Birmingham for DNA profiling, arriving around 8 August 2007.[140] At this point, according to The Sunday Times, the PJ "abandoned the abduction theory".[36] On 8 August, without waiting for the results from Birmingham, Portuguese police called the McCanns to a meeting in Portimão, where Guilhermino Encarnação, PJ regional director, and Luis Neves, coordinator of the Direcção Central de Combate ao Banditismo in Lisbon, told them the case was now a murder inquiry.[141] When Encarnação died of stomach cancer in 2010, The Daily Telegraph identified him as a major source of the leaks against the McCanns.[142] Both the McCanns were interrogated that day; the officers suggested that Kate's memory was faulty.[141]
The FSS used a technique known as low copy number (LCN) testing. Used when only a few cells are available, the test is controversial because it is vulnerable to contamination and misinterpretation.[143] On 3 September, John Lowe of the FSS emailed Detective Superintendent Stuart Prior of the Leicestershire Police, the liaison officer between the British and Portuguese authorities. Lowe told Prior that a sample from the car boot contained fifteen out of nineteen of Madeleine's DNA components, and that the result was "too complex for meaningful interpretation":
A complex LCN [low copy number] DNA result which appeared to have originated from at least three people was obtained from cellular material recovered from the luggage compartment section ... Within the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann there are 20 DNA components represented by 19 peaks on a chart. ... Of these 19 components 15 are present within the result from this item; there are 37 components in total. There are 37 components because there are at least 3 contributors; but there could be up to five contributors. In my opinion therefore this result is too complex for meaningful interpretation/inclusion. ... [W]e cannot answer the question: Is the match genuine, or is it a chance match.[lower-alpha 1]
McCanns made arguidos
Lowe's email was translated into Portuguese on 4 September 2007. The next day, according to Kate, the PJ proposed that, if she were to admit that Madeleine had died in an accident in the apartment and that she had hidden the body, she might only serve a two-year sentence. Her husband would not be charged and would be free to leave.[146] Both parents were given arguido status on 7 September,[147] and were advised by their lawyer not to answer questions. The PJ told Gerry that Madeleine's DNA had been found in the car boot and behind the sofa in apartment 5A.[148] Gerry did respond to questions, but Kate declined to reply to 48 questions she was asked during an eleven-hour interview.[149]
The DNA evidence was a "100 percent match", journalists in Portugal were told.[150] British tabloid headlines included "Corpse in McCann Car" (London Evening Standard, 16 October 2007), while the Daily Star reported that a "clump of Maddie's hair" had been found in the car.[151] The leaks came directly from Portuguese police, according to testimony in 2012 from Jerry Lawton, a Daily Star reporter, to the Leveson Inquiry.[lower-alpha 2] Matt Baggott of the Leicestershire Police told the inquiry that, because the Portuguese were in charge of the case, he had made a decision not to correct reporters; his force's priority, he said, was to maintain a good relationship with the PJ with a view to finding Madeleine.[153]{{efn|Matt Baggott, former chief constable of Leicestershire Police (Leveson Inquiry, 28 March 2012): "[A]s a chief constable at the time, there were a number of I think very serious considerations. One for me, and the Gold Group who were running the investigation, which was a UK effort, was very much a respect for the primacy of the Portuguese investigation. We were not in the lead in relation to their investigative strategy. We were merely dealing with enquiries at the request of the Portuguese and managing the very real issues of the local dimension of media handling, so we were not in control of the detail or the facts or where that was going.
"I think the second issue was there was an issue, if I recall, of Portuguese law. Their own judicial secrecy laws. I think it would have been utterly wrong to have somehow in an off the record way have breached what was a very clear legal requirement upon the Portuguese themselves....
"There was also an issue for us of maintaining a very positive relationship with the Portuguese authorities themselves. I think this was an unprecedented inquiry in relation to Portugal. The media interest, their own reaction to that. And having a very positive relationship of confidence with the Portuguese authorities I think was a precursor to eventually and hopefully one day successfully resolving what happened to that poor child.
"So the relationship of trust and confidence would have been undermined if we had gone off the record in some way or tried to put the record straight, contrary to the way in which the Portuguese law was configured and their own leadership of that."[154][155][156]
McCanns return to the UK, Almeida report
Despite their arguido status, the McCanns were allowed to leave Portugal, and on legal advice did so immediately, arriving back in England on 9 September 2007.[157] The following day Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida of the PJ in Portimão signed a nine-page report concluding that Madeleine had died in apartment 5A as a result of an accident, that the restaurant meal and apparent regular checks on the McCann children had been part of the cover-up, that the Tapas Seven had helped to mislead the police, and that the McCanns had concealed the child's body before faking an abduction. An eleven-page document from the Information Analysis Brigade in Lisbon analysed alleged discrepancies in the McCanns' statements.[158][70] On 11 September the public prosecutor, José Cunha de Magalhães e Meneses, handed the ten-volume case file to a judge, Pedro Miguel dos Anjos Frias.[159] Meneses applied for the seizure of Kate's diary and Gerry's laptop.[160] The police also wanted to trace telephone calls between the McCanns and the Tapas Seven, and there were details in the report about the number of suitcases the McCanns and their friends had taken back to England.[161]
On 28 September 2007, according to a diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks in 2010, the United States ambassador to Portugal, Al Hoffman, wrote about a meeting he had had with the British ambassador to Portugal, Alexander Ellis, on 21 September 2007. The cable said: "Without delving into the details of the case, Ellis admitted that the British police had developed the current evidence against the McCann parents, and he stressed that authorities from both countries were working co-operatively. He commented that the media frenzy was to be expected and was acceptable as long as government officials keep their comments behind closed doors."[162]
Control Risks, a British security company—paid by an anonymous donor to assist the McCanns since 7 May 2007[163]—took hair samples from the McCann twins on 24 September 2007, at their parents' request. The twins had slept through the commotion in apartment 5A after Madeleine was reported missing; Kate wrote that she was concerned the abductor might have given the children sedatives.[164] According to the PJ files, Kate had asked them to take samples, three months after the disappearance, but they had not done so.[165] Control Risks took a sample from Kate too, to rebut allegations that she was on medication. No trace of drugs was found.[166]
- "Madeleine McCann, aged progressed to age nine" (页面存档备份,存于), Scotland Yard; Patrick Barkham, "The sad ageing of Madeleine McCann" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 25 April 2012.
- "Master of media circus for Madeleine McCann" (页面存档备份,存于), The Daily Telegraph, 24 April 2008.
- 以下連結有顯示公寓及餐廳之間的直接距離:"Kidnapping concern for missing girl in Portugal" (页面存档备份,存于), Reuters, 4 May 2007; Kate McCann, Madeleine, Bantam Press, 2011 (hardback edition), p. 54.
- Esther Addley, "Madeleine McCann: hope and persistence rewarded" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 27 April 2012: "It was, the [Portuguese] attorney general found, largely due to a catastrophic misinterpretation of the evidence collected by ... [Leicestershire police] that the Portuguese team came to suspect the McCanns in the disappearance."
- James Sturcke and agencies, "McCanns and Murat formally cleared in case of missing Madeleine" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 21 July 2008.
- Sandra Laville, "British detectives release efits of Madeleine McCann suspect" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 14 October 2013.
- For Diana comparison, Nicola Rehling, "'Touching Everyone': Media Identifications, Imagined Communities and New Media Technologies in the Case of Madeleine McCann," in Ruth Parkin-Gounelas (ed.), The Psychology and Politics of the Collective: Groups, Crowds and Mass Identifications, Routledge 2012, p. 152ff.For Twitter, Eilis O'Hanlon, "Eilis O'Hanlon: The sad rise of cyber courts full of Twittering bullies" (页面存档备份,存于), Sunday Independent (Ireland), 29 April 2012.Also see Brian Cathcart, "The Real McCann Scandal" (页面存档备份,存于), New Statesman, 23 October 2008.
- "Wednesday 23 November 2011; afternoon session" 英國政府檔案館的存檔,存档日期2014-01-22, Kate and Gerry McCann's testimony, Leveson Inquiry, from 08:40 mins; Transcript and witness statement of Gerry McCann (页面存档备份,存于) and Kate McCann (页面存档备份,存于), Leveson Inquiry.
- James Robinson, "Leveson inquiry: McCanns deliver damning two-hour testimony" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 23 November 2011.
- . 2020-06-04 [2020-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-30).
- . [2021-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2007-08-24)., PJ.
- Haroon Siddique, . [2021-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-05)., The Guardian, 1 May 2009.
- . [2021-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). , The Daily Telegraph, April 2012.
- McCann 2011,第7–10, 18–19頁.
- "Dr Gerry McCann" (页面存档备份,存于), University of Leicester. Also see Spence 2007,第1168頁.
- McCann 2011,第17, 26, 37頁.
- McCann 2011,第42頁.
- Angela Balakrishnan, "Key players in the McCann case" (页面存档备份,存于), The Guardian, 2008-04-10; "Who are the McCann tapas seven?" (页面存档备份,存于), BBC News, 2008-10-16.
- McCann 2011,第20頁.
- McCann 2011,第76頁.
- Judy Bachrach, "Unanswered Prayers" 的存檔,存档日期23 December 2020., Vanity Fair, October 2008.
- Caroline Gammell, "Madeleine McCann: Apartment was not made crime scene for two months" 的存檔,存档日期22 January 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 8 August 2008.
- Angela Balakrishnan, "The resort that was rocked one night in May" 的存檔,存档日期1 March 2017., The Guardian, 11 April 2008.
- McCann 2011,第45頁.
- DCI Andy Redwood, Crimewatch 的存檔,存档日期16 February 2016., BBC, 14 October 2013, from 00:20:02.
- Angela Balakrishnan, "What happened on the day Madeleine disappeared?" 的存檔,存档日期13 February 2017., The Guardian, 11 April 2008.
- "Searching for Madeleine" 的存檔,存档日期27 March 2015., Dispatches, Channel 4, 18 October 2007, 00:15:21.
- "Searching for Madeleine" 的存檔,存档日期27 March 2015., Dispatches, 00:06:25.
- McCann 2011,第62–64頁.
- Giles Tremlett, "McCanns release last picture of Madeleine before she vanished" 的存檔,存档日期20 December 2016., The Guardian, 25 May 2007.
For 2:29 pm: Laura Roberts, "Madeleine McCann: Kate McCann fears outfit may have led to kidnap" 的存檔,存档日期11 October 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 11 May 2011. - McCann 2011,第67, 69頁.
- McCann 2011,第69–70頁.
- For "50 metres (yards)", "Kidnapping concern for missing girl in Portugal" 的存檔,存档日期6 August 2020., Reuters, 4 May 2007.
For 60 yards as the crow flies, and a 90-yard walk, "less than a minute's walk away", Summers & Swan 2014,第12頁. Ninety yards would take a minute to walk at a speed of around three miles per hour. - McCann 2011,第56, 325頁.
- Bridget O'Donnell, "My months with Madeleine" 的存檔,存档日期12 March 2017., The Guardian, 14 December 2007.
- Smith, David James. . The Sunday Times. (原始内容存档于6 April 2016).
- "Reconstruction of Tanner sighting", "Madeleine was here", Cutting Edge, Channel 4 (UK), 10 May 2009, 4/5, 00:02:34 的存檔,存档日期6 April 2017..
- Summers & Swan 2014,第85頁.
- Caroline Gammell, "Madeleine McCann: Map 'shows where abductor was spotted'" 的存檔,存档日期21 January 2019., The Daily Telegraph, 5 August 2008.
- McCann 2011,第84頁.
- McCann 2011,第230, 273, 370頁.
- Michelle Pauli, "Is this Madeleine McCann's abductor?" 的存檔,存档日期16 September 2016., The Guardian, 26 October 2007.
Martin Hodgson, "McCanns release sketch of man seen near apartment" 的存檔,存档日期16 September 2016., The Guardian, 26 October 2007. - "Madeleine McCann: Police reveal 'pre-planned abduction' theory" 的存檔,存档日期2019-01-01., BBC News, 15 October 2013.
- Peter Walker, "Madeleine McCann inquiry shifts as sighting found to be false lead" 的存檔,存档日期13 August 2016., The Guardian, 14 October 2013; Summers & Swan 2014,第254頁.
- DCI Andy Redwood, Crimewatch, BBC, 14 October 2013, from 00:21:16 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017..
- DCI Andy Redwood, Crimewatch, BBC, 14 October 2013, from 00:23:27 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017..
"Madeleine McCann: Few people rent apartment 5A since Maddie vanished" 的存檔,存档日期17 February 2017., Irish Independent, 5 May 2012. - McCann 2011,第98頁.
- "Madeleine was here", Cutting Edge, Channel 4 (UK), 10 May 2009, 4/5, 00:05:55; Crimewatch, BBC, 14 October 2013, from 00:23:35.
- Patrick Counihan, "Irish couple key witnesses as British police launch new enquiry into Madeleine McCann case" 的存檔,存档日期3 November 2013., Irish Central, 14 October 2013.
- McCann 2011,第123頁.
- BBC Crimewatch, 14 October 2013, from 00:23:35.
- McCann 2011,第71–73頁; "Madeleine was here", Channel 4 Cutting Edge, 10 May 2009, 1/5 的存檔,存档日期30 April 2015., 00:00:45.
- McCann 2011,第74頁.
- "Searching for Madeleine" 的存檔,存档日期27 March 2015., Dispatches, Channel 4, 18 October 2007, 00:08:36; for the first search being abandoned at 4:30 am: 00:09:33.
- McCann 2011,第75–76頁.
- McCann 2011,第78頁.
- "Madeleine McCann: The evidence" 的存檔,存档日期14 April 2018., BBC News, 8 September 2007.
- Polícia Judiciária files, cited in McCann 2011,第85頁.
- "Searching for Madeleine", Dispatches, Channel 4, 18 October 2007, 00:20:20.
- Steven Morris, "Q&A: Madeleine McCann" 的存檔,存档日期14 March 2022., The Guardian, 8 May 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第237–328頁.
- Richard Edwards and Fiona Govan, "Maddy police ignored vital CCTV", The Daily Telegraph 19 May 2007.
- "Madeleine evidence 'may be lost'" 的存檔,存档日期18 July 2007., BBC News, 17 June 2007.
- Richard Edwards, "The 15 key blunders", The Daily Telegraph, 2 June 2007.
- Collins 2008,第xxxi–xxxii頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第48–49頁; "Profile: Matt Baggott" 的存檔,存档日期3 March 2017., BBC News, 11 August 2009.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第48–49頁.
- Fiona Govan, "Madeleine McCann's death 'covered up by parents who faked kidnap', court hears" 的存檔,存档日期1 November 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 12 January 2010.
- "Madeleine McCann: A Global Obsession", Channel 5 (UK), 18 November 2014, 00:15:48 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017..
- Ben Dowell, "McCanns' PR steps down" 的存檔,存档日期15 August 2016., The Guardian, 13 September 2007.
Hannah Marriott, "Hanover calls time on McCanns" 的存檔,存档日期4 March 2017., PR Week, 21 November 2007; David Quainton, "McCanns still fine-tuning PR" 的存檔,存档日期4 March 2017., PR Week, 19 September 2007. - Giles Tremlett, "With prejudice" 的存檔,存档日期15 August 2016., The Guardian, 17 September 2007.
- "Master of media circus for Madeleine McCann" 的存檔,存档日期4 May 2019., The Daily Telegraph, 24 April 2008.
- McCann 2011,第148, 268頁.
Cole Morton, "Clarence Mitchell: 'I am a decent human being. If I can help them, I will'" 的存檔,存档日期25 June 2017., The Independent on Sunday, 1 March 2009. - "Madeleine McCann: A Global Obsession", Channel 5 (UK), 18 November 2014, 00:20:58 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017..
- Giles Tremlett and Brendan de Beer, "Parents of Madeleine to visit Pope in bid to spread hunt across Europe" 的存檔,存档日期4 March 2017., The Guardian, 28 May 2007.
- McCann 2011,第178ff頁; Fiona Govan, "Smiles as children greet McCanns in Morocco" 的存檔,存档日期11 October 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 12 June 2007.
- "Balloons Soar for Missing British Girl" 的存檔,存档日期5 March 2017., Associated Press, 22 June 2007.
- India Knight, "Lay off the McCanns", The Times, 3 June 2007.
Kirsty Wark, "Madeleine and the media" 的存檔,存档日期7 March 2017., BBC News, 21 August 2007.
Janice Turner, "Face it: we need the McCanns to be guilty" 的存檔,存档日期4 March 2017., The Times, 15 September 2007.{pb} Matthew Paris, interviewed for "Madeleine McCann: A Global Obsession", Channel 5 (UK), 18 November 2014, 00:19:07 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017.. - Rehling 2012,第153頁.
- Jonathan Freedland, "Madeleine: a grimly compelling story that will end badly for us all" 的存檔,存档日期16 February 2017., The Guardian, 12 September 2007.
- Machado & Prainsack 2016,第52–53頁.
- Kennedy 2010,第225, 227頁.
- Giles Tremlett, "Madeleine disappearance: Briton's villa searched and three questioned by police" 的存檔,存档日期24 February 2017., The Guardian, 15 May 2007.
- "Mild-mannered father who became first one accused" 的存檔,存档日期1 March 2017., Press Association, 1 May 2008.
"Murat addresses Cambridge Union" 的存檔,存档日期13 December 2014., BBC News, 5 March 2009.
"Robert Murat holds Cambridge Union spellbound in tabloids debate" 的存檔,存档日期2 December 2013., University of Cambridge, 6 March 2009. - David James Smith, Steven Swinford and Richard Woods, "Victims of the rumour mill?", The Sunday Times, 9 September 2007.
- "Profile: Robert Murat" 的存檔,存档日期22 December 2016., BBC News, 21 July 2008.
- McCann 2011,第134–136頁; Summers & Swan 2014,第89頁; Haroon Siddique, "McCann friends confront Madeleine suspect" 的存檔,存档日期14 March 2022., The Guardian, 13 July 2007.
- Gordon Rayner, "Madeleine witnesses cast doubt on Murat's alibi" 的存檔,存档日期3 July 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 31 December 2007.
- Richard Bilton, "Madeleine McCann: 10 Years On", Panorama, BBC, 3 May 2017, 00:29:09.
- "Russian denies links to Madeleine" 的存檔,存档日期25 October 2013., BBC News, 17 May 2007.
"New Madeleine search draws blank" 的存檔,存档日期17 October 2007., BBC News, 6 August 2007. - Summers & Swan 2014,第89頁; "Murat friend quizzed over Madeleine finds car torched—and the word 'speak' scrawled beside it" 的存檔,存档日期8 March 2019., London Evening Standard, 21 March 2008.
- Rozina Sabur, "Key eyewitness says she saw young woman acting 'suspiciously' on night Madeleine McCann disappeared" 的存檔,存档日期30 December 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 3 May 2017.
- Collins 2008,第202–203頁; Summers & Swan 2014,第57–59頁.
- DCI Andy Redwood, Crimewatch, BBC, 14 October 2013, from 00:30:45 的存檔,存档日期2017-04-05..
- Summers & Swan 2014,第58頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第58–59頁.
- McCann 2011,第373頁.
- McCann 2011,第469–473頁; "'Very ugly' new Madeleine suspect" 的存檔,存档日期2013-10-15., BBC News, 6 May 2009; "Madeleine was here 的存檔,存档日期2017-04-06.", Cutting Edge, Channel 4, 10 May 2009, 3/5, 00:03:30; for the white van: 00:05:58.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第287–288頁; McCann 2011,第375頁.
- BBC Crimewatch, 14 October 2013, 00:24:45.
- Richard Edwards, "We're good parents not suspects, say McCanns" 的存檔,存档日期11 October 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 7 June 2007.
José Manuel Oliveira, Paula Martinheira, "PJ teme que pista marroquina de Madeleine resulte em nada" 的存檔,存档日期7 March 2019., Diario de Noticias, 7 June 2007. - McCann 2011,第189頁.
- Felicia Cabrita and Margarida Davim, "The Madeleine Case: A Pact of Silence", Sol, 30 June 2007; Summers & Swan 2014,第136–137頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第136頁.
- Witness statements, Gerry McCann, Polícia Judiciária, Portimão, 4 May 2007 and 10 May 2007.
- Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida, Polícia Judiciária, report to the coordinator of the investigation, 10 September 2007, Polícia Judiciária files, vol X, 2587–2602.
- Collins 2008,第211–212頁.
- Witness statement, Gerry McCann, Polícia Judiciária, Portimão, 10 May 2007; McCann 2011,第73頁.
- David Brown, "Puzzles and mysteries at the very heart of the investigation" 的存檔,存档日期23 February 2017., The Times, 10 September 2007.
- Collins 2008,第208–212頁.
- Victoria Burnett, "As a Child Disappears, Old Headlines Howl Again" 的存檔,存档日期13 February 2017., The New York Times, 18 September 2007.
- Richard Bilton, "Madeleine: The Last Hope?" 的存檔,存档日期13 February 2017., BBC Panorama, 25 April 2012, 00:14:33.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第140頁. Also see Ben Goldacre, "After Madeleine, why not Bin Laden?" 的存檔,存档日期23 February 2017., The Guardian, 13 October 2007.
- McCann 2011,第186–187, 197, 199頁.
- Mark Townsend and Ned Temko, "Forensic DNA tests 'reveal traces of Madeleine's body on resort beach'" 的存檔,存档日期22 February 2017., The Guardian, 7 October 2007.
- Gonçalo Amaral, quoted in Summers & Swan 2014,第141頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第141–142頁.
- "Judge admits Madeleine's case was at a 'dead end' in December –but it took another 7 months to clear McCanns" 的存檔,存档日期2 July 2017., London Evening Standard, 12 August 2008.
- Brendan McDaid, "Top sniffer dog to join Maddy search" 的存檔,存档日期21 October 2014., Belfast Telegraph, 8 August 2007.
For information on Keela: . South Yorkshire Police. (原始内容存档于14 January 2008). - Summers & Swan 2014,第147–148頁.
- Keela and Eddie in 5A 的存檔,存档日期6 April 2017.; In the car park and 5A 的存檔,存档日期5 April 2017., Polícia Judiciária, August 2007, released 11 August 2008, courtesy of YouTube.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第149頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第149–150頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第150–152頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第150頁.
- Caroline Gammell, "Madeleine McCann's parents look to US sniffer dog case" 的存檔,存档日期12 November 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 17 August 2007.
- McCann 2011,第241頁; Summers & Swan 2014,第152頁
- Summers & Swan 2014,第152–153頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第153頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第153頁; Andrew Alderson and Tom Harper, "The allegations facing the McCanns" 的存檔,存档日期12 November 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 9 September 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第154–156頁.
- Sandra Laville, "UK lab to test blood found in Madeleine room" 的存檔,存档日期14 March 2022., The Guardian, 7 August 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第158頁.
- Machado and Santos 2011 的存檔,存档日期7 March 2019., 312–313; for background, see "Low Copy Number DNA testing in the Criminal Justice System" 的存檔,存档日期28 June 2013., Crown Prosecution Service, cps.gov.uk.
- John Lowe, Forensic Science Service, Birmingham, email to Detective Superintendent Stuart Prior, Leicestershire police, 3 September 2007, released 4 August 2008.
- James Orr, Brendan de Beer and agencies, "UK police warned on DNA evidence before McCanns became suspects" 的存檔,存档日期16 September 2016., The Guardian, 4 August 2008; McCann 2011,第331頁.
- McCann 2011,第243頁.
- James Sturcke and James Orr, "Kate McCann 'fears Madeleine killing charge over blood traces in car'" 的存檔,存档日期7 March 2022., The Guardian, 7 September 2007.
- Caroline Gammell, "Madeleine McCann: Portuguese detectives lied to Gerry McCann about DNA evidence" 的存檔,存档日期31 December 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 4 August 2008.
- "The questions put to Kate McCann" 的存檔,存档日期15 February 2009., BBC News, 6 August 2008; McCann 2011,第248頁.
- Gordon Rayner, Caroline Gammell and Nick Britten, "Madeleine McCann DNA 'an accurate match'" 的存檔,存档日期26 December 2017., The Daily Telegraph, 12 September 2007.
- "Searching for Madeleine", Dispatches, Channel 4, 18 October 2007, 00:41:10; for the Evening Standard, Goc 2009,第39頁.
- Lawton 2012,第85–89頁.
- Lisa O'Carroll, "Leveson inquiry: ex-police chief defends not preventing false McCann DNA reports" 的存檔,存档日期16 September 2016., The Guardian, 28 March 2012.
- (PDF). Leveson Inquiry: afternoon hearing, 68–71; also see 76–83. 28 March 2012. 原始内容存档于21 October 2012.
- . Leveson Inquiry: afternoon hearing (video), from 104:38 and 115:22. 28 March 2012. 原始内容存档于17 October 2013.
- (PDF). Leveson Inquiry: question 50, 22–25. 原始内容存档于21 October 2012.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第170頁; "Madeleine parents back in Britain" 的存檔,存档日期12 January 2009., BBC News, 9 September 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第172–173頁.
- Caroline Gammell, "Madeleine judge is known as a tough character" 的存檔,存档日期11 October 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 12 September 2007.
- Caroline Gammell, "Police seek McCanns' laptop to read emails" 的存檔,存档日期11 October 2018., The Daily Telegraph, 12 September 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第173頁.
- Ben Quinn, "WikiLeaks cables: UK police 'developed' evidence against McCanns" 的存檔,存档日期23 February 2017., The Guardian, 13 December 2010.
For the date of the meeting, "US embassy cables: British police 'developed evidence' against McCanns, Washington told " 的存檔,存档日期23 February 2017., The Guardian, 13 December 2010. - David Brown and Patrick Foster, "Private security team hired by Kate and Gerry McCann for secret investigation", The Times, 24 September 2007.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第213–214頁; McCann 2011,第213–214頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第165頁.
- Summers & Swan 2014,第213–214頁; Fiona Govan, "Madeleine McCann's mother takes drug test", The Daily Telegraph, 23 November 2007.
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- Find Madeleine (页面存档备份,存于), investigation@findmadeleine.com
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- The email from John Lowe (Forensic Science Service, 3 September 2007) continued: "The individual components in Madeleine's profile are not unique to her; it is the specific combination of 19 components that makes her profile unique above all others. Elements of Madeleine's profile are also present within the profiles of many of the scientists here in Birmingham, myself included. It's important to stress that 50% of Madeleine's profile will be shared with each parent. It is not possible, in a mixture of more than two people, to determine or evaluate which specific DNA components pair with each other. ... Therefore, we cannot answer the question: Is the match genuine, or is it a chance match."[144][145]
- Jerry Lawton, Daily Star (Leveson Inquiry, 19 March 2012): "Portuguese police leaked in briefings in Portugal to their journalists that the forensic test results positively showed that Madeleine had been in or linked her to the hire car that her parents didn't hire until three or four weeks after she'd disappeared, and that story became a—created a sea change, without overusing that word, in the way the story has been looked at.
"Those forensic test results became a bone of contention between the UK and the Portuguese police. I was present when a Portuguese team of forensic experts and detectives arrived in Leicester to discuss these results. Of course, they'd already leaked a version of the results. Leicestershire police presumably knew—although it turns out obviously that those test results did not prove that and that the Portuguese police had somehow misinterpreted these results. I just felt that had this been—that Leicestershire police could have briefed, off the record, even unreportable, that the Portuguese police had misinterpreted those DNA results. ...
"Every time you rang Leicestershire police on that inquiry—and it was a lot, from every media organisation—you were told: 'It's a Portuguese police inquiry. You'll have to contact the Portuguese police.' And of course, they were fully aware that the Portuguese police had judicial secrecy laws and they wouldn't talk about the case."[152]