BBC年度風雲人物(英語:BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award),是一個在每年12月於BBC年度風雲人物頒獎典禮中頒發的獎項。得主是一名被公眾投票選為年度最出色得運動員,而且一定是英國人或在英國參與運動。在每年的11月,一個由30名體育記者組成的小組會定出獎項的最後10強,在12月初公佈。2023年的得獎者是英国足球选手玛丽·厄普斯。

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- . BBC. December 2007 [2008-12-23]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05).
- Prosser, Michael. . Media Wales. 2007-12-20 [2009-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-05).
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- . The Times. 1957-12-12: 15.
- . The Scotsman. 2008-12-13 [2009-01-14].
- . Radio Times. [2009-01-15].
- Davies, Gareth A. . The Daily Telegraph. 2008-12-11 [2009-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-16).
- Hayes, Alex. . The Independent. 1998-12-13 [2009-06-07].
- . BBC Sport.
- . The Observer. 2001-12-02 [2009-02-13].
- Gillon, Doug. . The Herald. 2008-10-13 [2009-02-13].
- Gallagher, Brendan. . The Daily Telegraph. 2007-08-03 [2009-01-15].
- Griffiths, Danny. . Metro. 2009-02-12 [2009-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-04).
- Viner, Brian. . The Independent. 2003-12-13 [2009-02-13].
- Keating, Frank. . The Guardian. 2008-10-14 [2009-02-13].
- . Birmingham Post. 1969-12-12: 27.
- . Leicester Mercury. 1970-12-17: 28.
- Corrigan, Peter. . The Independent. 2003-12-14 [2009-02-24].
- Hubbard, Alan. . The Independent. 2000-12-10 [2009-06-07].
- Pattullo, Alan; McGill, Jim. . The Scotsman. 2008-12-16 [2009-06-05].
- Davies, Gareth A. . The Daily Telegraph. 2007-08-21 [2009-06-07].
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- Hookham, Richard. . Metro. 2008-12-16 [2009-06-05].
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- Stevenson, Sandra. . The Independent. 2004-02-14 [2009-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-21).
- Philip, Robert. . The Daily Telegraph. 2007-12-05 [2009-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-08-31).
- Jackson, Jamie. . The Observer. 2003-03-02 [2009-06-07].
- Wilson, Jeremy. . The Daily Telegraph. 2009-04-16 [2009-06-07].
- Stewart, Rob. . The Daily Telegraph. 2008-02-14 [2009-06-05].
- . The Independent (Independent News & Media). 1992-12-14 [2009-06-05].
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- Viner, Brian. . The Independent. 2008-12-13 [2009-06-05].
- Rowbottom, Mike. . The Independent. 2000-12-19 [2009-06-05].
- Hayes, Alex. . The Independent. 1999-07-11 [2009-06-07].
- Reade, Brian. . The Mirror. 1997-12-19.
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- Gray, Chris. . The Independent. Independent News & Media. 2000-12-11 [2009-06-05].
- Mott, Sue. . The Daily Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. 2001-12-10 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-19).
- Knight, Tom. . The Daily Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. 2002-12-09 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-11).
- Leach, Conrad. . The Independent. Independent News & Media. 2003-12-15 [2009-06-05].
- Rowbottom, Mike. . The Independent. Independent News & Media. 2004-12-13 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-31).
- Fraser, Angus. . The Independent. Independent News & Media. 2005-12-12 [2009-06-05].
- Corrigan, James. . The Independent. Independent News & Media. 2006-12-11 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-19).
- Bolton, Paul. . The Daily Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. 2007-12-10 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-11).
- Kelso, Paul. . The Daily Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. 2008-12-14 [2009-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-11).
- Giggs, Ryan. . BBC Sport. 2009-12-13 [2009-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-12).
- McCoy, AP. . BBC. 2010-12-19 [2010-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-20).
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