聖公會 | |
Episcopal Church | |
![]() | |
各級教務首長 | |
首長職銜 | 美国圣公会主席主教 |
主教長 | 孔茂功 |
地理位置 | |
總部 | ![]() |
管轄範圍 | 美國、臺灣、密克羅尼西亞、中美洲、南美洲、加勒比地區、歐洲 |
歷史資料 | |
創設時間 | 1785年 |
網址 | 美國聖公會官方網站 |
聖公宗主題頁 |

美国圣公会保持了圣公会的神学认识和宗教传统,以聖經、基督傳統、理性共同作為聖公會的信仰根基[4],自我描述為是“遵循大公教会传统的新教派别”(Protestant, yet Catholic)[5]。聖公會繼承了使徒統緒,認定其主教的按立源自於使徒時代的聖秩聖事。公禱書是聖公會共用的禮儀書,同時也是普世聖公宗和各成員教會的法典。
美國聖公會現任首席主教為孔茂功(又譯:麥可·柯里)。孔茂功原任北卡羅萊納教區主教區(Diocese of North Carolina),他在2015年6月25至7月3日期間於美國猶他州鹽湖城召開的美國聖公會第78屆全國大會(General Convention)上,獲選接替蕭寬寧(Katharine Jefferts Schori)成為美國聖公會第27任首席主教,亦是美國聖公會首位非裔首席主教。
该会目前分为110个教区,分布在美国本土,以及哥伦比亚、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、海地、洪都拉斯、波多黎各、台湾、委内瑞拉、维尔京群岛和欧洲。[8] 这些教区组成9个教省,每个教省有一个大会(Synod),但无权管理下属教区。

- Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut
- Bexley Hall Seabury Western Theological Seminary Federation:
- Bexley Hall, Bexley, Ohio
- Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois
- Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, California
- 聖公會總會神學院 , New York City
- Nashotah House , Nashotah, Wisconsin
- School of Theology at The University of the South , Sewanee, Tennessee
- Seminary of the Southwest , Austin, Texas
- Trinity School for Ministry , Ambridge, Pennsylvania
- 維吉尼亞神學院 , Alexandria, Virginia
2007年,美国圣公会受洗信徒的人数为2,154,572人,较2006年人数2,205,376人下降4.15% [12][13]。
虽然人数下降是近年来许多主流教派(Oldline Protestant)普遍面临的问题[14],不过仅在2003年到2005年,美国圣公会就流失了115,000名信徒,大多是因为按立公开的男同志罗宾逊担任新罕布什尔主教事件而另行成立北美聖公會而減少[15]。
1835年,美国圣公会决定到中国传教,Henry Lockwood 和 Francis R. Hanson 无法留在广州,改去爪哇。1841年文惠廉(William Jones Boone)到澳门,1842年迁到厦门,1845年7月17日,到达上海。主要在中国中部长江流域传教。1912年加入中華聖公會。

- edited by F. L. Cross.; F. L. Cross (Editor), E. A. Livingstone (Editor). . USA: Oxford University Press. 13 March 1997: 554. ISBN 0-19-211655-X.
- . The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press. 2001-05 [2007-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05).
- . Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. [2007-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-07-27).
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- . Episcopalchurch.org. [2008-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-12).
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- Anglicans suspend Episcopal Church over same-sex marriage (页面存档备份,存于),Daniel Burke,CNN,2016
- . [2008-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-06).
- What's Happening at 815? 的存檔,存档日期2008-07-09.
- . [2017-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-03).
We wish clearly to affirm that our position as a church is to welcome all persons, particularly those perceived to be the least among us. We wish to reaffirm to our lesbian and gay members that they remain a welcome and integral part of the Episcopal Church.
- . huffington post. 2012 [2017-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-20).
- Dart, John. . The Christian Century. 2006-11-14 [2008-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-30).
- From 2005 Parochial Reports. Source: The General Convention Office as of January 2007 的存檔,存档日期2008-11-13. Retrieved October 25, 2007
- Mainline Protestant churches no longer dominate 的存檔,存档日期2007-12-31.
- "Episcopal membership loss 'precipitous'" (页面存档备份,存于), The Christian Century, November 14, 2006, retrieved 2007-10-27
- Adams, Elizabeth. . Brooklyn, New York: Soft Skull Press. 2006. ISBN 978-1-933368-22-1.
- Baltzell, E. Digby. . New York: Random House. 1964.
- Bourgeois, Michael. . Studies in Anglican History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 2004. ISBN 978-0-252-02877-9.
- Butler, Diana Hochstedt. . Religion in America. New York: Oxford University Press. 1995. ISBN 978-0-19-508542-6.
- Bell, James B. . Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. ISBN 978-0-230-54297-6.
- Clark, Jennifer.
. Journal of Religious History. 1994, 18 (1): 27–51. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9809.1994.tb00225.x.
- Davidson, James D.; Pyle, Ralph E.; Reyes, David V.
. Social Forces. 1995, 74 (1): 157–175. JSTOR 2580627. doi:10.1093/sf/74.1.157.
- Douglas, Ian T. . Roozen, David A.; Nieman, James R. (编). . Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2005: 188–197. ISBN 978-0-8028-2819-4.
- Frum, David. . New York City: Basic Books. 2000. ISBN 978-0-465-04195-4.
- Hacker, Andrew.
. American Political Science Review. 1957, 51 (4): 1009–1026. JSTOR 1952449. doi:10.2307/1952449.
- Hein, David; Shattuck, Gardiner H, Jr. . New York: Church Publishing. 2004. ISBN 978-0-89869-497-0.
- Mason, Lockert B. . Anglican and Episcopal History. 1990, 59 (3): 345–365. JSTOR 42610426.
- Piepkorn, Arthur Carl. . New York: Harper & Row. 1977. ISBN 978-0-06-066580-7.
- Podmore, Colin. . International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church. 2008, 8 (2): 124–154. doi:10.1080/14742250801930822.
- Reeder, Kathleen E. . Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2006, 40 (2): 125–171.
- Swatos, William H, Jr. . Roozen, David A.; Nieman, James R. (编). . Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2005: 198–226. ISBN 978-0-8028-2819-4.
- Sydnor, William. . Morehouse Publishing. 1980. ISBN 978-0-8192-1279-5.
- Williams, Peter W. . Anglican and Episcopal History. 2006, 75 (2): 170–223. JSTOR 42612970.
- Zahl, Paul F. M. . Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1998. ISBN 978-0-8028-4597-9.
- Anglican & Episcopal History—The Journal of the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church (articles, church reviews, and book reviews).
- Articles on leading Episcopalians, both lay (e.g., George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frances Perkins) and ordained, in American National Biography. (1999). Edited by John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. Also 100 biographical articles in Hein and Shattuck, The Episcopalians: see below.
- A Brief History of the Episcopal Church. Holmes, David L. (1993). Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International.
- A Dictionary for Episcopalians. Wall, John N. (2000). Boston, MA: Cowley Publications.
- Documents of Witness: A History of the Episcopal Church, 1782–1985. Armentrout, Don S., & Slocum, Robert Boak. (1994). New York: Church Hymnal Corporation.
- Readings from the History of the Episcopal Church. Prichard, Robert W. (Ed.). (1986). Wilton, CT: Morehouse-Barlow.
- The Episcopal Clerical Directory. New York: Church Publishing.
- An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church: A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians. Armentrout, Don S., & Slocum, Robert Boak. (Eds.). ([1999]). New York: Church Publishing Incorporated.
- About the Concordat: 28 Questions about the Agreement between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Church of America [i.e. the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America], prepared by the Ecumenical Relations Office of the Episcopal Church. Cincinnati, Ohio: Forward Movement Publications, [1997?]. 43 p. Without ISBN
- A Commentary on [the Episcopal Church/Evangelical Lutheran Church in America] Concordat of Agreement, ed. by James E. Griffes and Daniel Martensen. Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg-Fortress; Cincinnati, Ohio: Forward Movement Publications, 1994. 159 p. ISBN 0-8066-2690-9
- Concordat of Agreement [between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America]: Supporting Essays, ed. by Daniel F. Martensen. Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg-Fortress; Cincinnati, Ohio: Forward Movement Publications, 1995. 234 p. ISBN 0-8066-2667-4
- Seltser, Barry Jay. . Commonweal. 19 May 2006, 133 (10) [December 19, 2006]. (原始内容存档于20 October 2007).
只需其一 (帮助) An essay on Hooker and the present discontents. - The History of the Episcopal Church in America, 1607–1991: A Bibliography. Caldwell, Sandra M., & Caldwell, Ronald J. (1993). New York: Garland Publishing.
- Shattuck, Gardiner H, Jr. . Religion in the South. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 2000. ISBN 978-0-8131-2149-9.
- Jamestown Commitment: the Episcopal Church [i.e. the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.] and the American Indian, by Owanah Anderson. Cincinnati, Ohio: Forward Movement Publications (1988). 170 p. ISBN 0-88028-082-4
- Mullin, Robert Bruce. "Trends in the Study of the History of the Episcopal Church," Anglican and Episcopal History, June 2003, Vol. 72 Issue 2, pp 153–165, historiography
- New Georgia Encyclopedia article on the Episcopal Church in the U.S. South (页面存档备份,存于)
- "The Forgotten Evangelicals: Virginia Episcopalians, 1790–1876". Waukechon, John Frank. Dissertation Abstracts International, 2001, Vol. 61, Issue 8, pp. 3322–3322.
- Tarter, Brent. . Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. 2004, 112 (4): 338–371. JSTOR 4250211. doi:10.2307/4250211.
- Noble Powell and the Episcopal Establishment in the Twentieth Century. Hein, David. (2001, 2007). Urbana: University of Illinois Press; paperback reprint, Eugene, Ore.: Wipf & Stock.
- Rewriting History: Scapegoating the Episcopal Church (页面存档备份,存于). Savitri Hensman. Ekklesia. 2007.
- 官方网站
(Episcopal Church)
- Profile of the Episcopal Church on the Association of Religion Data Archives website (页面存档备份,存于)
- Archives of the Episcopal Church (页面存档备份,存于)
- Church Publishing (页面存档备份,存于)