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企業家伊隆·馬斯克及其所屬的SpaceX公司於2012年重新提出新構想,Hyperloop原預定在美國建造,有感於北加州高速鐵路的工程緩慢,且造價昂貴。超迴路列車白皮書(Hyperloop Alpha)初步概念設計由Tesla及SpaceX二公司的工程師共同完成,而其設計文件最初是發佈在Tesla and SpaceX公司的部落格上,並最終在2013年8月向大眾公開。此版本的Hyperloop被稱之為Hyperloop alpha,其中記載了僅供載客的版本造價為60億美元,而能同時提供載客和車輛運輸的版本造價則為75億美元,也就是指說只有高速鐵路的十分之一。多位運輸工程師在2013年對規劃中的加州路線預算提出質疑,評估建設的規模和科技的不確定風險後,質疑者認為預算總金額過低且不切實際。超迴路列車在技術和經濟上的可行性並未有前例可實證,且仍有許多爭論[5][6][7][8]。
於1799年真空管道高速交通此構想首次被提出,在1904年由伍斯特理工學院的一年級生羅伯特·戈達德發明 [10]。
馬斯克於2012年7月在加利福尼亞州聖塔莫尼卡舉行的 PandoDaily 活動中,首次提到他正在構想“第五種交通方式”,其稱之為 Hyperloop。此高速運輸方式具有以下特點:不受天氣影響、不會有碰撞事件產生、速度是飛機的兩倍、低功耗以及可供 24 小時運行的儲能系統。 [11] 選擇Hyperloop這個名字是因為它會循環運行。馬斯克推測經過改善,之後將能夠以高超音速行駛 [12]。 2013年5月,馬斯克將他的 Hyperloop 比作“協和飛機、軌道炮和氣墊球桌之間的交叉點” [13]。
從2012年底到2013年8月,來自特斯拉和 SpaceX 的一組工程師致力於為馬斯克的Hyperloop進行概念建模 [14]。 Tesla和SpaceX的部落格中發布了一個早期的系統概念模型,該模型描述了Hyperloop系統的可行設計、功能、路徑和成本 [3] [15]。 根據設計,吊艙將使用線性電動機逐漸加速至巡航速度,並透過高架橋或是地下隧道的形式在空氣軸承的軌道上滑行,以避免平交道口此潛在危險。一個理想的超級高鐵系統將比現有的大眾運輸方式更節能、更安靜、更自主 [16] [17]。 馬斯克還接受反饋,“看看人們是否能找到改進它的方法”。 Hyperloop Alpha 首先被推出作為開源設計 [18]。 2017年4月4日,SpaceX 獲得了“HYPERLOOP”的商標,其適用於“貨物高速運輸隧道” [19] [20]。
2015年6月,SpaceX 宣布將在霍桑建造一條1英里長(1.6 公里)的測試軌道。軌道已完成並用於測試比賽中第三方提供的吊艙設計。 [21] [22] 到2015年11月,隨著多家商業公司和數十個學生團隊致力於開發 Hyperloop 技術,《華爾街日報》報導,正如其一些非附屬成員所稱的那樣,“Hyperloop活動”的風氣已盛況空前 [23]。
麻省理工學院Hyperloop團隊開發了第一個Hyperloop吊艙原型,他們於2016年5月13日在麻省理工博物館揭幕。設計理念為使用電動懸架進行懸浮和渦流剎車。 [24] 2017 年1月29日,大約在Hyperloop吊艙競賽第一階段的一年後,麻省理工學院Hyperloop吊艙展示了世界上第一次低壓Hyperloop運行 [25]。
2020年11月,Virgin Hyperloop 與該公司的兩名員工成功地執行首次使用Hyperloop技術的乘客測試,最高時速達到172公里/小時(107英里/小時) [26]。
- 超迴路列車運輸艙示意圖:前方為空氣壓縮機,乘客座位部分位於中段,後方裝有蓄電池,底部則為空氣軸承
- 超迴路列車土建工程的3D示意圖。鋼製的管道在圖片中以透明色表現
The vactrain concept resembles a high-speed rail system without substantial air resistance by employing magnetically levitating trains in evacuated (airless) or partly evacuated tubes. However, the difficulty of maintaining a vacuum over large distances has prevented this type of system from ever being built. The hyperloop is similar to a vactrain system but operates at approximately one毫巴(100帕斯卡) of pressure.[27]
The hyperloop concept operates by sending specially designed "capsules" or "pods" through a steel tube maintained at a partial vacuum. In Musk's original concept, each capsule would float on a 0.02—0.05英寸(0.5—1.3 mm) layer of air provided under pressure to air-caster "skis", similar to how pucks are levitated above an air hockey table, while still allowing higher speeds than wheels can sustain. With rolling resistance eliminated and air resistance greatly reduced, the capsules can glide for the bulk of the journey. In the alpha design concept, an electrically driven inlet fan and axial compressor would be placed at the nose of the capsule to "actively transfer high-pressure air from the front to the rear of the vessel", resolving the problem of air pressure building in front of the vehicle, slowing it down. A fraction of the air was to be shunted to the skis for additional pressure, augmenting that gain passively from lift due to their shape.[3]
In the alpha-level concept, passenger-only pods were to be 7英尺4英寸(2.23米) in diameter and were projected to reach a top speed of 760 mph(1,220 km/h) to maintain aerodynamic efficiency.[3] (Section 4.4) The design proposed passengers experience a maximum inertial acceleration of 0.5 g, about 2 or 3 times that of a commercial airliner on takeoff and landing.

A number of routes have been proposed for hyperloop systems that meet the approximate distance conditions for which a hyperloop is hypothesized to provide improved transport times (distances of under approximately 1,500(930英里)).[28] Route proposals range from speculation described in company releases to business cases to signed agreements.

The route suggested in the 2013 alpha-level design document was from the Greater Los Angeles Area to the San Francisco Bay Area. That conceptual system would begin around Sylmar, just south of the Tejon Pass, follow Interstate 5 to the north, and arrive near Hayward on the east side of San Francisco Bay. Several proposed branches were also shown in the design document, including Sacramento, Anaheim, San Diego, and Las Vegas.[3]
No work has been done on the route proposed in Musk's alpha-design; one cited reason is that it would terminate on the fringes of the two major metropolitan areas (Los Angeles and San Francisco), resulting in significant cost savings in construction, but requiring that passengers traveling to and from Downtown Los Angeles and San Francisco, and any other community beyond Sylmar and Hayward, to transfer to another transportation mode in order to reach their final destination. This would significantly lengthen the total travel time to those destinations.[8]
A similar problem already affects present-day air travel, where on short routes (like LAX–SFO) the flight time is only a rather small part of door to door travel time. Critics have argued that this would significantly reduce the proposed cost and/or time savings of hyperloop as compared to the California High-Speed Rail project that will serve downtown stations in both San Francisco and Los Angeles.[29][30][31] Passengers traveling from financial center to financial center are estimated to save about two hours by taking the Hyperloop instead of driving the whole distance.[32]
Others questioned the cost projections for the suggested California route. Some transportation engineers argued in 2013 that they found the alpha-level design cost estimates unrealistically low given the scale of construction and reliance on unproven technology. The technological and economic feasibility of the idea is unproven and a subject of significant debate.[5][6][7][8]
In November 2017, Arrivo announced a concept for a maglev automobile transport system from Aurora, Colorado to Denver International Airport, the first leg of a system from downtown Denver.[33] Its contract described potential completion of a first leg in 2021. In February 2018, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies announced a similar plan for a loop connecting Chicago and Cleveland and a loop connecting Washington and New York City.[34]
In 2018 the Missouri Hyperloop Coalition was formed between Virgin Hyperloop One, the University of Missouri, and engineering firm Black & Veatch to study a proposed route connecting St. Louis, Columbia, and Kansas City.[35][36]
On 19 December 2018, Elon Musk unveiled a 2-英里(3 km) tunnel below Los Angeles. In the presentation, a Tesla Model X drove in a tunnel on the predefined track (rather than in a low-pressure tube). According to Musk the costs for the system are 10 million美元.[37] Musk said: "The Loop is a stepping stone toward hyperloop. The Loop is for transport within a city. Hyperloop is for transport between cities, and that would go much faster than 150 mph."[38]
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, or NOACA, partnered with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies to conduct a $1.3 million feasibility study for developing a hyperloop corridor route from Chicago to Cleveland and Pittsburgh for America's first multistate hyperloop system in the Great Lakes Megaregion. Hundreds of thousands of dollars already have been committed to the project. NOACA's Board of Directors has awarded a $550,029 contract to Transportation Economics & Management Systems, Inc. (TEMS) for the Great Lakes Hyperloop Feasibility Study to evaluate the feasibility of an ultra-high-speed hyperloop passenger and freight transport system initially linking Cleveland and Chicago.[39]

2016 年,超迴路運輸科技公司曾與印度政府考慮在清奈和邦加羅爾之間修建一條計畫路線,345(214英里)的旅途只需要30分鐘[40]。
2018年2月22日,Hyperloop One與馬哈拉什特拉邦政府簽訂了一份合作備忘錄,將在孟買和浦那之間建設一個超迴路列車交通系統,將旅途時間從目前的180分鐘縮短至20分鐘[42][43]。
Many of the active Hyperloop routes that have been considered are outside of the US. In 2016, Hyperloop One published the world's first detailed business case for a 300-英里 (500 km) route between Helsinki and Stockholm, which would tunnel under the Baltic Sea to connect the two capitals in under 30 minutes.[45] Hyperloop One undertook a feasibility study with DP World to move containers from its Port of Jebel Ali in Dubai.[46] In late 2016, Hyperloop One announced a feasibility study with Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority for passenger and freight routes connecting Dubai with the greater United Arab Emirates. Hyperloop One was also considering passenger routes in Moscow during 2016,[47] and a cargo hyperloop to connect Hunchun in north-eastern China to the Port of Zarubino, near Vladivostok and the North Korean border on Russia's Far East.[48] In May 2016, Hyperloop One kicked off their Global Challenge with a call for comprehensive proposals of hyperloop networks around the world.[49] In September 2017, Hyperloop One selected 10 routes from 35 of the strongest proposals: Toronto–Montreal, Cheyenne–Denver–Pueblo, Miami–Orlando, Dallas–Laredo–Houston, Chicago–Columbus–Pittsburgh, Mexico City–Guadalajara, Edinburgh–London, Glasgow–Liverpool, Bengaluru–Chennai, and Mumbai–Chennai.[50][51]
Others have put forward European routes, including a route beginning at Amsterdam or Schiphol to Frankfurt.[52][53][54] In 2016, a Warsaw University of Technology team began evaluating potential routes from Cracow to Gdańsk across Poland proposed by Hyper Poland.[55]
TransPod explored the possibility of hyperloop routes which would connect Toronto and Montreal,[56][57] Toronto to Windsor,[58] and Calgary to Edmonton.[59] Toronto and Montreal, the largest cities in Canada, are currently connected by Ontario Highway 401, the busiest highway in North America.[60] In March 2019, Transport Canada commissioned the study of hyperloops, so it can be "better informed on the technical, operational, economic, safety, and regulatory aspects of the hyperloop and understand its construction requirements and commercial feasibility."[61]
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) reportedly signed an agreement with the government of Slovakia in March 2016 to perform impact studies, with potential links between Bratislava, Vienna, and Budapest, but there have been no further developments.[62] In January 2017, HTT signed an agreement to explore the route Bratislava—Brno—Prague in Central Europe.[63]
In 2017, SINTEF, the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia, announced they were considering building a test lab for hyperloop in Norway.[64]
An agreement was signed in June 2017 to co-develop a hyperloop line between Seoul and Busan in South Korea.[65][66]
根据马斯克的观点,超回路列车在火星上具有实用性。由于火星大气层只相当于地球海平面浓度的1%,使得列车不需要管道就能运行。 [67][12] [68] [69] 在地球上,列车需要低压管道来降低空气阻力;但若能在火星上建造该系统,更低的空气阻力可使得列车不再依赖管道,只需轨道即可运行,使其更接近于磁悬浮列车。 [70]
In September 2013, Ansys Corporation ran computational fluid dynamics simulations to model the aerodynamics of the capsule and shear stress forces that the capsule would be subjected to. The simulation showed that the capsule design would need to be significantly reshaped to avoid creating supersonic airflow, and that the gap between the tube wall and capsule would need to be larger. Ansys employee Sandeep Sovani said the simulation showed that hyperloop has challenges but that he is convinced it is feasible. [71] [72]
In October 2013, the development team of the OpenMDAO software framework released an unfinished, conceptual open-source model of parts of the hyperloop's propulsion system. The team asserted that the model demonstrated the concept's feasibility, although the tube would need to be 13英尺(4) in diameter, [73] significantly larger than originally projected. However, the team's model is not a true working model of the propulsion system, as it did not account for a wide range of technical factors required to physically construct a hyperloop based on Musk's concept, and in particular had no significant estimations of component weight. [74]
In November 2013, MathWorks analyzed the proposal's suggested route and concluded that the route was mainly feasible. The analysis focused on the acceleration experienced by passengers and the necessary deviations from public roads in order to keep the accelerations reasonable; it did highlight that maintaining a trajectory along I-580 east of San Francisco at the planned speeds was not possible without significant deviation into heavily populated areas. [75]
In January 2015, a paper based on the NASA OpenMDAO open-source model reiterated the need for a larger diameter tube and a reduced cruise speed closer to Mach 0.85. It recommended removing on-board heat exchangers based on thermal models of the interactions between the compressor cycle, tube, and ambient environment. The compression cycle would only contribute 5% of the heat added to the tube, with 95% of the heat attributed to radiation and convection into the tube. The weight and volume penalty of on-board heat exchangers would not be worth the minor benefit, and regardless the steady-state temperature in the tube would only reach 30—40 °F(17—22 °C) above ambient temperature. [76]
According to Musk, various aspects of the hyperloop have technology applications to other Musk interests, including surface transportation on Mars and electric jet propulsion.[77][78]
Researchers associated with MIT's department of Aeronautics and Astronautics published research in June 2017 that verified the challenge of aerodynamic design near the Kantrowitz limit that had been theorized in the original SpaceX Alpha-design concept released in 2013.[79]
In 2017, Dr. Richard Geddes and others formed the Hyperloop Advanced Research Partnership to act as a clearinghouse of Hyperloop public domain reports and data.[80]
In February 2020, Hardt Hyperloop, Hyper Poland, TransPod and Zeleros formed a consortium to drive standardisation efforts, as part of a joint technical committee (JTC20) set up by European standards bodies CEN and CENELEC to develop common standards aimed at ensuring the safety and interoperability of infrastructure, rolling stock, signalling and other systems.[81]
2016年11月,海波卢普科技公司位於美國拉斯維加斯的Hyperloop One (與伊隆·馬斯克無關) & Hyperloop Genesis 與杜拜簽署協議,開始進行可行性分析研究如何建造杜拜到阿布達比超迴路列車。
2016年Virgin Hyperloop 舉辦了一個跨世界的競賽,邀請了世界各地的設計團隊,對不同地方進行評估,選出世界各國最適合興建超迴路列車的地。選拔從2600個候選者,然後縮減至35個入圍者,最後在各方評比下選出10個優秀路線。這些團隊將能夠與 Virgin Hyperloop 進行合作。
從2015年開始每年都由SpaceX主辦,讓大學生設計並打造小尺寸的超迴路列車的運送艙,進階者作品能在實際的低壓管內試跑。 擁有最快速度者,為該屆比賽冠軍。於2016 SpaceX在其加州總部旁搭建約1.6 km(1英里)長的試驗低壓管,尺寸比白皮書中的略小。SpaceX於該年網站上聲明:「SpaceX或是馬斯克並無與任何其他公司有關係。SpaceX並不是為了商業化目的而舉辦,而是要支持促進超回力列車運送艙原型的設計速度。[91]
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- Hyperloop Technologes (页面存档备份,存于)
- Tesla Motors:Hyperloop AlphaPDF
- SpaceX:Hyperloop AlphaPDF