
A portion of the Great Wall of China near Beijing (July 2006)
- 長城
- 1796, The Annual Register, or, a view of the History, Politicks, and Literature for the Year 1767 [對1767年歷史、政治、文學的年錄或淺觀], 5th版, : J. Dodsley,頁號 38:
- The Mongalls are a numerous people, and occupy a large extent of country, from this place to the Kallgan, which ſignines the everlaſting Wall, or the great wall of China.
- 蒙古人口眾多,佔領了從此地到張家口,代表著中國長城關外的大片土地。
- 2018 8月 2, Christina Zhao, “Great Wall of China Collapse: Poor Renovation Works And Heavy Rainfall Blamed [中国长城倒塌:罪在修复工程不力和暴雨]”, 出自 ,於02 August 2018歸檔自原頁面:
- A northern section of the Great Wall of China collapsed after a period of heavy rain last month, with many blaming poor-quality renovations for the deterioration of the iconic landmark.
- 在上个月的一场大雨后,中国长城北边的一段倒塌,许多人将这一标志性地标的恶化归咎于劣质的修复工程。
- 2022 2月 6, Mari Saito, Winni Zhou, “Snowboarding-Proud Kiwi Sadowski-Synnott bags New Zealand's first Winter Games gold [單板滑雪名將,新西蘭運動員薩多夫斯基-辛諾特為該國奪得首枚冬奧會金牌]”, 出自 ,於30 May 2022歸檔自原頁面:
- Sadowski-Synnott scored 92.88 on her final run, landing back-to-back 1080s on a challenging course resembling the Great Wall of China.
Asked how she felt about making history as the island nation's first Winter Games gold medallist, she said it made her a "proud Kiwi".- 薩多夫斯基-辛諾特最後一跳做出頗具挑戰性的1080度轉體,在“雪長城”形狀的場地上平穩落地,得分92.88分。
- 薩多夫斯基-辛諾特最後一跳做出頗具挑戰性的1080度轉體,在“雪長城”形狀的場地上平穩落地,得分92.88分。
- “Great Wall of China” in the Collins English Dictionary
- “Great Wall of China, pn.”, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
- OneLook 在线词典 上有关 Great Wall of China 的释义
- “Great Wall of China” in Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary.
- “Great Wall of China” in TheFreeDictionary.com, 賓夕法尼亞州亨廷頓谷: Farlex, Inc., 2003–2024.
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