- (原意,幽默,貶義) 防火長城
- 1997, A. Michael Froomkin, “Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: The Role of Intermediaries [網絡空間的司法權:中間人的角色]”, 出自 Borders in Cyberspace: Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure [網絡空間的邊界:信息政策和全球信息基礎設施], →OCLC,頁號 146:
- Behind this hypothetical Great Firewall of China, most users would be allowed to exchange information with foreign sites if they were on the approved list
- 在這道假想的防火長城背後,大部分使用者能與白名單上的外國網站進行信息交換
- 2001, Greg Walton, China's Golden Shield: Corporations and the Development of Surveillance Technology in the People's Republic of China [金盾工程:中華人民共和國監控技術與公司的發展], →OCLC,頁號 5:
- The "Great Firewall of China" is failing, largely due to the increased volume of Internet traffic in China.
- 防火長城正在逐漸失效,其中一個很大的原因在於中國網絡流量的持續增加。
- 2007, Dinah PoKempner, “A Shrinking Realm: Freedom of Expression Since 9/11 [縮小的領域:九一一事件後的言論自由]”, 出自 Human Rights Watch World Report 2007 [2007年世界人權觀察報告], →ISBN,頁號 76:
- The Great Firewall of China is a case of corporate collaboration in censorship.
- 防火長城是企業合作進行內容審查的案例之一。
- 2015 3月 31, Dan Goodin, “Massive denial-of-service attack on GitHub tied to Chinese government [GitHub 遭受大量阻斷服務攻擊,攻擊者與中國政府相關]”, 出自 , retrieved 2015-04-01:
- The targets suggest the attackers are sympathetic to the vast censorship apparatus known as the Great Firewall of China.
- 受攻擊的目標來源暗示,攻擊者對防火長城這一大型內容審查機構抱有同情。
在英語維基百科上的資料。維基百科 en
- ↑ Jonathon Keats (2010) Virtual Words: Language on the Edge of Science and Technology, Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199752904, 页69: “Noting this local slang, the June 1997 issue of Wired presented the newfangled Chinese internet to Western audiences with a decidedly ironic spin, introducing Great Firewall of China into the lexicon.”
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