- 的過時形式。
- 1910, The Provinces of China, Together with a History of the First Year of H.I.M. Hsuan Tung, and an Account of the Government of China [中国各省、宣统元年史及中国政府记述], Shanghai: "The National Review" Office, →OCLC, →OL,頁號 111:
- Reaching Samshui the stream bifurcates, one branch moving northward past Fatshan and Canton, thence being known as the Chu Kiang or Pearl River, and the other still retaining the name of West River and sweeping past Kongmoon to the sea.
- 至三水,河流分叉,一支向北流过佛山、广州,称为珠江;另一支仍保留西江之名,流过江门入海。
- 1945, Mark Tennien, Chungking Listening Post, : , Inc., →OCLC,頁號 37:
- The Japanese Army had taken Kongmoon, South China, in 1939, but the American priests there went on with their mission tasks and in addition dispensed rice and wheat daily to the thousands of starving refugees.
- 1939年,日本军队占领了中国南方的江门,但那里的美国神父继续执行他们的传教任务,此外每天向数千名饥饿的难民分发大米和小麦。
- 1956, Theodore Shabad, China's Changing Map: A Political and Economic Geography of the Chinese People's Republic [中国变化地图:中华人民共和国的政治和经济地理], : , →LCCN, →OCLC,頁號 166:
- With the exception of Shiukwan on the Canton-Hankow railroad, Kwangtung’s regional centers are situated along the coast, notably in the Canton delta. There, in addition to Canton, are the cities of Fatshan, Kongmoon and Shekki.
- 除粤汉铁路上的韶关外,广东省的区域中心均位于沿海地区,尤其是珠江三角洲地区。除广州外,还有佛山、江门和石岐等城市。
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