

  • , (兩者皆棄用)
  • (錯誤拼寫)




  • (en英國) 國際音標(幫助)/ˌpɔː.t͡ʃəˈɡiːz/
  • (en通用美式) 國際音標(幫助)/ˈpɔɹ.t͡ʃə.ɡiz/
  • 音頻 (英國)(檔案)
  • 音頻 (美國)(檔案)
  • 韻部:-iːz



  1. 葡萄牙
    • 1973, Roger Parkinson, The Peninsular War,頁號 104:
      The British army had already moved over the border and the commander had established his HQ high in the central Portuguese mountains at Viseu.
  2. 與葡萄牙人民文化有關的
    • 1887, George Brown Goode, The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States, section IV,頁號 33:
      In San Diego County there is but one Portuguese fisherman, as is also the case in Los Angeles, the county immediately adjoining.
  3. 與葡萄牙語有關的
    • 1981, Milton Mariano Azevedo, A Contrastive Phonology of Portuguese and English,頁號 31:
      The latter feature indicates that a Portuguese consonant cannot constitute the nucleus of a syllable.


  • 有關本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Portuguese。


  • (棄用)



E também as memórias gloriosas
Daqueles Reis, que foram dilatando
A Fé, o Império, e as terras viciosas
De África e de Ásia andaram devastando;

Luís Vaz de Camões

And also the glorious memories
Of those Kings, who were expanding
The Faith, the Empire, and had been devastating
The vicious lands of Africa and Asia;


  1. (主要用於以複數形式) 葡萄牙人,居住在葡萄牙的人
    • 1920, Paulus Edward Pieris, Ceylon and the Portuguese, 1505-1658,頁號 184:
      With a view to securing its more efficient working, a Portuguese was placed in charge of the entire department as Vidane.
    • 2000, René Chartrand, Bill Younghusband, The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars, 卷 1,頁號 23:
      Beresford required all materials for coatees, waistcoats and pantaloons to be sent out unmade, as the Portuguese were perfectly capable of making the suits up properly after delivery.


  • 有關本詞的更多用例,請參閱Citations:Portuguese。


  • (棄用)
  • (現罕用)


  1. 葡萄牙語
    • 2000, João Costa, Portuguese Syntax: new comparative studies,頁號 65:
      Portuguese, however, is slightly different from Catalan, Spanish, and Romanian in that there is no strict adjacency requirement between wh-words and the verbal cluster in indirect questions.


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