

(在,在...里,在...上) + (火焰)


  • (美國) 國際音標(幫助)/əˈbleɪz/
  • 韻部:-eɪz
  • (美国)音频(檔案)



  1. 猛烈燃烧的,炽热(18世纪)
    • 1791, The Bee, Volume 4, Short Chronicle of Events, 27 July, 1791, p. v,
      On entering the walls which surround the house, then all ablaze, a most dreadful conflict took place []
    • 1881, , “The Torch”, 出自 , Boston: James R. Osgood,頁號 305:
      The canoe, a dim shadowy thing, moves across the black water, / Bearing a torch ablaze at the prow.
    • 1932, Pearl S. Buck, Sons, Wakefield, RI: Moyer Bell, 1992, Chapter 13, pp. 128-129,
      So Wang and Tiger’s men rushed into such houses as were not too ablaze and they began to drag out booty of silken pieces and yards of cloth and garments and anything they could carry.
    • 2011 10月 23, Phil McNulty, “Man Utd 1 - 6 Man City”, 出自 BBC Sport:
      Mario Balotelli, in the headlines for accidentally setting his house ablaze with fireworks, put City on their way with goals either side of the interval as United struggled to contain the array of attacking talent in front of them.
  2. 耀眼的,亮眼(18世纪)
    • 1716, , , 3rd版, London: Bernard Lintot, 出版於 1730, Book 3, p. 64:
      The Heav’ns are all a-blaze, the face of night
      Is cover’d with a sanguine dreadful light:
    • 1872, , Christus: A Mystery:
      All ablaze with crimson and gold.
    • 1923, , 章號 I, 出自 :
      The day being June the thirtieth, which is the very high-tide time of summer flowers, the immediate neighbourhood of the castle was ablaze with roses, pinks, pansies, carnations, hollyhocks, columbines, larkspurs, London pride, Canterbury bells, and a multitude of other choice blooms.
    • 1961, , 章號 3, 出自 , Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 出版於 1969,頁號 13:
      She loved this hour when the lights were coming up in the causeway: white and blue and orange lights and the hotels and coloured adverts ablaze but not yet effective in the pale twilight.
    • 2021 7月 28, Paul Bigland, “Calder line captures picturesque Pennines”, 出自 RAIL, 期 936,頁號 69:
      Autumn is a lovely time to visit as the tree cover near the line is ablaze with colour.
  3. 非常激动的,非常兴奋(17世纪)
    • 大約1680, uncredited translator, An Essay upon the Action of an Orator by Michel Le Faucheur, London: Nicholas Cox, pp. 184-185,
      And this Fire of your Eyes easily strikes those of your Auditors, who have theirs constantly fixt upon yours; and it must needs set them a-blaze too upon the same Resentment and Passion.
    • 1851, , The Life of John Sterling:
      The young Cambridge democrats were all ablaze to assist Torrijos.
    • 1880, , 章號 40, 出自 , New York: Scribner,頁號 318:
      Raoul was ablaze with indignation.
    • 1955, , “: The Dark is Light Enough”, 出自 Notes of a Native Son, New York: Dial, 出版於 1963,頁號 48:
      His indifference to Carmen, who has all the other males in sight quivering with a passion never seen on land or sea, sets her ablaze; in a series of scenes which it is difficult to call erotic without adding that they are also infantile, she goes after him and he falls.
    • 2019, , , Edinburgh: Canongate:
      [] Dawit, glorious and fearless, charging at the enemy, [] his eyes ablaze with a hatred so pure that for a moment, the draws back before he lifts his weapon and aims.


  • (所有义项)




  1. 燃烧着 (19世纪初叶)[1]
    • 1969, , “The Haunting of the New”, 出自 , New York: Knopf,頁號 143:
      [] with the spontaneous combustion the house smouldered ablaze.
  2. 耀眼地
  3. 非常激动地


  1. Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief; William R. Trumble and Angus Stevenson, editors (2002), “ablaze”, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 5th版, Oxford; New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-860457-0, 页5
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