源自,頭音由 duellum → bellum(對比duis → bis)。
n (属格); 第二类变格
- 戰爭
- w:韦格蒂乌斯
- Sī vīs pācem parā bellum.
- 想要和平,就要準備戰爭。
- Si omnes opinionibus pugnent non sint bella.
- If everyone should fight for their own convictions there would be no war.
- w:韦格蒂乌斯
格 | 單數 | 複數 |
主格 | ||
屬格 | ||
與格 | ||
賓格 | ||
奪格 | ||
呼格 |
- 方位格單數:
- 的主格中性單數
- 的賓格陽性單數
- 的賓格中性單數
- 的呼格中性單數
- bellum in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
- “bellum”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- 在Charles du Fresne du Cange的Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
- bellum在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典), Hachette中的內容
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- (模糊)to threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war: minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellum
- (模糊)to threaten war, carnage: denuntiare bellum, caedem (Sest. 20. 46)
- (模糊)a religious war: bellum pro religionibus susceptum
- (模糊)men exempt from service owing to age: qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutiles
- (模糊)to charge some one with the conduct of a war: praeficere aliquem bello gerendo
- (模糊)the command-in-chief: summa belli, imperii (B. G. 2. 4. 7)
- (模糊)to make preparations for war: bellum parare
- (模糊)preparations for war; war-material: apparatus (rare in plur.) belli
- (模糊)to make formal declaration of war: bellum indīcere, denuntiare
- (模糊)a regular, formal war: bellum iustum (pium)
- (模糊)a civil war: bellum intestinum, domesticum (opp. bellum externum)
- (模糊)to cause a war: bellum facere, movere, excitare
- (模糊)to kindle a war: bellum conflare (Fam. 5. 2. 8)
- (模糊)to meditate war: bellum moliri
- (模糊)to commence hostilities: bellum incipere, belli initium facere (B. G. 7. 1. 5)
- (模糊)to interfere in a war: bello se interponere (Liv. 35. 48)
- (模糊)to be involved in a war: bello implicari
- (模糊)to begin a war with some one: bellum cum aliquo inire
- (模糊)a war is imminent: bellum impendet, imminet, instat
- (模糊)war breaks out: bellum oritur, exardescit
- (模糊)everywhere the torch of war is flaming: omnia bello flagrant or ardent (Fam. 4. 1. 2)
- (模糊)to make war on a person: bellum gerere cum aliquo
- (模糊)to wage war in conjunction with some one: bellum coniungere (Imp. Pomp. 9. 26)
- (模糊)to protract, prolong a war: bellum ducere, trahere, extrahere
- (模糊)to carry on a war energetically: omni studio in (ad) bellum incumbere
- (模糊)to invade: bellum inferre alicui (Att. 9. 1. 3)
- (模糊)to be the aggressor in a war; to act on the offensive: bellum or arma ultro inferre
- (模糊)to act on the defensive: bellum (inlatum) defendere
- (模糊)to go to war, commence a campaign: proficisci ad bellum, in expeditionem (Sall. Iug. 103)
- (模糊)to send to the war: mittere ad bellum
- (模糊)to have the control of the war: bellum administrare
- (模糊)to harass with war: bello persequi aliquem, lacessere
- (模糊)to put an end to war: belli finem facere, bellum finire
- (模糊)to terminate a war (by force of arms and defeat of one's opponents): bellum conficere, perficere
- (模糊)to terminate a war (by a treaty, etc.: bellum componere (Fam. 10. 33)
- (模糊)to transfer the seat of war elsewhere: bellum transferre alio, in...
- (模糊)the seat of war, theatre of operations: belli sedes (Liv. 4. 31)
- (模糊)to change one's tactics: rationem belli gerendi mutare (Liv. 32. 31)
- (模糊)to triumph over some one: triumphare de aliquo (ex bellis)
- (模糊)to threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war: minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellum
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