

借自拉丁語 (投掷,射出)的完成时被动过去分词,源自 () + (扔,抛),源自 (投射物),源自 (丢出,掷出)


  • (標準英音) 國際音標(幫助)/ɪˈdʒæk.jʊ.leɪt/
  • (英国)音频(檔案)
  • (通用美式) 英語發音ĭjăʹkyəlāt、國際音標(幫助)/ɪˈdʒæk.jə.leɪt/
  • (標準英音) 國際音標(幫助)/ɪˈdʒæk.jʊ.lət/
  • (英国)音频(檔案)
  • (通用美式) 英語發音ĭjăʹkyələt、國際音標(幫助)/ɪˈdʒæk.jə.lət/
  • 斷字:eja‧cu‧late



  1. (及物) (突然)弹射,弹出
    • 1712年Richard Blackmore, Creation: A Philosophical Poem. Demonstrating the Existence and Providence of a God. In Seven Books, book I, London: Printed for S. Buckley, at the Dolphin in Little-Britain; and J[acob] Tonson, at Shakespear's Head over-against Catherine-Street in the Strand, OCLC 731619916; 5th edition, Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, for G. Risk, G. Ewing, and W. Smith, in Dame's-street, 1727, OCLC 728300884, page 7:
      The mighty Magnet from the Center darts / This ſtrong, tho' Force, thro' all the Parts: / Its active Rays ejaculated thence, / Irradiate all the wide Circumference.
  2. (不及物) 唐突说道,突然说道
    • 1857, , The Empress Eugenie's Boudoir, London: Published, for the proprietor, by , No. 7, Wellington Street North, 頁號 52:
      Vigors almost bounded on the pavement at the mention of the name; and he ejaculated, "It is he of whom I am in search ! But why do you ask? Is it possible that—"
    • 1892–1893, with H. Bencraft Joly, transl., , Hong Kong: , →OCLC:
      Lady Feng was at the moment having a little goodhumoured raillery with Yüan Yang, and was taken so much off her guard, that she was quite startled out of her senses. "Aiyah!" she ejaculated.
    • 1922 February, , “[Episode 16]”, 出自 , Paris: Shakespeare and Company, [], →OCLC:
      —Half a crown, Stephen responded. I daresay he needs it to sleep somewhere.
      —Needs! Mr Bloom ejaculated, professing not the least surprise at the intelligence, I can quite credit the assertion and I guarantee he invariably does.
    • 2003, , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:
      "We're not going to use magic?" Ron ejaculated loudly.
  3. (生物學及物) 射出喷射
    • 1910 6月 20, Gilman A. Drew, “Sexual Activities of the Squid, Loligo pealii (Les.). I. Copulation, Egg-laying and Fertilization”, 出自 Journal of Morphology, 卷 22, 期 2, Philadelphia, Pa.: , 出版於 1911頁號 334:
      The s begin to ejaculate immediately after leaving the penis and the whole process is completed in a very few seconds. Pulling the filament attached to the ejaculatory end of a spermatophore is all that is needed to start its ejaculation.
  4. (尤其指及物和不及物) (男性或雄性哺乳动物)(精);(女性或雌性哺乳动物)潮射,潮吹
    Men can ejaculate between 0.1 and 10 milliliters of semen on average. (及物)
    With a groan, he ejaculated on his abdomen. (不及物)
    • 1994, with Bonnie Bullough, Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia [Garland Reference Library of Social Science; 685], New York, N.Y., London: , →ISBN,頁號 180:
      [I]n controlled studies some men have been observed to ejaculate but not have orgasm or have orgasm but are unable to ejaculate.
    • 2003, Deborah Sundahl, “Foreword”, 出自 Female Ejaculation and the G-spot, Alameda, Calif.: , →ISBN,頁號 ix:
      The knowledge that some women ejaculate at the moment of orgasm was, like many other important aspects of sexuality, buried by Puritanism and patriarchy.
    • 2012, Q. Ashton Acton 編, Germ Cells – Advances in Research and Application, Atlanta, Ga.: , →ISBN,頁號 38:
      However, it would be highly useful if the ejaculated spermatozoa could be successfully cryopreserved and the frozen-thawed spermatozoa used for in vitro fertilization, since this would allow the genetically valuable rats to be maintained alive rather than sacrificed.
    • 2012, Tim Glover, Mating Males: An Evolutionary Perspective on Mammalian Reproduction, Cambridge: , →ISBN,頁號 78:
      Bulls, rams and boars have the biggest testes among the larger domestic animals, so they would be expected to produce and ejaculate more sperms than others with smaller testes.
    • 2012, Abjectly Boundless: Boundaries, Bodies and Health Work, Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, Vt.: , →ISBN,頁號s 90–91:
      Rather, these men prefer an erotic exhibition – an uninhibited display of ejaculating semen onto themselves or someone else.



(可數 不可數,複數)

  1. 射出液体;(尤指)精液阴道分泌物
    • 1971 August, K. L. Macmillan with J. D. Watson, “The Effect on Conception Rate of Mixing Semen from First and Second Ejaculates”, 出自 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 卷 14, 期 3, Wellington: ,頁號 703:
      If semen from two ejaculates obtained from one bull is mixed, and the conception rate for the mixed sample is compared with that obtained by the use of the two ejaculates independently, any tendency for the mixed sample's conception rate to be closer to that of either of the two individual ejaculates could be used as a sensitive measure of the relationship between the semen characteristics of the two ejaculates and conception rate.
    • 1994, with Bonnie Bullough, Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia [Garland Reference Library of Social Science; 685], New York, N.Y., London: , →ISBN,頁號 181:
      The ejaculate usually spurts out as the prostate gland and surrounding muscles, as well as those at the base of the penis, contract at orgasm. In young males, the force of the spurt can be strong enough for the ejaculate to hit the upper chest; in older males, it may roll out or go an inch or two up the abdomen.
    • 2003, Deborah Sundahl, Female Ejaculation and the G-spot, Alameda, Calif.: , →ISBN,頁號 34:
      Female ejaculate is a clear liquid. Its consistency is akin to that of very light lubricant, but it is watery rather than slick. [] [B]oth women's and men's ejaculate is prostatic fluid (that is, both are created by the prostate).
    • 2012, Tim Glover, Mating Males: An Evolutionary Perspective on Mammalian Reproduction, Cambridge: , →ISBN,頁號 79:
      A smaller mammal such as a dog has a sperm concentration of 300 000 000 per millilitre in an ejaculate of 8 ml in volume. Thus, each ejaculate will contain only 2 400 000 000 (24 × 108).
    • 2016, [et al.], “Human Sperm Competition”, 出自 編, The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Volume 2. Application, 2nd版, 卷 II, Hoboken, N.J.: , →ISBN,頁號 431:
      Ejaculates are costly to produce for human males. Frequent ejaculation, especially more frequent than every other day, results in decreased sperm counts [] , suggesting limits to sperm production. Men hardly seem limited by sperm production, however, given the apparent wastage of sperm. Sperm are continuously lost in the urine, and entire ejaculates are lost during nocturnal emissions and masturbation, although masturbatory ejaculates contain fewer sperm than do copulatory ejaculates []



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